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Topic: cardinals and ordinals

Kenny Lau (Aug 22 2018 at 14:21):

In lean they are not sets? i.e. set_theory/zfc.lean and set_theory/cardinal.lean are independent?

Kenny Lau (Aug 22 2018 at 14:59):

so I've written my embedding:

import set_theory.zfc set_theory.ordinal

universe u

noncomputable def ordinal.to_Set (o : ordinal.{u}) : Set.{u+1} :=
quotient.mk $ ordinal.limit_rec_on o  (λ _ s, insert s s) $ λ L _ ih,
pSet.Union $ pSet.mk { o // o < L } $ λ o', ih o'.1 o'.2

Kenny Lau (Aug 22 2018 at 14:59):

and I wonder if I can do it in pSet.{u}

Kenny Lau (Aug 22 2018 at 20:15):

import set_theory.zfc set_theory.ordinal

universe u

attribute [elab_as_eliminator] well_founded.induction

def Well_order.to_pSet (w : Well_order.{u}) : pSet.{u} :=
pSet.mk w.1 $ well_founded.fix (@is_well_order.wf w.1 w.2 w.3) $ λ x ih,
pSet.mk { y | w.r y x } $ λ p, ih p.1 p.2

theorem ordinal.to_Set.aux (v w : Well_order.{u}) (e : v.2 o w.2) (x : v.1) :
  (Well_order.to_pSet v).func x  (Well_order.to_pSet w).func (e x) :=
show pSet.equiv
  (well_founded.fix (@is_well_order.wf v.1 v.2 v.3)
    (λ x ih, pSet.mk { y | v.r y x } $ λ p, ih p.1 p.2) x)
  (well_founded.fix (@is_well_order.wf w.1 w.2 w.3)
    (λ x ih, pSet.mk { y | w.r y x } $ λ p, ih p.1 p.2) (e x)),
from well_founded.induction (@is_well_order.wf v.1 v.2 v.3) x $ λ x ih,
by rw [well_founded.fix_eq, well_founded.fix_eq];
from ⟨λ y, hy, ⟨⟨e y, (order_iso.ord e).1 hy, ih y hy,
λ y, hy, ⟨⟨e.symm y, by simpa using (order_iso.ord e.symm).1 hy,
  by have := ih (e.symm y) (by simpa using (order_iso.ord e.symm).1 hy); rw [order_iso.apply_inverse_apply] at this; from this⟩⟩

def ordinal.to_Set (o : ordinal.{u}) : Set.{u} :=
quotient.lift_on o (λ w, Well_order.to_pSet w) $ λ v1, v2, v3 w1, w2, w3 e, quotient.sound
⟨λ x, e x, ordinal.to_Set.aux _ _ e x,
λ x, e.symm x, by simpa using ordinal.to_Set.aux v1, v2, v3 w1, w2, w3 e (e.symm x)⟩⟩

Kenny Lau (Aug 22 2018 at 20:15):

and I did it in the same universe @Mario Carneiro

Kenny Lau (Aug 22 2018 at 20:16):

and I still don't think it's a good idea to destruct the Well_order in the definition of the setoid of ordinal

Kenny Lau (Aug 22 2018 at 20:54):

and after 38 minutes, the other direction:

Kenny Lau (Aug 22 2018 at 20:54):

def pSet.type.setoid (p : pSet.{u}) : setoid p.type :=
⟨λ i j, p.func i = p.func j, λ i, rfl, λ i j, eq.symm, λ i j k, eq.trans

local attribute [instance] pSet.type.setoid

def Set.cardinal (s : Set.{u}) : cardinal.{u} :=
quotient.lift_on s (λ p, cardinal.mk $ quotient $ pSet.type.setoid p) $
λ p1, p2 q1, q2 H, quotient.sound $ nonempty.intro
{ to_fun := λ x, quotient.lift_on x (λ i, @@quotient.mk (pSet.type.setoid $ pSet.mk q1 q2) (classical.some (H.1 i))) $ λ i j H',
    quotient.sound $
    calc  q2 (classical.some (H.1 i))
        = p2 i : eq.symm (quotient.sound $ classical.some_spec (H.1 i))
    ... = p2 j : H'
    ... = q2 (classical.some (H.1 j)) : quotient.sound (classical.some_spec (H.1 j)),
  inv_fun := λ x, quotient.lift_on x (λ i, @@quotient.mk (pSet.type.setoid $ pSet.mk p1 p2) $ classical.some $ H.2 i) $ λ i j H',
    quotient.sound $
    calc  p2 (classical.some (H.2 i))
        = q2 i : quotient.sound (classical.some_spec (H.2 i))
    ... = q2 j : H'
    ... = p2 (classical.some (H.2 j)) : eq.symm (quotient.sound $ classical.some_spec (H.2 j)),
  left_inv := λ i, quotient.induction_on i $ λ i, quotient.sound $
    calc  p2 (classical.some (H.2 (classical.some (H.1 i))))
        = q2 (classical.some (H.1 i)) : quotient.sound (classical.some_spec (H.2 _))
    ... = p2 i : eq.symm (quotient.sound $ classical.some_spec (H.1 i)),
  right_inv := λ i, quotient.induction_on i $ λ i, quotient.sound $
    calc  q2 (classical.some (H.1 (classical.some (H.2 i))))
        = p2 (classical.some (H.2 i)) : eq.symm (quotient.sound $ classical.some_spec (H.1 _))
    ... = q2 i : quotient.sound (classical.some_spec (H.2 i)) }

Kenny Lau (Aug 22 2018 at 21:15):

@Mario Carneiro should I develop on this and then PR?

Kenny Lau (Aug 22 2018 at 22:32):

theorem Well_order.to_pSet.exact (w : Well_order.{u}) (x : w.1) :
   y, w.to_pSet.func x = w.to_pSet.func y  x = y :=
well_founded.induction (@is_well_order.wf w.1 w.2 w.3) x $ λ x ih y H,
  replace H := quotient.exact H,
  rw [Well_order.to_pSet.def, Well_order.to_pSet.def] at H,
  letI := w.3,
  rcases is_trichotomous.trichotomous w.2 x y with h | h | h,
  { rcases H.2 x, h with ⟨⟨z, hzx, h1,
    specialize ih z hzx x (quotient.sound h1),
    subst ih,
    exact is_irrefl.irrefl w.r _ hzx },
  { exact h },
  { rcases H.1 y, h with ⟨⟨z, hzy, h1,
    specialize ih y h z (quotient.sound h1),
    subst ih,
    exact is_irrefl.irrefl w.r _ hzy }

example (c : cardinal.{u}) : c.ord.to_Set.to_cardinal = c :=
  apply quotient.induction_on c,
  intro c,
  have := cardinal.ord_eq c,
  rcases this with r, wo, H,
  simp [H, ordinal.type, ordinal.to_Set],
  rw [Set.mk, Set.to_cardinal, quotient.lift_on_beta],
  apply quotient.sound,
  fapply equiv.mk,
  { fapply quotient.lift,
    { exact id },
    { intros x y H,
      exact Well_order.to_pSet.exact _ _ _ H } },
  { exact quotient.mk },
  { intro x,
    apply quotient.induction_on x,
    intro x,
    refl },
  { intro x, refl }

Kenny Lau (Aug 22 2018 at 22:33):

that's the round trip in one direction

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC