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Stream: maths

Topic: constructive (computable) power rule

Congzhou Sha (Sep 16 2022 at 15:24):

Hi all, from what I understand of the calculus section, the derivative of polynomials is defined completely formally, and is thus noncomputable. I've performed the proof explicitly for integer powers here: https://github.com/mikesha2/power_rule/tree/main

I'm totally new to Lean, so I'm unsure if this is something valuable and if there's interest in formalizing more tedious inequalities?

Eric Wieser (Sep 16 2022 at 17:12):

I think you're fighting against the tide here. Making polynomial derivatives computable seems pretty pointless as long as polynomial addition is non-computably!

Eric Wieser (Sep 16 2022 at 17:15):

Having said that, that looks like it was a great project to get familiar with lean, and it's very possible that some of your helper lemmas belong in mathlib (assuming they're not already there!)

Eric Wieser (Sep 16 2022 at 17:15):

Are you aware of docs#deriv_pow?

Congzhou Sha (Sep 16 2022 at 19:15):

Yes, I saw that, but again, it looks like it's a strictly formal proof, since it relies on docs#polynomial.derivative, in which the polynomial derivative is defined/assumed rather than proven, making it a tautology (in the mathematics sense, not the lean sense)

Junyan Xu (Sep 16 2022 at 19:28):

It uses docs#polynomial.derivative only because it uses the more general theorem docs#polynomial.has_strict_deriv_at that connects the derivative in the normed_field sense and the formal polynomial derviative.

Eric Wieser (Sep 16 2022 at 21:25):

I think a better model is to consider docs#polynomial.derivative as a name for an arbitrary polynomial that just so happens to be the derivative, just as defining def sqrt_four : ℕ := 2 happens to name a square root of 4. We're not proving a tautology when we show sqrt_four^2 = 4, we're simultaneously proving that we found the square root, 2, and that the name we chose for it was a sensible one.

Eric Wieser (Sep 16 2022 at 21:27):

What do you mean in your readme when you say "the proofs are noncomputable"?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC