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Stream: maths
Topic: explicit polynomials
Jon Eugster (May 16 2021 at 16:26):
import linear_algebra.finite_dimensional
import ring_theory.integral_closure
import ring_theory.localization -- for fraction_ring
-- Note: This says basically that we can have `(↑d⁻¹:A)`.
class equal_char_zero (R : Type*) [add_monoid R] [has_one R] extends char_zero R :=
(has_lift: has_lift ℚ R)
(cast_injective': function.injective (coe : ℚ → R))
def div_endo_linear_map (K: Type*) [field K] (d:ℚ): K →ₗ[K] K :=
to_fun := λx, (d⁻¹)*x,
map_add' :=
intros x y,
exact mul_add (↑d)⁻¹ x y,
map_smul' :=
intros m x,
exact mul_smul_comm m (↑d)⁻¹ x,
lemma div_endo_linear_map.is_integral {A: Type*} [integral_domain A] (d:ℚ) (hd: d≠0)
{y:(fraction_ring A)} (h:is_integral A y) [equal_char_zero A]:
is_integral A ((div_endo_linear_map (fraction_ring A) d) y) :=
cases h with p hp,
1) If `p = a_n X^n + ... + a_0`, then create the polynomial
`q = (a_n/d^n) X^n + ... + (a_0/d^0)`
2) since `p(y) = 0`, we should get that `q(d*y) = 0`
3) `q' = d^n*q` is monic with `q'(d*y) = 0`.
I looked through the file defining polynomials but I don't fully understand them. Could somebody give me a hint how to construct explicit polynomials (i.e. by modifying each coefficient of another polynomial).
Above I try to prove that if is integral over then so is (where is essentially a unit in ). The way of doing that is to explicitly construct an annihilating polynomial. I think I could work out step 2)
and 3)
once I got step 1)
Thanks for the help!
Thomas Browning (May 16 2021 at 16:53):
In this case, could you use polynomial.comp
, where you compose p
with (1/d) * X?
Eric Rodriguez (May 16 2021 at 17:09):
that'd also need a lemma explaining how the leading coeff changes with .comp
, which I don't think exists
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC