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Stream: maths

Topic: extend presheaf from basis

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 09:39):

@Scott Morrison Somehow this is not doing what I hoped:

import category_theory.presheaves
import category_theory.sheaves
import category_theory.limits

open category_theory
open category_theory.examples
open category_theory.limits

universes u v w

variables {X : Top.{u}}
variables {V : Type v} [𝒱 : category.{v w} V] [has_limits.{v w} V]
include 𝒱

def extend {B : set (set X)} (h : topological_space.is_topological_basis B) (F : presheaf B V) :
presheaf (open_set X) V :=
{ obj  := λ U, limit ((full_subcategory_embedding (λ U' : B, U'.1  U))  F),
  map' := sorry }

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 09:40):

The embedding is complaining about universes. I don't get why.

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 09:43):

@Johan Commelin, I'm just guessing here, but there are universe constraints in taking limits.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 10 2018 at 09:44):

I don't know anything about your errors but even seeing that you're daring to write this sort of code -- "extending a presheaf from a basis might be possible" -- makes me quite excited for the future.

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 09:44):

In particular, the index category is meant to be a category.{v v}, and the target category is meant to be a category.{u v}.

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 09:44):

If you don't satisfy those constraints to begin with, you're going to have to ulift.

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 09:45):

Me too, by the way --- I'm very excited to see things like this work!

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 09:45):

But it is looking for some Type w. I really don't know where it is getting that from?

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 09:45):

Do you have comma categories somewhere?

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 10 2018 at 09:45):

One thing which might be obvious to everyone already is that of course when you extend, you don't literally "extend", you define a new object on all open sets, and its values on basic open sets are isomorphic to, but not defeq to, the values taken by the old object.

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 09:45):

I just want the category of opens contained in U.

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 09:45):

Maybe you already have this somewhere...

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 09:46):

@Kevin Buzzard Do you want me to include the scare-quotes in the definition :lol: ?

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 10 2018 at 09:47):

I am just being reminded of the nightmares I had when doing sheaves by hand in the schemes project.

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 10:06):

Sorry, I will try to look at this soon. I'm working on installation instructions, still. :-)

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 10:11):

@Johan Commelin , is that code available somewhere? I'd like to look at the universe issue.

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 10:13):

(universes scare the bejeebus out of me, and I'm perpetually terrified that someone is going to discover I've still got them wrong in the category theory library)

Reid Barton (Oct 10 2018 at 10:13):

You have made V a category.{v w} which means you can only form limits of size w

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 10:14):

(phew, that's Reid agreeing with me... my heart rate is dropping again. :-)

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 10:41):

Hmmm, let me take another look.
@Scott Morrison All the code I have is what I posted above.

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 10:48):

@Reid Barton I still don't get what is wrong with my code.

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 10:50):

@Scott Morrison Here is a snippet that is probably useful for over.lean:

section over
variables {C : Type u} [𝒞 : category.{u v} C]
include 𝒞

def over.forget (Z : C) : over Z  C :=
{ obj  := λ X, X.1,
  map' := λ X Y f, f.1 }

end over

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 10:53):

Thanks, I added over.forget.

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 11:03):

@Scott Morrison Ok, so I should take X : Top.{w}. It is important that I don't take Top.{u}. Can you explain why?

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 11:04):

Reid Barton: You have made V a category.{v w} which means you can only form limits of size w

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 11:06):

Ok... I don't think I care too much. It is a bit tricky to get right. I wouldn't mind if Lean just scaled everything into the right universe. But I guess that brings some tradeoff in foundations that I don't understand.

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 11:30):

@Scott Morrison May we please have presheaves be contravariant. My head is breaking without the ops.

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 11:30):

no problem

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 11:31):

We need to make a PR to mathlib to fix this, right?

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 11:31):

No, presheaves aren't in mathlib

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 11:31):

Or did you break the definition of open_set?

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 11:32):

Yes :-)

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 11:32):

Aaah, ok. Hmmz.

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 11:32):

Well... yes. Then we need a PR.

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 11:33):

Regarding automating the copy-and-paste: I really doubt this can work in most of my cases here, where the rewrites are occurring in auto_params for structure fields.

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 11:33):

The tactic obviously doesn't even appear.

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 11:45):

@Scott Morrison I'm stuck on

 (U₁  U₂)  U₂.s  U₁.s

After that we have extended presheaves.

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 11:45):

That goal looks like very trivial. But I don't know how to extract the inclusion from the hom.

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 11:46):

try intro, then cases?

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 11:46):

Aah cases.

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 11:46):

or commit something I can poke at

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 11:47):

remember that hom there is probably some ulift plift gadget

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 11:48):

to turn a Prop into a Type at whatever universe you're living in

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 11:48):

Right, it's working now. Except that it couldn't figure out comp' on its own :sad:

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 11:49):

import category_theory.presheaves
import category_theory.sheaves
import category_theory.limits

open category_theory
open category_theory.examples
open category_theory.limits

universes u v w

section extend
variables {X : Top.{w}}
variables {V : Type v} [𝒱 : category.{v w} V] [has_limits.{v w} V]
include 𝒱

variables {B : set (open_set X)}
(h : topological_space.is_topological_basis ((λ U : open_set X, U.s) '' B))

def extend (F : presheaf B V) :
presheaf (open_set X) V :=
{ obj  := λ U, limit ((full_subcategory_embedding (λ U' : B, U'.1  U))  F),
  map' := λ U₁ U₂ ι,
    limit.lift (full_subcategory_embedding (λ (U' : B), U'.val  U₂)  F)
    { X := limit (full_subcategory_embedding (λ (U' : B), U'.val  U₁)  F),
      π := λ U, begin dsimp,
      refine limit.π _ U.1, set.subset.trans U.2 _⟩  _,
      { cases ι, cases ι, exact ι },
      { exact 𝟙 _ } end } }

end extend

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 12:19):

Perhaps giving a name to full_subcategory_embedding ... will make this look nicer.

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 12:19):

I'd be curious to see that goals after tidy on comp'.

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 12:20):

I wonder if we need some extra help for posets here.

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 12:32):

@Scott Morrison Here is what I have now:

import category_theory.presheaves
import category_theory.sheaves
import category_theory.limits

open category_theory
open category_theory.examples
open category_theory.limits

universes u v w

section under_set
variables {X : Top.{v}}

def under_set (B : set (open_set X)) (U : open_set X) : set B := (λ U' : B, U'.1  U)

variables {B : set (open_set X)} {U U₁ U₂ : open_set X}

instance : category (under_set B U) := by unfold under_set; apply_instance

variables (B) (U)

def under_set.map (ι : U₁  U₂) : under_set B U₂  under_set B U₁ :=
{ obj  := λ U, U.1, set.subset.trans U.2 ι.1.1,
  map' := λ U U' f, f }

def under_set.embedding : under_set B U  B := full_subcategory_embedding (under_set B U)

end under_set

section extend
variables {X : Top.{v}}
variables {V : Type u} [𝒱 : category.{u v} V] [has_limits.{u v} V]
include 𝒱

variables (B : set (open_set X))
(h : topological_space.is_topological_basis ((λ U : open_set X, U.s) '' B))

def extend (F : presheaf B V) :
presheaf (open_set X) V :=
{ obj  := λ U, limit ((under_set.embedding B U)  F),
  map' := λ U₁ U₂ ι,
    limit.lift ((under_set.embedding B U₂)  F)
    { X := limit ((under_set.embedding B U₁)  F),
      π := λ U, limit.π _ U.1, set.subset.trans U.2 ι.1.1  (𝟙 _)
       } }

end extend

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 12:32):

Goal is:

tactic failed, there are unsolved goals
X : Top,
V : Type u,
𝒱 : category V,
_inst_1 : has_limits V,
B : set (open_set X),
F : presheaf {x // x  B} V,
U₁ U₂ : open_set X,
ι : U₁  U₂,
j_val_val : open_set X,
j_val_property : j_val_val  B,
j_property : j_val_val, j_val_property  under_set B U₂,
j'_val_val : open_set X,
j'_val_property : j'_val_val  B,
j'_property : j'_val_val, j'_val_property  under_set B U₂,
f : j_val_val  j'_val_val
 limit.π (under_set.embedding B U₁  F) ⟨⟨j_val_val, j_val_property, _⟩ 
      functor.map F (functor.map (under_set.embedding B U₂) {down := {down := f}}) =
    limit.π (under_set.embedding B U₁  F) ⟨⟨j'_val_val, j'_val_property, _⟩

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 13:54):

Here is a version where the auto_param gets the job done:

def extend (F : presheaf B V) : presheaf (open_set X) V :=
{ obj  := λ U, limit ((under_set.embedding B U)  F),
  map' := λ U₁ U₂ ι,
      rw show limit (under_set.embedding B U₂  F) = limit (under_set.map B ι  under_set.embedding B U₁  F),
      by congr,
      exact limit.pre ((under_set.embedding B U₁)  F) (under_set.map B ι),
    end }

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 13:55):

I still don't like the rw show, but I don't know how to get rid of it.

Patrick Massot (Oct 10 2018 at 13:57):

Don't we have a gentleman agreement that any use of Scott's category theory must begin with a local notation reintroducing the proper composition symbol everywhere?

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 14:07):

:lol: I didn't think about it. Sorry...

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 14:51):

And we now have:

def Γ {C : Type w₁} [category.{w₁ w₂} C] (U : C) (F : presheaf C V) : V := F.obj U

lemma extend_val {F : presheaf B V} (U : open_set X) : Γ U (extend F) = limit ((under_set.embedding B U)  F) := rfl

lemma extend_val_basic_open {F : presheaf B V} (U : B) : Γ U.1 (extend F)  Γ U F :=
by rw extend_val; exact
{ hom := limit.π (under_set.embedding B (U.val)  F) U, set.subset.refl _⟩,
  inv := limit.lift (under_set.embedding B (U.val)  F)
  { X := Γ U F,
    π := λ U', F.map (ulift.up (plift.up U'.2)) } }

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 14:52):

That latter thing is really slow )-; But I don't see how to speed it up.

Patrick Massot (Oct 10 2018 at 14:52):

Lots of proofs are provided in the background

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 14:54):

elaboration: tactic execution took 16.8s
num. allocated objects: 146
num. allocated closures: 146
16762ms 100.0% tactic.seq
16762ms 100.0% tactic.step
16762ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
16762ms 100.0% tactic.istep
16762ms 100.0% scope_trace
16762ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
16759ms 100.0% all_goals_core
16759ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.exact
16759ms 100.0% _private.3346078393.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
16759ms 100.0% tactic.all_goals
16756ms 100.0% tactic.to_expr
3ms 0.0% rw_core
3ms 0.0% tactic.exact
3ms 0.0% _private.3200700535.rw_goal._lambda_4
3ms 0.0% _private.3200700535.rw_goal._lambda_2
3ms 0.0% interaction_monad.orelse'
3ms 0.0% tactic.rewrite_target
3ms 0.0% interactive.loc.apply
3ms 0.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
3ms 0.0% _interaction._lambda_2
2ms 0.0% tactic.rewrite
2ms 0.0% tactic.rewrite_core
1ms 0.0% tactic.replace_target
1ms 0.0% tactic.mk_eq_mpr

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 18:16):

The next step would be to define sheaves on a basis, and show that their extensions are sheaves on the space.

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 18:17):

I have the vague feeling that maybe we just want a general statement about sites.

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 18:19):

@Reid Barton Do you know if the inclusion of a basis B into open_set X is some sort of geometric morphism?

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 18:20):

If so, then I'dd rather just start attacking the general case...

Reid Barton (Oct 10 2018 at 18:29):

I've never learned these topos theory words

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 18:31):

It seems that the answer might be yes... so now we want topos theory in mathlib :lol:

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 18:35):

@Reid Barton Did you ever do things with Kan extensions in your library?

Reid Barton (Oct 10 2018 at 18:37):

Nope, near the top of my list for post-colimits.

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 18:37):

Ok... cool. How close do you think this is to being mathlib-ready?

Reid Barton (Oct 10 2018 at 18:38):


Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 18:38):

Kan extensions

Reid Barton (Oct 10 2018 at 18:38):

Oh, I haven't actually started on them at all yet.

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 18:39):

If Scott's limit and colimit stuff is in mathlib. Would that be a follow-up PR? Or would you need other stuff before that?

Reid Barton (Oct 10 2018 at 18:40):

Are you going to need general Kan extensions? Or just extending a functor on C to presheaves on C

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 18:40):

The latter is good enough

Reid Barton (Oct 10 2018 at 18:41):

I see. We may want adjunctions, too.

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 18:41):

We do

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 18:41):

But I guess that will be the third PR that Scott has on his list (-;

Reid Barton (Oct 10 2018 at 18:41):

In order to state the characterization of Kan extension as left adjoint to restriction

Reid Barton (Oct 10 2018 at 18:42):

I guess we can define them without that though

Reid Barton (Oct 10 2018 at 18:42):

:plane: but should be back online in not too long

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 18:42):

Good luck!

Patrick Massot (Oct 10 2018 at 19:03):

Nope, near the top of my list for post-colimits.

What about formalizing what you told us about reflective subcategory?

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 19:11):

@Reid Barton Hmmm, a topological basis doesn't give a site. You don't have intersections = products. So the generalisation doesn't apply. Too bad.

Reid Barton (Oct 10 2018 at 19:27):

Reflective subcategories are in the same bulleted list in my notes. I forget which one is listed first :)

Patrick Massot (Oct 10 2018 at 19:31):

Perfectoid spaces vote for reflexive subcategories first

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 10 2018 at 20:54):

Aah cases.

You needed that for that option question yesterday too. It works for any inductive type.

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 22:35):

Hmm, your profiling output is not very helpful, because everything is hidden behind the to_expr that exact is calling.

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 22:36):

Is it possible to make another lemma for the exact?

Scott Morrison (Oct 10 2018 at 22:36):

(Also, this is fabulous.)

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 10 2018 at 22:44):

I've been really busy over the last couple of days -- but have you (@Johan Commelin ) just extended a presheaf from a basis and then shown that the restriction back to the basis is isomorphic to the original presheaf, in about 10 lines? Heh, I guess you should really have shown that the restriction was isomorphic as a presheaf on the basis to F ;-) But still -- who cares if it's slow, it's a small number of lines and that feels right to a mathematician.

Reid Barton (Oct 11 2018 at 03:24):

@Johan Commelin I finally looked at your actual code (too many missing Unicode characters on my phone to be practical) and I think you can use something called limit.pre or similar to simplify your extend even further.
If you have a diagram X : J -> C and a functor F : I -> J then you get an induced map lim_I X -> lim_J (X \o F) and this map is called limit.pre.
If you have a map a -> b in C then you get a functor C/a -> C/b and I think your extend is limit.pre of this functor.

Johan Commelin (Oct 11 2018 at 04:00):

@Reid Barton I'm sorry, I think you have been looking at old code. The new code already uses limit.pre: https://github.com/jcommelin/lean-perfectoid-spaces/blob/huber_tate/src/for_mathlib/presheaves.lean

Johan Commelin (Oct 11 2018 at 04:01):

It isn't as nice as I wish. I would like to get rid of the ugly rw, congr, exact.

Reid Barton (Oct 11 2018 at 04:02):

Ah, I see. I think maybe I missed the limit.pre in there, indeed

Reid Barton (Oct 11 2018 at 04:03):

I guess convert might be slightly better?

Reid Barton (Oct 11 2018 at 04:03):

change exact to convert and move it first, then see what happens?

Reid Barton (Oct 11 2018 at 04:03):

I'm a little confused how congr proved something without producing any new goals

Johan Commelin (Oct 11 2018 at 04:03):

@Kevin Buzzard Yes, I did. Isn't it delightful? But proving that the extension of a sheaf is a sheaf will be a lot harder.

Johan Commelin (Oct 11 2018 at 04:04):

change exact to convert and move it first, then see what happens?

I think that didn't work: deterministic timeout or something.

Johan Commelin (Oct 11 2018 at 04:04):

In some sense it was really brittle.

Reid Barton (Oct 11 2018 at 04:05):


Johan Commelin (Oct 11 2018 at 04:05):

That file doens't need anything from the perfectoid project. So if you want to hack on it, you can just copy-paste it.

Johan Commelin (Oct 11 2018 at 04:10):

Of course you need Scott's libs

Reid Barton (Oct 11 2018 at 16:21):

@Johan Commelin I was able to replace the whole map' field by

map' := λ U₁ U₂ ι, limit.pre ((under_set.embedding B U₁)  F) (under_set.map B ι)

Everything is quite slow in the editor, I believe because there are errors in the imports (stuff under category_theory.limits)

Johan Commelin (Oct 11 2018 at 19:11):

Cool! Thanks a lot. Somehow I think I got deterministic timeouts when I tried that. Maybe it is related to the errors in the imports that you mentioned.

Reid Barton (Oct 11 2018 at 19:13):

My understanding is that lean --make doesn't write out .olean files when the build was unsuccessful, which means if your imports have errors then lean in the editor will be much slower.

Reid Barton (Oct 11 2018 at 19:14):

It looks like the errors are rather trivial in this case (some tactics failed because there were no goals remaining) but I didn't try to just fix them because they are in lean-category-theory

Johan Commelin (Oct 12 2018 at 07:18):

Ok, now it worked for me as well.

Johan Commelin (Oct 15 2018 at 07:27):

I think the following is pretty ugly:

variables {B : set (open_set X)}
variables (h : topological_space.is_topological_basis ((λ U : open_set X, U.s) '' B))

Does this mean that I should define is_basis for B directly? It feels like duplicating a lot of stuff. Is this the curse of bundling?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 15 2018 at 07:41):

I don't understand what you are trying to do

Johan Commelin (Oct 15 2018 at 07:41):

I'm trying to say that a collection of open sets is a basis. But the open sets are bundled.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 15 2018 at 07:46):

I guess you can write open_set.s instead of the lambda

Johan Commelin (Oct 15 2018 at 07:47):

Ok, and would that be the morally correct way? Or should I "develop the theory of a basis of bundled open sets"?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 15 2018 at 07:48):

I'm not sure if you want the forward image or preimage yet, but I think this is what you want

Johan Commelin (Oct 15 2018 at 07:52):

Well, you could redefine is_basis for a set of opens, right? Something like

\forall U : open_set X, x : X, x  U   U'  B, x  U'  U'  U

Mario Carneiro (Oct 15 2018 at 07:56):

I would define open_set.is_basis using the image formulation, and then prove that version as a theorem

Johan Commelin (Oct 15 2018 at 07:56):

Ok, thanks.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 15 2018 at 07:57):

also that's not the right condition

Mario Carneiro (Oct 15 2018 at 07:57):

the exists is satisfied by U

Johan Commelin (Oct 15 2018 at 07:58):

No, U is not ∈ B. (In general.)

Mario Carneiro (Oct 15 2018 at 07:58):

oh... but what about intersections?

Johan Commelin (Oct 15 2018 at 07:58):

What's with them?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 15 2018 at 07:59):

a basis should be closed under intersection (ish)

Johan Commelin (Oct 15 2018 at 07:59):

Oooo... maybe. I'll see when I start proving things (-;

Mario Carneiro (Oct 15 2018 at 08:00):

This just says B covers the space

Johan Commelin (Oct 15 2018 at 08:00):

It says that B covers every open.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 15 2018 at 08:01):

oh, actually I think you have the intersection property then

Mario Carneiro (Oct 15 2018 at 08:02):

if U,VBU, V \in B and xUVx \in U \cap V, then UVU\cap V is open so you can find xWBx\in W\in B with WUVW\subseteq U\cap V

Johan Commelin (Oct 15 2018 at 08:03):

That looks good, right?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 15 2018 at 08:12):


Mario Carneiro (Oct 15 2018 at 08:13):

actually now I recall Kevin saying that this was the obvious definition and he was confused by mathlib's

Johan Commelin (Oct 15 2018 at 12:09):

@Mario Carneiro Proving that the two definitions are equivalent is a major headache. I feel like we are missing an induction principle for generated topologies. But maybe it is me who is missing it.

Johan Commelin (Oct 15 2018 at 12:21):

-- set.lean
def sUnion (s : set (set α)) : set α := {t |  a  s, t  a}
prefix `⋃₀`:110 := sUnion

Does this mean that we can't use ⋃₀ to take the union of Us : set (open_set X)? Or can/should I overload notation?

Johan Commelin (Oct 15 2018 at 12:36):

I would expect that this notation is meaningful for every type that has a union-operator.

Kenny Lau (Oct 15 2018 at 12:51):

try it wthout 0?

Johan Commelin (Oct 15 2018 at 12:53):

That gives a weird error: invalid expression starting at 27:51

Johan Commelin (Oct 15 2018 at 12:57):

@Kenny Lau How is this supposed to work? I tried

lemma is_basis_iff₁ {B : set (open_set X)} :
is_basis B   {U : open_set X},  Us  set B, U =  U'  Us, U' := sorry

Clearly this is not what Lean wants to see...

Kenny Lau (Oct 15 2018 at 12:58):

you need : not \in

Kenny Lau (Oct 15 2018 at 12:58):

and it’s called bUnion

Johan Commelin (Oct 15 2018 at 13:03):

Right, so for this we need a lattice structure on open_set. Which we will need at some point anyway.

Johan Commelin (Oct 15 2018 at 15:03):

@Scott Morrison I know you are busy. Just posting this in case you have a couple of minutes where you are bored :stuck_out_tongue_wink:

import category_theory.examples.topological_spaces
import order.lattice
import category_theory.tactics.obviously

universes u v

open category_theory
open category_theory.examples

namespace open_set
open topological_space lattice

variables {X : Top.{v}}

local attribute [back] topological_space.is_open_inter
local attribute [back] is_open_union
local attribute [back] open_set.is_open

instance : has_inter (open_set X) :=
{ inter := λ U V,  U.s  V.s, by obviously  }

instance : has_union (open_set X) :=
{ union := λ U V,  U.s  V.s, by obviously  }

instance : lattice (open_set X) :=
by refine {
  sup := open_set.has_union.union,
  inf := open_set.has_inter.inter,
  le_antisymm := λ U₁ U₂ _ _, by cases U₁; cases U₂; tidy,
  le_sup_left := begin intros U₁ U₂, cases U₁; cases U₂, tidy, end,
  le_sup_right := sorry,
  sup_le := sorry,
  inf_le_left := sorry,
  inf_le_right := sorry,
  le_inf := sorry,
  ..open_set.preorder }; tidy

What incantations do I need to get tidy up to speed?

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 15 2018 at 15:07):

I guess you need the rules how union and intersection behave under subset, like set.subset_union_left. So try add this as back.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 15 2018 at 15:31):

hey @Kenny Lau, I see a galois insertion...

Reid Barton (Oct 15 2018 at 15:35):

Do we have an emoji for galois insertion

Johan Commelin (Oct 15 2018 at 15:43):

Thanks, I'll try that tomorrow.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 15 2018 at 16:21):

Do we have an emoji for galois insertion

So we need to choose one, right? People should vote on Reid's question.

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 06:45):

@Scott Morrison I implemented Johannes suggestion. Now I have the following bunch of code:

import category_theory.examples.topological_spaces
import order.lattice
import category_theory.tactics.obviously

universes u v

open category_theory
open category_theory.examples

namespace open_set
open topological_space lattice

variables {X : Top.{v}}

local attribute [back] topological_space.is_open_inter
local attribute [back] is_open_union
local attribute [back] open_set.is_open

local attribute [back] set.subset_union_left
local attribute [back] set.subset_union_right

instance : has_inter (open_set X) :=
{ inter := λ U V,  U.s  V.s, by obviously  }

instance : has_union (open_set X) :=
{ union := λ U V,  U.s  V.s, by obviously  }

#print prefix open_set.has_union

local attribute [simp] open_set.has_union.equations._eqn_1

instance : lattice (open_set X) :=
by refine {
  sup := open_set.has_union.union,
  inf := open_set.has_inter.inter,
  le_antisymm := λ U₁ U₂ _ _, by cases U₁; cases U₂; tidy,
  le_sup_left := begin tidy, end,
  le_sup_right := begin intros U₁ U₂, cases U₁; cases U₂, tidy, end,
  sup_le := sorry,
  inf_le_left := sorry,
  inf_le_right := sorry,
  le_inf := sorry,
  ..open_set.preorder }; tidy

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 06:46):

The tidy in the proof of le_sup_left leaves me with the following goal:

X : Top,
a b : open_set X,
a_1 : X.α,
a_2 : a_1  a.s
 a_1  a.s  a_1  b.s

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 06:47):

Ooh wait! Does this mean that I have to mark or.inl with [back!] or something like that?

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 16 2018 at 06:47):

Does @[simp] instance : has_union (open_set X) do the same as attribute [simp] open_set.has_union.equations._eqn_1?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 06:49):

or.inl is not a good back! lemma

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 06:49):

Hmmm, why not?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 06:50):

because it will try to prove everything by the left disjunct

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 06:50):

Only if the assumptions are satisfied, right?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 06:50):

not with the !

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 06:50):

I think simp should work

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 06:51):

because it will turn the goal into true \/ ... and then true

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 06:51):

Well, it doesn't. Because tidy would try that.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 06:51):

did you see if simp * at * works by hand?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 06:51):

what about simp *?

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 06:53):

Ok, that works. Is that a bug in tidy?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 06:55):

or a bug in simp * at *

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 06:56):

wait, which is "that"

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 16 2018 at 06:57):

I have a very unclear idea about what all these things like tidy and obviously and backwards_reasoning do. It seems to me that they "all do the same thing" -- they just "try a bunch of stuff like simp and split and stuff". Does tidy have a sufficiently formal specification that one can ask if there is a "bug" in it? Do you actually mean "let's make tidy try more stuff"?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 06:58):

back has a "spec", but you are right about the others

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 06:58):

obviously is tidy + rewrite_search

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 06:58):

which is that graph thing that Keeley Hoek did

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 06:59):

simp * worked. I would imagine that tidy should try that as well. Of course it is not a bug in the strict sense; but I meant a "bug" in the sense that it would be a nice feature to add to tidy.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 06:59):

tidy is just a kitchen sink tactic right now, although I understand it is loosely based on the Gowers-Ganesalingam prover

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 07:05):

I'm struggling with finding a statement that type checks. I just proved that open_set X has a lattice structure. Now I want to take a union of a bunch of opens. What should I tell Lean to make sense of this?

lemma is_basis_iff₁ {B : set (open_set X)} :
is_basis B   {U : open_set X},  Us  set B, U =  U' : Us, U' := sorry

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 07:05):

Currently it doesn't like the symbol.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:07):

use the sup symbol

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 16 2018 at 07:07):

Isn't there union and Union and bUnion and sUnion or something? Usage depends on whether you're taking a union of two things, or a set of things, or a type of things etc. One of them is that big union symbol -- aren't there other notations too though? I can never remember which is which here.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:08):

most of the union/inter notation is specific to set

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:08):

the generic version is Sup and Inf

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 07:08):

Ok, I see. So for everything else we want to use lattice notation?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:08):


Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 07:09):

And turning something into a lattice doesn't automatically give you a has_Sup. Is that on purpose?
I don't know anything about lattices.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:09):

∃ Us ⊆ set B,

what should this mean?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:09):

a complete lattice, not a lattice

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 07:09):

That there is a bunch of basic opens such that...

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:09):

lattice just gives you binary sup

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 07:09):

Ok, so I should prove that open_set is a complete lattice.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:10):


Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:10):

again, galois insertion should make it easy

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 07:12):

I propose :return: for galois connections and adjunctions. I don't understand the :basketball: symbol. Maybe it's because I'm Dutch :lol:

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 07:13):

Ok, I have no idea what boilerplate I should write for that Galois insertion. What is the best way to find this out?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:16):

you need a pair of functions with a galois connection, from the complete lattice to the type you want a complete lattice structure on, and one round trip should be the identity

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 16 2018 at 07:21):

The basketball was the only emoji I found which looked like anything being inserted into anything, that's all

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 16 2018 at 07:22):

I didn't even look for an emoji of something being connected to something

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 07:23):

Ok, so one of the maps is open_set.s and the other is ?? the interior? Or the smallest open containing some set S?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:23):

interior, certainly

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 07:23):

Brainfart, that doesn't even make sense. So it should be the interior.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:25):

actually I'm a bit worried you will end up the wrong way around, i.e. you will get the u function being injective instead of the l function

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:25):

@Johannes Hölzl How do you want to do galois coinsertions?

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 07:37):

Ok, so l = interior and u = open_set.s. Is this good or bad news for our complete_lattice?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:39):

try to prove galois insertion?

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 07:44):

Oops, I switched l and u. I still find those names confusing... Ok, so it is going to be a coinsertion.

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 07:50):

@Mario Carneiro Is the Galois connection enough to get the complete lattice structure? Or do I need to work out galois_coinsertion first? I really don't know the maths here.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:50):

the insertion is important

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:50):

it is basically making an order embedding

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:50):

and you pull the relation back along that

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 07:50):

You mean coinsertion?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:51):

that too

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 07:51):

Hmmm, I will try to dualize all the stuff about insertions.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:51):

it should work just as well, it will just pull a lattice from left to right instead of right to left

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:51):

or vice versa

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:51):

you know, just put co everywhere

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 07:52):

look into how it is done for filter. Here I use dual_order to get the other way round

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:53):

I was just about to suggest that

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 07:53):

def gi_generate (α : Type*) :
@galois_insertion (set (set α)) (order_dual (filter α)) _ _ filter.generate filter.sets

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:53):

but filter is dualized on only one side

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:54):

I guess a coinsertion is dualized on both sides

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 07:54):

is it enough to add order_dual on both sides?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:54):

I wonder whether we want a separate definition though since otherwise the names will be even more confusing than they already are

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:55):

plus galois_coinsertion should extend galois_connection with no duals

Mario Carneiro (Oct 16 2018 at 07:56):

do we know that galois_connection is self-dual?

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 07:56):

to its symmetric form:

protected lemma dual [ : preorder α] [ : preorder β]
  (l : α  β) (u : β  α) (gc : galois_connection l u) :
  @galois_connection (order_dual β) (order_dual α) _ _ u l :=
assume a b, (gc _ _).symm

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 07:56):

in https://github.com/leanprover/mathlib/blob/master/order/galois_connection.lean#L160

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 16 2018 at 08:01):

then it should just be called galois_nnection

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 16 2018 at 08:02):

it's shorter

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 08:03):

Aaahrg, all those design decisions. Is there a choice procedure for such design decisions?
I think we should make the same choice as for the limit vs colimit story in category theory.

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 08:04):

So we just copy-paste all the code and dualize it. Right?

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 16 2018 at 08:04):

[or write a tactic which generates the code for you...]

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 08:05):

usually you copy all statements from the Galois insertion anyway. I don't see a problem to use a Galois insertion and dual_order twice. You only want to use it to get the complete lattice, afterwards you don't care anymore.

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 09:06):

Ok, now I've got

def interior (s : set X) : open_set X :=
{ s := interior s,
  is_open := is_open_interior }

def gc : galois_connection (@open_set.s X) interior :=
λ U s, ⟨λ h, interior_maximal h U.is_open, λ h, le_trans h interior_subset

def gco : galois_coinsertion (@open_set.s X) interior :=
{ choice := λ s _, interior s,
  gc := gc,
  u_l_le := λ _, interior_subset,
  choice_eq := λ _ _, rfl }

instance : partial_order (open_set X) :=
{ le_antisymm := λ U₁ U₂ _ _, by cases U₁; cases U₂; tidy,
   .. open_set.preorder }

instance : complete_lattice (open_set X) := galois_coinsertion.lift_complete_lattice gco

def univ : open_set X :=
{ s := set.univ,
  is_open := is_open_univ }

I guess that this definition of univ is not correct? Should it be a theorem about somehow?

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 11:38):

@Johannes Hölzl Those order_duals are completely blowing up my brain. Does this look good or am I missing something?

def interior (s : set X) : open_set X :=
{ s := interior s,
  is_open := is_open_interior }

def gc : galois_connection (@open_set.s X) interior :=
λ U s, ⟨λ h, interior_maximal h U.is_open, λ h, le_trans h interior_subset

def gi : @galois_insertion (order_dual _) (order_dual _) _ _ interior (@open_set.s X) :=
{ choice := λ s _, interior s,
  gc := galois_connection.dual _ _ gc,
  le_l_u := λ _, interior_subset,
  choice_eq := λ _ _, rfl }

instance : partial_order (open_set X) :=
{ le_antisymm := λ U₁ U₂ _ _, by cases U₁; cases U₂; tidy,
   .. open_set.preorder }

instance : complete_lattice (open_set X) :=
@galois_insertion.lift_complete_lattice (order_dual _) (order_dual _) _ interior (@open_set.s X) _ gi

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 11:45):

looks good to me. Is there something wrong?

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 11:52):

Yes, I'm getting the dual order.

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 11:53):

So now I need a function that takes an order, and flips it around.

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 11:58):

@Johannes Hölzl Is there a way to unfold something only once?

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 12:01):

hm, rw [h] {occs := occurrences.pos [1]} is the only thing I know

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 12:03):

for the dual, lets take a look at filters again:

private def original_complete_lattice : complete_lattice (filter α) :=
@order_dual.lattice.complete_lattice _ (gi_generate α).lift_complete_lattice

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 12:03):

I hacked around it like this:

instance open_set.lattice.complete_lattice.order_dual : complete_lattice (order_dual (open_set X)) :=
@galois_insertion.lift_complete_lattice (order_dual _) (order_dual _) _ interior (@open_set.s X) _ gi

lemma order_dual_order_dual {α : Type*} : order_dual (order_dual α) = α := rfl

instance : complete_lattice (open_set X) :=
  have foo : complete_lattice (order_dual (order_dual (open_set X))),
  by apply_instance,
  rw order_dual_order_dual at foo,
  exact foo

@Johannes Hölzl I am not so sure that the coinsertions are useless. This is causing me quite some pain...

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 12:04):

order_dual.lattice.complete_lattice does what you want

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 12:04):

and it doesn't have the rw problem

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 12:06):

@Johannes Hölzl I don't see how to apply it. It can only put orders on order_dual _, it can't go the other way.

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 12:09):

you are sure it doesn't work? preorder (order_dual (order_dual A)) = preorder A should be (in your case) by definition

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 12:09):

can you put your theory on a gist?

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 12:17):

@Johannes Hölzl Voila: https://gist.github.com/jcommelin/c9d04b7770f89a0fadc11aae5ca90d87
This is what I have so far.

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 12:27):

instance : partial_order (open_set X) :=
{ le_antisymm := λ U₁ U₂ _ _, by cases U₁; cases U₂; tidy,
   .. open_set.preorder }

instance : complete_lattice (open_set X) :=
@order_dual.lattice.complete_lattice _
  (@galois_insertion.lift_complete_lattice (order_dual _) (order_dual _) _ interior (@open_set.s X) _ gi)

now you have the dual

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 12:27):

is this what you want?

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 12:27):

I think it is. Let me try.

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 12:29):

But this still isn't proved by rfl:

@[simp] lemma Lub_s {Us : set (open_set X)} : ( U  Us, U).s = ⋃₀ (open_set.s '' Us) :=

And I think that with coinsertions it could have been rfl, right?

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 12:30):

only if you setup choice correctly

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 12:31):

and this is also with insertion a rfl

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 12:32):

so, no coinsertion doesn't give you a rfl by default. It will only be a rfl when you use the proof in choice to construct rfl data. And since insertion and coinsertion are just dual, it works also with insertion.

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 12:33):

So what you need to do:

def gi : @galois_insertion (order_dual (set X)) (order_dual (open_set X)) _ _ interior (@open_set.s X) :=
{ choice := λ s _, interior s,
  gc := galois_connection.dual _ _ gc,
  le_l_u := λ U, interior_subset,
  choice_eq := λ _ _, rfl }

Instead of choice := λ s _, interior s, you need to write something like:
choice := λ s _, (s, proof that s is open),

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 12:35):

Huuh, but s isn't open.

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 12:35):

yes it is, the _ is actually a proof from which you can show that it is open

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 12:36):

it says: interior s = s

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 12:37):

then you also need to adapt your choice_eq proof accordingly

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 12:38):

Ok, I see. I'll try to do this.

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 12:47):

@Johannes Hölzl Sorry, but the following still doesn't work:

have foo : (Sup Us).s = Sup (open_set.s '' Us) := rfl

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 12:59):

you should get:

have foo : (Sup Us).s = (aUs, a.s) := rfl

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 13:05):

@Johannes Hölzl That gives me

invalid field notation, type is not of the form (C ...) where C is a constant
has type

I now have the following ugly proof myself:

@[simp] lemma Sup_s {Us : set (open_set X)} : (Sup Us).s = ⋃₀ (open_set.s '' Us) :=
by rw [@galois_connection.l_Sup _ _ _ _ (@open_set.s X) interior (gc) Us, set.sUnion_image]

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 13:05):

what about have foo : (Sup Us).s = (⨆a∈Us, open_set.s a) := rfl

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 13:10):

Still fails:

invalid type ascription, term has type
  ?m_2 = ?m_2
but is expected to have type
  (Sup Us).s =  (a : open_set X) (H : a  Us), a.s

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 13:16):

how does your gi look like?

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 13:17):

def gi : @galois_insertion (order_dual (set X)) (order_dual (open_set X)) _ _ interior (@open_set.s X) :=
{ choice := λ s hs, { s := s, is_open := interior_eq_iff_open.mp $ le_antisymm interior_subset hs },
  gc := galois_connection.dual _ _ gc,
  le_l_u := λ _, interior_subset,
  choice_eq := λ s hs, le_antisymm interior_subset hs }

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 13:36):


set_option pp.all true
#print open_set.lattice.complete_lattice

somewhere set gets unfolded and the pi instance is used. Then we get different Sup and Inf.

Reid Barton (Oct 16 2018 at 13:36):

Kudos to the individual who came up with :gun: for Galois insertion btw

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 13:38):

@Johannes Hölzl Hmmm... I think I'm giving up on debugging this. It is too annoying. If you feel like debugging it, I haven't made much progress since my gist.

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 13:40):

instance : complete_lattice (open_set X) :=
@order_dual.lattice.complete_lattice _
    (order_dual (set X)) (order_dual (open_set X)) _ interior (@open_set.s X) _ gi)

lemma Sup_s {Us : set (open_set X)} : (Sup Us).s = sUs, open_set.s s :=

this works

Johannes Hölzl (Oct 16 2018 at 13:46):

(order_dual (set _)) is already enough. Then the elaborator finds the right instance, instead of the instance for X -> Prop

Johan Commelin (Oct 16 2018 at 13:48):

Ok, so my instance is wrong... hmmzzz. Thanks for finding this bug!

Alex J. Best (Oct 16 2018 at 15:25):

@Reid Barton Thanks, after trying to teach myself some lean on the side and lurking here a lot without doing anything I'm glad someone found my first "contribution" as funny as I did

David Michael Roberts (Oct 17 2018 at 08:49):

then it should just be called galois_nnection

or a cogalois-nnection (sorry)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC