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Stream: maths

Topic: fintype or finset for integer ranges

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 19 2019 at 21:07):

example (a b : ℤ) : fintype {z : ℤ // a < z ∧ z < b} := sorry . How do I do this? I'm not very good at finite stuff. Or finset {z : ℤ | a < z ∧ z < b} or whatever. I found finiteness statements for nats but not ints.

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 19 2019 at 21:17):

ooh I've found set.Ico but

import data.set.intervals data.fintype
example : fintype.card (set.Ico (3 : ) 5) := by apply_instance -- fails

doesn't work.

Chris Hughes (Sep 19 2019 at 22:17):

Is there a list.ico or finset.ico? That would make it easy to prove.

Chris Hughes (Sep 19 2019 at 22:17):

You could also prove an equiv with fin

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 19 2019 at 22:17):

finset.Ico : ℕ → ℕ → finset ℕ

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 19 2019 at 22:18):

list.Ico : ℕ → ℕ → list ℕ

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC