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Stream: maths
Topic: functor shapes
David A (Jun 21 2023 at 06:39):
Intuitively, it seems like the following ought to be provable. predictable f g h
seems to say that when y
is "in" f x
, g y = h x
universe u
-- g measures from the "inside" of (f x) what h can measure from x alone.
def predictable {α β γ : Type u}
{F : Type u → Type u} [functor F] [is_lawful_functor F]
(f : α → F β) (g : β → γ) (h : α → γ) :=
∀ x : α, g <$> f x = h x <$ f x
theorem fork_predictable {α β γ δ : Type u}
{F : Type u → Type u} [functor F] [is_lawful_functor F]
(f : α → F β) (g : β → γ) (h : α → γ)
(p : predictable f g h)
(φ : β → γ → δ) (x : α) :
(λ y, φ y (g y)) <$> f x = (λ y, φ y (h x)) <$> f x :=
However, working with it a bit I'm fairly confident it is not provable. First of all, x
is the only possible α
term in this scope. So, having fixed x
, g <$> f x
simply does not appear as a possible subterm of any expansion of (λ y, φ y (g y)) <$> f x
. When you apply g
you no longer have access to the "contents" of f x
. But if you don't apply g
right away, you'll never recover that exact subterm. This seems to eliminate any possibility of using the p x
So, my questions are, is it correct this is unprovable, and does the statement fork_predictable
have a counterexample?
Is there a reason for functor laws not to be able to prove this? Further investigation suggests that my fundamental problem is that I can't relate facts about g <$> f x
back to f x
: e.g. I can prove predictable f g h → functor.liftp (λ y, y = h x) (g <$> f x)
but I don't think I can prove predictable f g h → functor.liftp (λ y, g y = h x) (f x)
. Without an inverse for g
, it's as if g <$> f x
might "contain" values which are not of the form g y
for some y
"in" f x
, and might not contain all such values; i.e., as if map
may not preserve shape.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC