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Topic: has_mem instance for factor_set

Paul van Wamelen (Sep 14 2020 at 01:58):

I'm trying to add a has_mem instance for factor_set:

import ring_theory.unique_factorization_domain

variables {α : Type*}

variables [integral_domain α] [unique_factorization_domain α]
namespace associates
open unique_factorization_domain associated

def factor_set_mem : {a : associates α // irreducible a}  (factor_set α)  Prop
| _  := true
| p (some l) := p  l

instance : has_mem {a : associates α // irreducible a} (factor_set α) := factor_set_mem

lemma mem_factor_set_some' {p : associates α} {hp : irreducible p}
  {l : multiset {a : associates α // irreducible a }} {ll : factor_set α} (h : ll = some l):
  subtype.mk p hp  ll  subtype.mk p hp  l :=
  rw h, refl

lemma mem_factor_set_some'' {p : associates α} {hp : irreducible p}
  {l : multiset {a : associates α // irreducible a }} :
  factor_set_mem (subtype.mk p hp) ((some l) : factor_set α)  subtype.mk p hp  l := by refl

lemma mem_factor_set_some {p : associates α} {hp : irreducible p}
  {l : multiset {a : associates α // irreducible a }}:
  subtype.mk p hp  ((some l) : factor_set α)  subtype.mk p hp  l :=

end associates

In my mem_factor_set_some lemma the first gives me a failed to synthesize type class instance for has_mem {p // irreducible p} (option (multiset {a // irreducible a})) error. The single primed and double primed versions of mem_factor_set_some works, so I don't think I'm messing something up, but of course they are not what we would want. Is there some way of helping lean understand what we want the to mean?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Johan Commelin (Sep 14 2020 at 06:06):

Isn't there a coercion that's supposed to be used? (I don't know this part of the library too well.)
Or is some l the intended way of moving between the multiset and the factor_set?

Anne Baanen (Sep 14 2020 at 10:01):

I think what's going on here is the elaborator checks ((some l) : factor_set α), sees it doesn't make sense, and does unfolding to get ((some l) : roption (multiset _)). Satisfied that this makes sense, it processes subtype.mk p hp ∈ ((some l) : roption (multiset _)), the typeclass inference system doesn't know anything about roption and it fails.

I can't find an instance for has_coe α (roption α), only for has_coe (option α) (roption α). Coercing would solve the issue because the elaborator doesn't have to unfold factor_set.

Paul van Wamelen (Sep 14 2020 at 11:56):

Why does ((some l) : factor_set α) not make sense? factor_set is with_top and with_top is option and option is by definition none or some, so I thought some l is by definition a factor_set. How does roption come into the picture? Very confused!
Here are the definitions:

@[reducible] def {u} factor_set (α : Type u) [integral_domain α] :
  Type u :=
with_top (multiset { a : associates α // irreducible a })


def with_top (α : Type*) := option α


inductive option (α : Type u)
| none : option
| some (val : α) : option

Paul van Wamelen (Sep 14 2020 at 11:57):

I don't understand why but

lemma mem_factor_set_some {p : associates α} {hp : irreducible p}
  {l : multiset {a : associates α // irreducible a }}:
  subtype.mk p hp  (l : factor_set α)  subtype.mk p hp  l := by refl


Kevin Buzzard (Sep 14 2020 at 13:18):

I think this is unituitive but expected behaviour in Lean. My understanding (which might be wrong) is this: when the kernel sees a : B it checks that a could be thought of as having type definitionally equal to B, but this does not guarantee that a will be thought of as having type syntactically equal to B in any further calculations.

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 14 2020 at 14:06):

def to_with_top {β : Sort*} : option β  with_top β := id

lemma mem_factor_set_some {p : associates α} {hp : irreducible p}
  {l : multiset {a : associates α // irreducible a }}:
  subtype.mk p hp  (to_with_top (some l) : factor_set α)  subtype.mk p hp  l :=

Aaron Anderson (Sep 14 2020 at 16:18):

As I’m refactoring unique_factorization_domain, I have to ask, what really is the point of factor_set?

Aaron Anderson (Sep 14 2020 at 16:18):

The only place it’s used by something else is for putting a gcd_monoid instance on ufds.

Aaron Anderson (Sep 14 2020 at 16:21):

It’s useful for that construction because factors’ is actually order-preserving, but the exact implementation could change easily

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC