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Stream: maths
Topic: how do I say "a sentence is a theorem of a theory" in lean?
Bulhwi Cha (Oct 28 2023 at 08:23):
Bulhwi Cha said:
A user of a Korean-speaking philosophy discussion forum said, "You didn't prove that
∃ (x : Being), isGod x ∧ inReality x
is not a theorem of a theory whose axioms are the premises of St. Anselm's argument (and the axioms of Lean's type theory)."
How can I construct a theory T
and state that a proposition φ
is not a theorem of T
in Lean?
Bulhwi Cha (Oct 28 2023 at 08:40):
Of course, the first step is "Learn proof theory and model theory."
Alistair Tucker (Oct 28 2023 at 11:46):
In your case you just need to demonstrate that for some instantiation of your class the proposition is false. E.g. for Anselm Nat
with Conceivable := fun _ => True
there is provably no x
such that IsMax x Conceivable
Bulhwi Cha (Oct 28 2023 at 17:50):
Thank you, Alistair Tucker. Here's my attempt:
local instance : Anselm ℤ where
conceivable := fun _ ↦ True
inUnderstanding := fun _ ↦ True
inReality := fun
| .ofNat _ => True
| .negSucc _ => False
lt_of_inUnderstanding_not_inReality_inReality {_ _ : ℤ} := by
repeat (first | simp | split <;> simp [not_true, not_false])
rename_i n _ m
-(n + 1) < (0 : ℤ) := Int.negSucc_lt_zero n
0 ≤ ↑m := Int.zero_le_ofNat m
isMax_conceivable_inUnderstanding := by simp
exists_conceivable_and_inReality := by exists 0
private theorem not_exists_int_isGod : ¬ ∃ (a : ℤ), isGod a := by
intro hex
rcases hex with ⟨god, _hcg, hleg⟩
have god_lt_succ_god : god < god + 1 := Int.lt_succ god
have succ_god_le_god : god + 1 ≤ god := hleg (god + 1) trivial
exact not_le_of_lt god_lt_succ_god succ_god_le_god
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC