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Stream: maths

Topic: induced, coinduced, ...

Kenny Lau (Jun 15 2018 at 11:51):

If I have a function f:A->B with a topology on B, are the following two topologies on A x A the same?
1. equip A with the induced topology, and then do the product topology
2. build fxf:AxA->BxB and then use the induced topology, where BxB has the product topology

Kenny Lau (Jun 15 2018 at 11:51):

@Mario Carneiro

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2018 at 11:52):

They are equal but not defeq

Kenny Lau (Jun 15 2018 at 11:55):

@Mario Carneiro how do you suggest I prove it?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2018 at 11:56):

you should be able to use some nonsense in the lattice of top spaces to prove it relatively easily

Kenny Lau (Jun 15 2018 at 11:57):

we have induced_le but not le_induced, so...

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2018 at 11:58):

isn't induced defined as some kind of supremum? That gives you a proof approach

Kenny Lau (Jun 15 2018 at 11:58):

i'll try

Kenny Lau (Jun 15 2018 at 11:58):

(no, prod is supremum, induced isn't)

Kenny Lau (Jun 15 2018 at 11:59):

oh and is there an idiom to obtain the categorical product of two functions?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2018 at 12:01):

not particularly, embedding_prod_mk just uses (λx:α×γ, (f x.1, g x.2))

Kenny Lau (Jun 15 2018 at 12:01):

is that an idiom?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2018 at 12:01):

I suppose

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2018 at 12:02):

I think induced_sup will help

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2018 at 12:02):

and induced_compose

Kenny Lau (Jun 15 2018 at 12:03):

why are they in continuity @_@

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2018 at 12:03):

because induced is really talking about continuous functions

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2018 at 12:03):

consider continuous_iff_induced_le

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2018 at 12:04):

also the proofs use continuity arguments

Kenny Lau (Jun 15 2018 at 12:08):

@Mario Carneiro oh my god I just realized I have been asking the wrong question

Kenny Lau (Jun 15 2018 at 12:09):

f:A->B be a set-theoretic function, and a topology on A. Are the following two topologies on BxB the same?
1. equip B with coinduced, and then product
2. coinduced from fxf:AxA->BxB, where AxA has the product topology

Kenny Lau (Jun 15 2018 at 12:09):

let's say f is surjective

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2018 at 12:19):

I expect so, try to prove it and find out

Reid Barton (Jun 15 2018 at 13:02):

I'm almost certain they are not the same in general.

Reid Barton (Jun 15 2018 at 13:04):

If A->B is a quotient map, then XxA->XxB need not be a quotient map. But I don't know the counterexample off-hand.

Kenny Lau (Jun 15 2018 at 13:04):

I just proved it with one extra assumption

Reid Barton (Jun 15 2018 at 13:05):

It's true if X is locally compact, or in your original question if A and B are

Reid Barton (Jun 15 2018 at 13:06):

what was your extra assumption?

Kenny Lau (Jun 15 2018 at 13:06):

example (α : Type*) (β : Type*)
  [t : topological_space α] (f : α  β)
  (hf1 : function.surjective f)
  (hf2 :  S, is_open S  is_open (f ⁻¹' (f '' S))) :
  @prod.topological_space β β
        (@topological_space.coinduced α β f t)
        (@topological_space.coinduced α β f t)
    = @topological_space.coinduced (α × α) (β × β)
        (λ p, (f p.1, f p.2)) prod.topological_space :=
have H1 : prod.fst  (λ p : α × α, (f p.1, f p.2)) = f  prod.fst,
  from rfl,
have H2 : prod.snd  (λ p : α × α, (f p.1, f p.2)) = f  prod.snd,
  from rfl,
have H3 : topological_space.induced f (topological_space.coinduced f t)  t,
  from induced_le_iff_le_coinduced.2 $ le_refl _,
by letI := topological_space.coinduced f t;
from le_antisymm
    (induced_le_iff_le_coinduced.1 (by rw [induced_compose, H1,  induced_compose];
      from le_trans (induced_mono H3) lattice.le_sup_left))
    (induced_le_iff_le_coinduced.1 (by rw [induced_compose, H2,  induced_compose];
      from le_trans (induced_mono H3) lattice.le_sup_right)))
  (λ S hs, is_open_prod_iff.2 $ λ x y hxy,
  let m, hm := hf1 x, n, hn := hf1 y in
  let u, v, hu, hv, hmu, hnv, H := is_open_prod_iff.1 hs m n (by simpa [hm, hn] using hxy) in
  f '' u, f '' v, hf2 u hu, hf2 v hv, m, hmu, hm, n, hnv, hn,
    λ p, q ⟨⟨P, hp1, hp2, Q, hq1, hq2⟩⟩,
    by simp at hp2 hq2; rw [ hp2,  hq2]; from @H (P, Q) hp1, hq1⟩⟩)

Kenny Lau (Jun 15 2018 at 13:06):

that the map be open

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC