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Stream: maths

Topic: int.lt_succ_iff_le

Johan Commelin (Sep 23 2019 at 07:59):

lemma int.lt_succ_iff_le {m n : } :
  m < n + 1  m  n :=

This doesn't seem to be in mathlib. split; intro; linarith proves it but slowly...

Chris Hughes (Sep 23 2019 at 08:00):

Is it called int.lt_add_one?

Johan Commelin (Sep 23 2019 at 08:00):

Aah, nice lt_add_one_iff

Johan Commelin (Sep 23 2019 at 08:01):

I first had the sides swapped, and then library_search didn't find it. I thought you fixed that @Scott Morrison didn't you?

Johan Commelin (Sep 23 2019 at 08:03):

lemma int.lt_succ_iff_le {m n : } :
  m < n + 1  m  n :=

Scott Morrison (Sep 23 2019 at 08:03):

Really? Ugh, I should fix that.

Scott Morrison (Sep 23 2019 at 08:04):

ohh... I see, yeah, library search can't do that out of the box. If you split; library_search it should succeed, however.

Johan Commelin (Sep 23 2019 at 08:04):

Aha, I see

Scott Morrison (Sep 23 2019 at 08:04):

It's a slight hack to do this, but I can add it.

Johan Commelin (Sep 23 2019 at 08:04):

Maybe it can try symmetry before applying...?

Johan Commelin (Sep 23 2019 at 08:04):

But maybe it costs too much

Keeley Hoek (Sep 23 2019 at 10:26):

I mean, symmetry probably costs exactly one more library_search_core invocation?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC