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Stream: maths
Topic: internal/external direct sum
Antoine Chambert-Loir (Mar 13 2023 at 00:27):
Given an R-algebra A, with submodules (\iota \to M) my goal this weekend was to endow this algebra of a structure of graded algebra. I wrote the code below, but I wonder whether this could already be somewhere…
Moreover, it is likely that I don't understand something, I feel docs#algebra.direct_sum.internal talks about external direct sums, and don't understand why docs#direct_sum.coe_ring_hom should be an isomorphism (as written in the docstring).
import algebra.direct_sum.basic
import ring_theory.graded_algebra.basic
noncomputable theory
section direct_sum
/- Given an R-algebra A and a family (ι → submodule R A) of submodules
parameterized by an additive monoid
and statisfying `set_like.graded_monoid M` (essentially, is multiplicative)
such that `direct_sum.is_internal M` (A is the direct sum of the M i),
we endow A with the structure of a graded algebra.
The submodules are the *homogeneous* parts -/
variables (R : Type*) [comm_semiring R] (A : Type*) [comm_semiring A] [algebra R A]
variables (ι : Type*) [decidable_eq ι]
variables (M : ι → submodule R A) [add_monoid ι] [set_like.graded_monoid M]
variables {R A ι M}
def decompose_fun_of (hM : direct_sum.is_internal M) :
A → direct_sum ι (λ (i : ι), ↥(M i)) := (function.bijective_iff_has_inverse.mp hM).some
lemma decompose_fun_of_apply_iff (hM : direct_sum.is_internal M) (a : A) (b : direct_sum ι (λ (i : ι), ↥(M i))) : decompose_fun_of hM a = b ↔
a = direct_sum.coe_add_monoid_hom M b :=
have hMl : function.left_inverse (decompose_fun_of hM) ⇑(direct_sum.coe_add_monoid_hom M) := (function.bijective_iff_has_inverse.mp hM).some_spec.1,
have hMr : function.right_inverse (decompose_fun_of hM) ⇑(direct_sum.coe_add_monoid_hom M) := (function.bijective_iff_has_inverse.mp hM).some_spec.2,
{ intro hab, rw [← hab, hMr a], },
{ intro hab, rw [hab, hMl b], }
def decompose_of (hM : direct_sum.is_internal M) :
A →ₐ[R] direct_sum ι (λ (i : ι), ↥(M i)) := {
to_fun := decompose_fun_of hM,
map_one' :=
rw decompose_fun_of_apply_iff,
have : (direct_sum.of (λ (i : ι), ↥(M i)) 0) 1 = 1 := rfl,
simp only [← this, direct_sum.coe_add_monoid_hom_of],
map_mul' := λ a b,
rw direct_sum.mul_eq_sum_support_ghas_mul,
rw decompose_fun_of_apply_iff,
conv_lhs { rw (decompose_fun_of_apply_iff hM a _).mp rfl,
rw (decompose_fun_of_apply_iff hM b _).mp rfl,
rw ← direct_sum.sum_support_of (λ i, ↥(M i)) (decompose_fun_of hM a),
rw ← direct_sum.sum_support_of (λ i, ↥(M i)) (decompose_fun_of hM b), },
rw map_sum, rw map_sum,
rw finset.sum_mul_sum,
rw map_sum,
apply congr_arg2,
ext ⟨i,j⟩,
simp only [direct_sum.coe_add_monoid_hom_of, set_like.coe_ghas_mul],
map_zero' := by rw [decompose_fun_of_apply_iff, map_zero],
map_add' := λ a b,
rw [decompose_fun_of_apply_iff, map_add],
apply congr_arg2 (+),
rw ← decompose_fun_of_apply_iff, rw ← decompose_fun_of_apply_iff,
commutes' := λ r,
rw [decompose_fun_of_apply_iff, direct_sum.algebra_map_apply],
simp only [direct_sum.coe_add_monoid_hom_of, submodule.set_like.coe_galgebra_to_fun],
end }
def graded_algebra_of (hM : direct_sum.is_internal M): graded_algebra M :=
graded_algebra.of_alg_hom M (decompose_of hM) (
ext a,
simp only [alg_hom.coe_comp, function.comp_app, alg_hom.coe_id, id.def],
apply symm,
suffices : a = (direct_sum.coe_add_monoid_hom M) ((decompose_fun_of hM) a),
exact this,
rw ← (decompose_fun_of_apply_iff hM _ _),
end) (
intros i x,
suffices : (decompose_fun_of hM) ↑x = _,
exact this,
rw decompose_fun_of_apply_iff hM,
rw direct_sum.coe_add_monoid_hom_of ,
end direct_sum
Adam Topaz (Mar 13 2023 at 00:38):
I think the word "isomorphism" in this docstring (and the definition that follows it) is a typo
Adam Topaz (Mar 13 2023 at 00:41):
The other link you mentioned doesn't work for me. Did you mean docs#direct_sum.is_internal ?
Adam Topaz (Mar 13 2023 at 00:54):
If you only care about the algebra isomorphism, then the following simplifies things a little bit:
import algebra.direct_sum.basic
import ring_theory.graded_algebra.basic
noncomputable theory
section direct_sum
/- Given an R-algebra A and a family (ι → submodule R A) of submodules
parameterized by an additive monoid
and statisfying `set_like.graded_monoid M` (essentially, is multiplicative)
such that `direct_sum.is_internal M` (A is the direct sum of the M i),
we endow A with the structure of a graded algebra.
The submodules are the *homogeneous* parts -/
variables (R : Type*) [comm_semiring R] (A : Type*) [comm_semiring A] [algebra R A]
variables (ι : Type*) [decidable_eq ι]
variables (M : ι → submodule R A) [add_monoid ι] [set_like.graded_monoid M]
variables {R A ι M}
def coe_alg_iso_of_is_internal (hM : direct_sum.is_internal M) :
direct_sum ι (λ i, ↥(M i)) ≃ₐ[R] A :=
{ commutes' := λ r, by simp,
..(ring_equiv.of_bijective (direct_sum.coe_alg_hom M) hM) }
end direct_sum
Adam Topaz (Mar 13 2023 at 00:56):
your map would then become coe_alg_iso_of_is_internal M hM).symm
Adam Topaz (Mar 13 2023 at 00:59):
We also have docs#direct_sum.decompose_alg_equiv but that would require a docs#graded_algebra instance
Adam Topaz (Mar 13 2023 at 01:07):
Here's a more complete bit of code, with the final graded algebra instance:
import algebra.direct_sum.basic
import ring_theory.graded_algebra.basic
noncomputable theory
section direct_sum
/- Given an R-algebra A and a family (ι → submodule R A) of submodules
parameterized by an additive monoid
and statisfying `set_like.graded_monoid M` (essentially, is multiplicative)
such that `direct_sum.is_internal M` (A is the direct sum of the M i),
we endow A with the structure of a graded algebra.
The submodules are the *homogeneous* parts -/
variables (R : Type*) [comm_semiring R] (A : Type*) [comm_semiring A] [algebra R A]
variables (ι : Type*) [decidable_eq ι]
variables (M : ι → submodule R A) [add_monoid ι] [set_like.graded_monoid M]
variables {R A ι M}
def coe_alg_iso_of_is_internal (hM : direct_sum.is_internal M) :
direct_sum ι (λ i, ↥(M i)) ≃ₐ[R] A :=
{ commutes' := λ r, by simp,
..(ring_equiv.of_bijective (direct_sum.coe_alg_hom M) hM) }
def graded_algebra_of_is_internal (hM : direct_sum.is_internal M) :
graded_algebra M :=
{ decompose' := (coe_alg_iso_of_is_internal hM).symm,
left_inv := (coe_alg_iso_of_is_internal hM).symm.left_inv,
right_inv := (coe_alg_iso_of_is_internal hM).left_inv,
..(infer_instance : set_like.graded_monoid M) }
end direct_sum
Antoine Chambert-Loir (Mar 13 2023 at 08:08):
Adam Topaz said:
The other link you mentioned doesn't work for me. Did you mean docs#direct_sum.is_internal ?
Actually, I meant the whole file that contains docs#direct_sum.is_internal…
Antoine Chambert-Loir (Mar 13 2023 at 08:09):
There are similar instances that one could write (graded modules, etc.). Do you think I should add them to mathlib? (With @María Inés de Frutos Fernández , we will probably need quotients of graded modules, algebra, etc. That will also be useful for those working on schemes.)
Eric Wieser (Mar 13 2023 at 08:46):
The expectation is that you use docs#graded_algebra here, as that's the constructive version of is_internal
Eric Wieser (Mar 13 2023 at 08:47):
I would guess you can golf the above even further with docs#alg_equiv.of_bijective
Adam Topaz (Mar 13 2023 at 15:04):
I looked for this alg equiv of bijective but didn’t find it! Yes using that would be even better.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC