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Topic: is_dedekind_domain_dvr_equiv_is_dedekind_domain_inv
François Sunatori (Jun 17 2021 at 12:24):
Hi, I'm trying to show
lemma is_dedekind_domain_dvr_equiv_is_dedekind_domain_inv :
is_dedekind_domain_dvr_iff A ↔ is_dedekind_domain_inv_iff A :=
and noticed that is_dedekind_domain_dvr_iff
isn't implemented yet.
Getting inspiration from is_dedekind_domain_iff
and is_dedekind_domain_inv_iff
I defined it like so
lemma is_dedekind_domain_dvr_iff :
is_dedekind_domain_dvr A ↔
(¬ is_field A) ∧ (is_noetherian_ring A) ∧
((∀ P ≠ (⊥ : ideal A), P.is_prime → discrete_valuation_ring (localization.at_prime P))) :=
however I'm getting the error
failed to synthesize type class instance for
A : Type u_2,
_inst_2 : integral_domain A,
P : ideal A,
H : P ≠ ⊥,
ᾰ : P.is_prime
⊢ P.is_prime
when I change discrete_valuation_ring (localization.at_prime P)))
to discrete_valuation_ring A
it type checks so it seems to me like it's unhappy with localization.at_prime P
but I'm not sure why.
François Sunatori (Jun 17 2021 at 12:24):
here is an mwe
import ring_theory.discrete_valuation_ring
import ring_theory.fractional_ideal
import ring_theory.ideal.over
variables (R A K : Type*) [comm_ring R] [integral_domain A] [field K]
structure is_dedekind_domain_dvr : Prop :=
(not_is_field : ¬ is_field A)
(is_noetherian_ring : is_noetherian_ring A)
(is_dvr_at_nonzero_prime : ∀ P ≠ (⊥ : ideal A), P.is_prime →
discrete_valuation_ring (localization.at_prime P))
lemma is_dedekind_domain_dvr_iff :
is_dedekind_domain_dvr A ↔
(¬ is_field A) ∧ (is_noetherian_ring A) ∧
((∀ P ≠ (⊥ : ideal A), P.is_prime → discrete_valuation_ring (localization.at_prime P))) :=
Ruben Van de Velde (Jun 17 2021 at 12:28):
((∀ P ≠ (⊥ : ideal A), P.is_prime → by exactI discrete_valuation_ring (localization.at_prime P))) :=
seems to work - this is an issue related to the instance cache
François Sunatori (Jun 17 2021 at 13:12):
great! thank you @Ruben Van de Velde
François Sunatori (Jun 17 2021 at 13:12):
if you don't mind, could you elaborate about
"this is an issue related to the instance cache"?
Anne Baanen (Jun 17 2021 at 13:17):
needs to know that P
is a prime ideal. The proof is found automatically by the typeclass system, based on a set of instances that the typeclass system searches through. However, this set is only updated "before the :
" of a statement, so the P.is_prime
is not added to it and so it cannot be found. exactI
is a special tactic that updates the cache, which fixes this kind of issue.
Alex J. Best (Jun 17 2021 at 13:17):
An alternative is to name the hypothesis and apply it manually, this is slightly more brittle though I guess:
import ring_theory.discrete_valuation_ring
import ring_theory.fractional_ideal
import ring_theory.ideal.over
variables (R A K : Type*) [comm_ring R] [integral_domain A] [field K]
structure is_dedekind_domain_dvr : Prop :=
(not_is_field : ¬ is_field A)
(is_noetherian_ring : is_noetherian_ring A)
(is_dvr_at_nonzero_prime : ∀ P ≠ (⊥ : ideal A), P.is_prime →
discrete_valuation_ring (localization.at_prime P))
lemma is_dedekind_domain_dvr_iff :
is_dedekind_domain_dvr A ↔
(¬ is_field A) ∧ (is_noetherian_ring A) ∧
((∀ (P ≠ (⊥ : ideal A)) [h : P.is_prime], discrete_valuation_ring (@localization.at_prime _ _ P h))) :=
François Sunatori (Jun 17 2021 at 13:33):
thanks for the clear explanation @Anne Baanen , and the alternative @Alex J. Best !
François Sunatori (Jun 28 2021 at 01:33):
Hi, this is what I have now,
import ring_theory.discrete_valuation_ring
import ring_theory.fractional_ideal
import ring_theory.ideal.over
variables (R A K : Type*) [comm_ring R] [integral_domain A] [field K]
structure is_dedekind_domain_dvr : Prop :=
(not_is_field : ¬ is_field A)
(is_noetherian_ring : is_noetherian_ring A)
(is_dvr_at_nonzero_prime : ∀ P ≠ (⊥ : ideal A), P.is_prime →
discrete_valuation_ring (localization.at_prime P))
lemma is_dedekind_domain_dvr_iff :
is_dedekind_domain_dvr A ↔
(¬ is_field A) ∧ is_noetherian_ring A ∧
(∀ P ≠ (⊥ : ideal A), P.is_prime → by exactI discrete_valuation_ring (localization.at_prime P)) :=
⟨λ ⟨hf, hr, hd⟩, ⟨hf, hr, hd⟩,
λ ⟨hf, hr, hd⟩, ⟨hf, hr, hd⟩⟩
lemma is_dedekind_domain_dvr_equiv_is_dedekind_domain_inv :
is_dedekind_domain_dvr A ↔ is_dedekind_domain_inv A :=
rw is_dedekind_domain_inv_iff,
rw is_dedekind_domain_dvr_iff,
I'm not too sure why rw is_dedekind_domain_inv_iff
is giving me the error
invalid rewrite tactic, failed to synthesize type class instance
but rw is_dedekind_domain_dvr_iff
doesn't give me any error.
Kevin Buzzard (Jun 28 2021 at 08:02):
Your code doesn't compile for me on current master -- I get unknown identifier 'is_dedekind_domain_inv'
François Sunatori (Jun 28 2021 at 13:50):
Oh sorry, yes I was missing is_dedekind_domain_inv
. The sorry
are in the last lemma at the bottom:
import ring_theory.discrete_valuation_ring
import ring_theory.fractional_ideal
import ring_theory.ideal.over
variables (R A K : Type*) [comm_ring R] [integral_domain A] [field K]
/-- A ring `R` has Krull dimension at most one if all nonzero prime ideals are maximal. -/
def ring.dimension_le_one : Prop :=
∀ p ≠ (⊥ : ideal R), p.is_prime → p.is_maximal
open ideal ring
namespace ring
lemma dimension_le_one.principal_ideal_ring
[is_principal_ideal_ring A] : dimension_le_one A :=
λ p nonzero prime, by { haveI := prime, exact is_prime.to_maximal_ideal nonzero }
lemma dimension_le_one.integral_closure [nontrivial R] [algebra R A]
(h : dimension_le_one R) : dimension_le_one (integral_closure R A) :=
λ p ne_bot prime, by exactI
integral_closure.is_maximal_of_is_maximal_comap p
(h _ (integral_closure.comap_ne_bot ne_bot) infer_instance)
end ring
class is_dedekind_domain : Prop :=
(not_is_field : ¬ is_field A)
(is_noetherian_ring : is_noetherian_ring A)
(dimension_le_one : dimension_le_one A)
(is_integrally_closed : integral_closure A (fraction_ring A) = ⊥)
lemma is_dedekind_domain_iff (f : fraction_map A K) :
is_dedekind_domain A ↔
(¬ is_field A) ∧ is_noetherian_ring A ∧ dimension_le_one A ∧
integral_closure A f.codomain = ⊥ :=
⟨λ ⟨hf, hr, hd, hi⟩, ⟨hf, hr, hd,
by rw [←integral_closure_map_alg_equiv (fraction_ring.alg_equiv_of_quotient f),
hi, algebra.map_bot]⟩,
λ ⟨hf, hr, hd, hi⟩, ⟨hf, hr, hd,
by rw [←integral_closure_map_alg_equiv (fraction_ring.alg_equiv_of_quotient f).symm,
hi, algebra.map_bot]⟩⟩
structure is_dedekind_domain_dvr : Prop :=
(not_is_field : ¬ is_field A)
(is_noetherian_ring : is_noetherian_ring A)
(is_dvr_at_nonzero_prime : ∀ P ≠ (⊥ : ideal A), P.is_prime →
discrete_valuation_ring (localization.at_prime P))
lemma is_dedekind_domain_dvr_iff :
is_dedekind_domain_dvr A ↔
(¬ is_field A) ∧ is_noetherian_ring A ∧
(∀ P ≠ (⊥ : ideal A), P.is_prime → by exactI discrete_valuation_ring (localization.at_prime P)) :=
⟨λ ⟨hf, hr, hd⟩, ⟨hf, hr, hd⟩,
λ ⟨hf, hr, hd⟩, ⟨hf, hr, hd⟩⟩
section inverse
open_locale classical
variables {R₁ : Type*} [integral_domain R₁] {g : fraction_map R₁ K}
variables {I J : fractional_ideal g}
noncomputable instance : has_inv (fractional_ideal g) := ⟨λ I, 1 / I⟩
lemma inv_eq : I⁻¹ = 1 / I := rfl
lemma inv_zero' : (0 : fractional_ideal g)⁻¹ = 0 := fractional_ideal.div_zero
lemma inv_nonzero {J : fractional_ideal g} (h : J ≠ 0) :
J⁻¹ = ⟨(1 : fractional_ideal g) / J, fractional_ideal.fractional_div_of_nonzero h⟩ :=
fractional_ideal.div_nonzero _
lemma coe_inv_of_nonzero {J : fractional_ideal g} (h : J ≠ 0) :
(↑J⁻¹ : submodule R₁ g.codomain) = g.coe_submodule 1 / J :=
by { rwa inv_nonzero _, refl, assumption}
theorem right_inverse_eq (I J : fractional_ideal g) (h : I * J = 1) :
J = I⁻¹ :=
have hI : I ≠ 0 := fractional_ideal.ne_zero_of_mul_eq_one I J h,
suffices h' : I * (1 / I) = 1,
{ exact (congr_arg units.inv $
@units.ext _ _ (units.mk_of_mul_eq_one _ _ h) (units.mk_of_mul_eq_one _ _ h') rfl) },
apply le_antisymm,
{ apply fractional_ideal.mul_le.mpr _,
intros x hx y hy,
rw mul_comm,
exact (fractional_ideal.mem_div_iff_of_nonzero hI).mp hy x hx },
rw ← h,
apply fractional_ideal.mul_left_mono I,
apply (fractional_ideal.le_div_iff_of_nonzero hI).mpr _,
intros y hy x hx,
rw mul_comm,
exact fractional_ideal.mul_mem_mul hx hy
theorem mul_inv_cancel_iff {I : fractional_ideal g} :
I * I⁻¹ = 1 ↔ ∃ J, I * J = 1 :=
⟨λ h, ⟨I⁻¹, h⟩, λ ⟨J, hJ⟩, by rwa [← @right_inverse_eq _ _ _ _ _ I J hJ]⟩
variables {K' : Type*} [field K'] {g' : fraction_map R₁ K'}
@[simp] lemma map_inv (I : fractional_ideal g) (h : g.codomain ≃ₐ[R₁] g'.codomain) :
(I⁻¹).map (h : g.codomain →ₐ[R₁] g'.codomain) = (I.map h)⁻¹ :=
by rw [inv_eq, fractional_ideal.map_div, fractional_ideal.map_one, inv_eq]
open_locale classical
open submodule submodule.is_principal
@[simp] lemma span_singleton_inv (x : g.codomain) :
(fractional_ideal.span_singleton x)⁻¹ = fractional_ideal.span_singleton (x⁻¹) :=
fractional_ideal.one_div_span_singleton x
lemma mul_generator_self_inv (I : fractional_ideal g)
[submodule.is_principal (I : submodule R₁ g.codomain)] (h : I ≠ 0) :
I * fractional_ideal.span_singleton (generator (I : submodule R₁ g.codomain))⁻¹ = 1 :=
-- Rewrite only the `I` that appears alone.
conv_lhs { congr, rw fractional_ideal.eq_span_singleton_of_principal I },
rw [fractional_ideal.span_singleton_mul_span_singleton, mul_inv_cancel,
intro generator_I_eq_zero,
apply h,
rw [fractional_ideal.eq_span_singleton_of_principal I, generator_I_eq_zero,
lemma invertible_of_principal (I : fractional_ideal g)
[submodule.is_principal (I : submodule R₁ g.codomain)] (h : I ≠ 0) :
I * I⁻¹ = 1 :=
⟨fractional_ideal.span_singleton (generator (I : submodule R₁ g.codomain))⁻¹,
@mul_generator_self_inv _ _ _ _ _ I _ h⟩
lemma invertible_iff_generator_nonzero (I : fractional_ideal g)
[submodule.is_principal (I : submodule R₁ g.codomain)] :
I * I⁻¹ = 1 ↔ generator (I : submodule R₁ g.codomain) ≠ 0 :=
{ intros hI hg,
apply fractional_ideal.ne_zero_of_mul_eq_one _ _ hI,
rw [fractional_ideal.eq_span_singleton_of_principal I, hg,
fractional_ideal.span_singleton_zero] },
{ intro hg,
apply invertible_of_principal,
rw [fractional_ideal.eq_span_singleton_of_principal I],
intro hI,
have := fractional_ideal.mem_span_singleton_self (generator (I : submodule R₁ g.codomain)),
rw [hI, fractional_ideal.mem_zero_iff] at this,
contradiction }
lemma is_principal_inv (I : fractional_ideal g)
[submodule.is_principal (I : submodule R₁ g.codomain)] (h : I ≠ 0) :
submodule.is_principal (I⁻¹).1 :=
rw [fractional_ideal.val_eq_coe, fractional_ideal.is_principal_iff],
use (generator (I : submodule R₁ g.codomain))⁻¹,
have hI : I * fractional_ideal.span_singleton ((generator (I : submodule R₁ g.codomain))⁻¹) = 1,
apply @mul_generator_self_inv _ _ _ _ _ I _ h,
apply (@right_inverse_eq _ _ _ _ _ I (fractional_ideal.span_singleton
( (generator (I : submodule R₁ g.codomain))⁻¹)) hI).symm,
structure is_dedekind_domain_inv : Prop :=
(not_is_field : ¬ is_field A)
(mul_inv_cancel : ∀ I ≠ (⊥ : fractional_ideal (fraction_ring.of A)), I * (1 / I) = 1)
open ring.fractional_ideal
lemma is_dedekind_domain_inv_iff (f : fraction_map A K) :
is_dedekind_domain_inv A ↔
(¬ is_field A) ∧ (∀ I ≠ (⊥ : fractional_ideal f), I * I⁻¹ = 1) :=
set h : (fraction_ring.of A).codomain ≃ₐ[A] f.codomain := fraction_ring.alg_equiv_of_quotient f,
split; rintros ⟨hf, hi⟩; use hf; intros I hI,
{ have := hi (map ↑h.symm I) (map_ne_zero _ hI),
convert congr_arg (map (h : (fraction_ring.of A).codomain →ₐ[A] f.codomain)) this;
simp only [map_symm_map, map_one, fractional_ideal.map_mul, fractional_ideal.map_div,
inv_eq] },
{ have := hi (map ↑h I) (map_ne_zero _ hI),
convert congr_arg (map (h.symm : f.codomain →ₐ[A] (fraction_ring.of A).codomain)) this;
simp only [map_map_symm, map_one, fractional_ideal.map_mul, fractional_ideal.map_div,
inv_eq] },
lemma is_dedekind_domain_dvr_equiv_is_dedekind_domain_inv :
is_dedekind_domain_dvr A ↔ is_dedekind_domain_inv A :=
rw is_dedekind_domain_dvr_iff at ᾰ,
rw is_dedekind_domain_inv_iff,
rw is_dedekind_domain_dvr_iff,
end inverse
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC