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Stream: maths

Topic: last digit challenge

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 29 2019 at 22:31):

Ali asked me about digits of nats (in base 10) today and I'm writing a little API for him, but this is a pain:

example (m n : ) : (m + n) % 10 = 9  m % 10 + n % 10 = 9 := sorry

These things are still far more painful than I'd like. In a 3rd year number theory class I'd even claim that this was "obvious". Should I be using ZMOD or something?

Chris Hughes (Jan 29 2019 at 22:33):

I think this is omega.

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 29 2019 at 22:34):

My plan was to prove (m % 10 + n % 10) % 10 = 9 and then do some case bash because nat.mod_lt says n % 10 < 10. But I'm not sure how to do the case bash or prove this intermediate step.

Patrick Massot (Jan 29 2019 at 22:34):

I think we already have that lemma

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 29 2019 at 22:35):

I thought there were some lemmas like this but I can't find any that are useful to me. We have (x + y * z) % y = x % y

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 29 2019 at 22:36):

and a % n % n = a % n

Chris Hughes (Jan 29 2019 at 22:36):

nat.modeq.modeq_add I believe.

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 29 2019 at 22:36):

I'm trying to prove something for Ali so he can formalise his claimed proof that he's found the smallest positive integer which is a multiple of 91 and whose digit sum is also a multiple of 91.

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 29 2019 at 22:37):

ooh I've not even got that imported I suspect. So I'm not using the right tools by the looks of things.

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 29 2019 at 22:47):

Ok thanks Chris; I'm now down to example (a b : ℕ) : a ≤ 9 → b ≤ 9 → (a + b) % 10 = 9 → a + b = 9 := sorry; I want to do this by dec_trivial even though it's a bit lame; it would be better to show that a + b \le 18 and any solution to x % 10 = 9 other than 9 is >= 19.

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 29 2019 at 22:50):

now down to e <= 18 -> e % 10 = 9 -> e = 9

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 29 2019 at 22:51):

OK I can do it with mod_add_div :-)

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 29 2019 at 22:51):

Thanks Chris!

Chris Hughes (Jan 29 2019 at 22:59):

If you reorder it to forall a le 9, forall b le 9, it's dec_trivial

Mario Carneiro (Jan 29 2019 at 23:52):

aah, please no gratuitous case bash on 10

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC