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Stream: maths

Topic: linear_map.ker_eq_bot semiring?

Winston Yin (Jun 13 2021 at 03:55):

Any reason why linear_map.ker_eq_bot uses ring R and add_comm_group M instead of semiring R and add_comm_monoid M like many of the other linear_map theorems? I only need the -> direction of this.

Adam Topaz (Jun 13 2021 at 04:06):

Just for the link since I'm on mobile: docs#linear_map.ker_eq_bot

Adam Topaz (Jun 13 2021 at 04:07):

Right, this is not true for semimodules over semirings

Adam Topaz (Jun 13 2021 at 04:09):

Take e.g. the semiring B = {0,1} where 1+1=1, and consider the projection from N to B sending every positive natural to 1

Adam Topaz (Jun 13 2021 at 04:09):

The kernel, i.e. the set of elements mapping to 0, is indeed 0, but the map is not injective

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC