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Stream: maths
Topic: local rings
Johan Commelin (Mar 05 2019 at 18:08):
@Mario Carneiro Is there a reason why you are not using the type class system for is_local_ring
def nonunits_ideal (h : is_local_ring α) : ideal α := { carrier := nonunits α, zero := zero_mem_nonunits.2 h.zero_ne_one, add := begin rcases id h with ⟨M, mM, hM⟩, have : ∀ x ∈ nonunits α, x ∈ M, { intros x hx, rcases (ideal.span {x} : ideal α).exists_le_maximal _ with ⟨N, mN, hN⟩, { cases hM N mN, rwa [ideal.span_le, singleton_subset_iff] at hN }, { exact mt ideal.span_singleton_eq_top.1 hx } }, intros x y hx hy, exact coe_subset_nonunits mM.1 (M.add_mem (this _ hx) (this _ hy)) end, smul := λ a x, mul_mem_nonunits_right }
Mario Carneiro (Mar 05 2019 at 19:22):
is is_local_ring
a class? I don't think it was when I wrote that
Mario Carneiro (Mar 05 2019 at 19:23):
actually it might be one of those "not really a class" classes like nat.prime
Mario Carneiro (Mar 05 2019 at 19:24):
it's only used instance implicit when it needs to be for some other instance
Johan Commelin (Mar 07 2019 at 08:51):
@Mario Carneiro Hmmm, I see. What is the objection to treating this a an "actually really a class" class?
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC