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Topic: log (a ^ n) = n * log a in mathlib?
Donald Sebastian Leung (Feb 25 2020 at 11:55):
I would like to rewrite based on log (a ^ n) = n * log a
which should be a well-known log identity from high school; however, I can't seem to find it even after searching through the entire analysis.complex.exponential
in mathlib. Is it not in mathlib yet or am I just not looking hard enough?
Mario Carneiro (Feb 25 2020 at 12:04):
I think you found a hole. For cpow
and the complex log, it is more or less true by definition, but there is an off by 2 pi i problem
Mario Carneiro (Feb 25 2020 at 12:04):
The real number version follows from that
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 25 2020 at 12:32):
It would not surprise me if this were false for complex a, perhaps this is why it's not there
Donald Sebastian Leung (Feb 25 2020 at 13:32):
Kevin Buzzard said:
It would not surprise me if this were false for complex a, perhaps this is why it's not there
Interesting ...
Mario Carneiro said:
I think you found a hole. For
and the complex log, it is more or less true by definition, but there is an off by 2 pi i problem
I see, I guess I will prove it by induction on n
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 25 2020 at 13:41):
For induction you'll need log(ab)=log(a)+log(b) which might also be false for complex numbers.
Donald Sebastian Leung (Feb 25 2020 at 13:43):
Kevin Buzzard said:
For induction you'll need log(ab)=log(a)+log(b) which might also be false for complex numbers.
Is that result (for a b : ℝ
) in mathlib?
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 25 2020 at 13:44):
aah but log_mul does indeed exist for reals :-)
Mario Carneiro (Feb 25 2020 at 22:57):
You shouldn't prove this by induction. For a theorem like this it generalizes to positive reals at least
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 07:21):
import tactic import analysis.complex.exponential lemma log_pow_nat (x : ℝ ) (n : ℕ ) (hx : x > 0) : real.log (x^n) = n * real.log x := begin induction n with d hd, simp only [pow_zero, real.log_one, nat.nat_zero_eq_zero, nat.cast_zero, zero_mul], rw pow_succ, rw real.log_mul, swap, assumption, swap, exact pow_pos hx d, rw hd, rw nat.succ_eq_add_one, ring, rw mul_comm, refl, end lemma puzzle_2 (a b c : ℝ) (h : c * a = c * b) (hc : c ≠ 0) : (a = b) := begin have q := inv_mul_cancel hc, apply_fun (λ x, c⁻¹ * x) at h, repeat {rw ← mul_assoc at h,rw q at h,}, revert h, simp only [one_mul, imp_self], end lemma puzzle_3 (x : ℝ ) (h: x ≠ 0): 1/x * x = 1 := begin rw one_div_eq_inv, revert h, exact inv_mul_cancel, end lemma puzzle_4 (x : ℝ ) : x = x^(1:ℝ ) := begin simp only [real.rpow_one], end lemma pow_mul_nat (b x : ℝ) (n : ℕ ) (hb : b > 0) : b^(x * n) = (b^x)^n := begin induction n with d hd, norm_num, rw pow_succ, rw nat.succ_eq_add_one, have t : x * ↑(d + 1) = x * ↑d + x := by ring, rw t, rw real.rpow_add _ x _, rw hd, rw mul_comm, exact hb, end lemma puzzle_5 (x : ℝ ) (n : ℕ ) (hn : n≠ 0) (hx : x > 0) : (x ^ ((1 : ℝ) / n))^n = x := begin rw ← pow_mul_nat _ _ n, simp only [one_div_eq_inv], rw inv_mul_cancel, simp only [real.rpow_one], norm_cast, exact hn, exact hx, end lemma puzzle_6 (a n : ℝ) (hn:n ≠ 0) :(a = n * (1 / n * a)) := begin have key := puzzle_3 n hn, rw one_div_eq_inv, rw ← mul_assoc, rw mul_inv_cancel, simp only [one_mul], exact hn, end lemma log_pow_nat_inv (x : ℝ ) (n : ℕ ) (hn : n ≠ 0) (hx : x > 0) : real.log (x^((1 : ℝ) / n)) = (1/n) * real.log x := begin have hn_ : ( (n:ℝ) ≠ 0) := by norm_cast; exact hn, set x_inv := x ^ ((1 : ℝ) / n), set a := real.log x_inv, set b := real.log x, have q1 : b = real.log (x ^ ( (1:ℝ ) / n * n)), rw puzzle_3, suffices q1a: x = x^(1:ℝ ), rw ← q1a, exact puzzle_4 x, exact hn_, apply puzzle_2 _ _ n _ , simp [hn], have q := log_pow_nat (x_inv) n _, swap, exact real.rpow_pos_of_pos hx (1 / ↑n), rw ← q, have q2 := puzzle_5 x n hn, rw q2, apply puzzle_6 b n, exact hn_, exact hx, end theorem log_pow_nat_pair (x : ℝ ) (a b : ℕ ) (ha : a ≠ 0) (hb : b≠ 0) (hx : x > 0) : real.log (x^( (a : ℝ) / b )) = (a : ℝ) / b * real.log x := begin have q1 : (a : ℝ) / b = (1 / b) * (a:ℝ ) := by ring, rw q1, rw pow_mul_nat x _ a, rw [log_pow_nat, log_pow_nat_inv], ring, repeat {assumption}, exact real.rpow_pos_of_pos hx (1 / ↑b), end
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 07:56):
Note that puzzle 3 is false if x = 0
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 07:56):
Some of these puzzles might be solvable by library_search
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 07:57):
@Jalex Stark We know that continuous functions are determined by their values on dense subsets. But I don't know the theorem name from the top of my head.
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 07:57):
just finished clearing the sorries, indeed library_search and squeeze_simp were useful
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 03 2020 at 08:02):
In puzzle 3 you can probably just write exact inv_mul_cancel h
after the rewrite. revert
hardly ever gets used, in my experience
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 08:03):
ah that makes sense. I think revert was what I needed for squeeze_simp to give me a useful response
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 08:04):
Some form of this theorem should end up in mathlib, right? Does that mean I should make a pull request or something?
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:06):
Sure. Note however that mathlib has a style guide, and a lot of cleanup would be needed to get that proof mathlib ready
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 08:07):
Where do i find the style guide?
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:07):
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:08):
You can also just browse mathlib sources to get a feel for the style
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:14):
Here's a restyling of log_pow_nat_inv
. I probably haven't got the brackets quite right because I wrote this without lean, but the two exacts at the end indicate that something doesn't add up
lemma log_pow_nat_inv (x : ℝ) (n : ℕ) (hn : n ≠ 0) (hx : x > 0) : real.log (x ^ ((1 : ℝ) / n)) = (1 / n) * real.log x := begin have hn_ : (n : ℝ) ≠ 0, {norm_cast, exact hn}, set x_inv := x ^ ((1 : ℝ) / n), set a := real.log x_inv, set b := real.log x, have q1 : b = real.log (x ^ ((1 : ℝ) / n * n)), { rw puzzle_3, suffices q1a: x = x ^ (1 : ℝ), rw ← q1a, { exact puzzle_4 x }, exact hn_ }, apply puzzle_2 _ _ n _, simp [hn], have q := log_pow_nat (x_inv) n _, swap, exact real.rpow_pos_of_pos hx (1 / ↑n), rw ← q, rw puzzle_5 x n hn, apply puzzle_6 b n, exact hn_, exact hx, end
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 08:20):
I think you did in fact get the brackets right, it just compiles for me
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:20):
The question isn't whether it compiles, it is whether there are ever multiple goals in flight
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:20):
@Jalex Stark Have you considered applying exp_injective
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:21):
The point of the brackets is to organize the goals so that the structure of the proof is clearer
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 08:22):
@Johan Commelin
that sounds like the kind of thing that would pull a lot of weight but I don't know where to apply it
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 08:22):
@Mario Carneiro oh i see
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:22):
Start your proof with apply exp_injective
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 08:22):
which proof?
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 08:24):
also i don't know where exp_injective lives, right now Im just trying to find it by typing it and pressing ctrl+space
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:24):
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:25):
In VScode, there is also the magnifying glass on the left. That might help as well.
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:25):
But I assume that you've imported analysis.complex.exponential
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:26):
@Jalex Stark What's the final statement that you want to prove?
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:26):
I guess something like
lemma log_pow (x : ℝ) (n : ℝ) (hx : 0 < x) : real.log (x ^ n) = n * real.log x := sorry
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 08:27):
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:28):
So I would start that proof immediately with apply exp_injective
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:28):
If you apply exp_injective, then the rhs is x ^ n
in the reals by definition
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:28):
And the lhs is equal to that by exp_log hx
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 08:28):
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 08:29):
i have import analysis.complex.exponential at the top of my file
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:29):
It's weird that this lemma isn't in mathlib yet.
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 08:29):
unknown identifier 'exp_injective'
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:29):
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 08:29):
that works
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:29):
I think the proof is as simple as rw [rpow_def_of_pos, log_exp]
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:30):
Aha, then you don't even need exp_injective
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 08:30):
woah so if you have a theorem that f_injective, then apply f_injective is the thing that applies f to both sides of an equation
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:31):
Which is just because of the general way apply
hf : injective f
is really just a function that turns f x = f y
into a proof that x = y
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 08:32):
cool i have spent a lot of time finding circuitous ways to apply f to both sides of an equation
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:32):
So if you apply hf
, then Lean says, okay, you need to prove x = y
, but by hf
it suffices to give me a proof of f x = f y
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:32):
If you have a hypothesis h : x = y
, and you want h' : f x = f y
, then you should use congr_arg f h
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:33):
or congr' 1
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 08:33):
so should the code block
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 08:33):
lemma log_pow (x : ℝ) (n : ℝ) (hx : 0 < x) : real.log (x ^ n) = n * real.log x := begin rw [real.rpow_def_of_pos, real.log_exp], rw mul_comm, exact hx, end
Jalex Stark (Mar 03 2020 at 08:33):
go into mathlib?
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:34):
Yes, more or less
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:34):
lemma log_pow (x : ℝ) (n : ℝ) (hx : 0 < x) : real.log (x ^ n) = n * real.log x := by rw [real.rpow_def_of_pos hx, real.log_exp, mul_comm]
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:34):
I would change n
to y
, put begin
on a new line, and maybe turn the statement into real.log x * y
to preserve the order of x
and y
and golf the proof.
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:35):
@Mario Carneiro Do you prefer the version with or without mul_comm
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:35):
they are both conceivably useful, but for consistency it's probably best to have the y
on the right
lemma log_pow {x : ℝ} (y : ℝ) (hx : 0 < x) : real.log (x ^ y) = real.log x * y := by rw [real.rpow_def_of_pos hx, real.log_exp]
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:36):
Also, maybe the name should be log_pow_of_pos
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:36):
the real.
is not necessary because this will be in the real
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:37):
Is there a log_pow_of_neg
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:37):
It's probably bananas
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:37):
If not, I wouldn't bother
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:37):
We have very bad powers of negative numbers
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:38):
I think when it comes to real.log
you should just assume the argument is always positive
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:38):
Which can happen, if x < 0
and y
is an even natural number...
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:39):
I don't think rpow will give you that though
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:39):
But of course the real.log x
on the right would fail.
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:39):
(-1 : ℝ) ^ (1/3 : ℝ)
also doesn't seem to be what I would hope.
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:40):
What I would hope is a complex number
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:40):
the odd power thing is nuts
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:40):
We probably need a has_pow ℝ ℚ
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:40):
Just say no
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:41):
use abs
and -
and build it from the positive version when necessary
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:41):
So how would you express the inverse of λ x, x^3
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:41):
, and argue negative numbers by wlog
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:42):
I don't follow
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:42):
is invertible. that's all you need to know
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:43):
Ok, but you don't care about having a formula for the inverse?
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:43):
The function, if you want to write it down, is if x >= 0 then x^(1/3) else -(-x)^(1/3)
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:44):
Would it make sense to have a nth_root 3 : ℝ → ℝ
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:44):
but I reject the idea that this is "the" x^(1/3)
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:45):
You just don't like the fact that the absolute Galois group of ℝ
has order 2...
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:45):
It's a real closed field man... shouldn't we celebrate?
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:45):
I think that when you start talking about 3rd roots you should go complex
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 08:46):
I would argue that when you start talking about 2nd roots you should go complex.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 03 2020 at 08:46):
So you want to define x^y with x a negative real and y a rational with non-negative 2-adic valuation?
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 03 2020 at 08:47):
We can put it on the pile, with x a positive real and y complex, and with x a non-zero complex and y an integer, as another random region of where the power operation happens to give a unique sensible answer.
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:51):
Unlike the first two, it is not continuous on that region
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 03 2020 at 08:51):
It's not hard to check that you can't define ^
on all of and expect all the "standard" facts and and to hold (because has got square and also ), but then there seem to be these random regions where you can get away with it.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 03 2020 at 08:52):
Mario Carneiro said:
Unlike the first two, it is not continuous on that region
Is that really true?
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:52):
It's continuous for fixed y
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 03 2020 at 08:53):
Isn't it just ?
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:53):
but y is in a dense region and it's discontinuous in that direction
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:54):
is positive for negative
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 03 2020 at 08:55):
Mario Carneiro (Mar 03 2020 at 08:55):
let me repeat: nuts
Johan Commelin (Mar 03 2020 at 09:06):
@Jalex Stark All these discussions shouldn't discourage you from creating a PR for that 2-liner. You found a hole in the libs! Well done.
Patrick Massot (Mar 03 2020 at 09:25):
Jalex Stark said:
woah so if you have a theorem that f_injective, then apply f_injective is the thing that applies f to both sides of an equation
In this case you don't need it, but for feature reference : apply_fun f at hyp would do that for you.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 03 2020 at 11:46):
"applying f to an equation" can mean two things. If the goal is x = y
then to "apply f" to it you apply h
where h
is the proof that f
is injective. If you have a hypothesis hyp : x = y
then you can "apply f" to it without injectivity, using apply_fun f at hyp
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 03 2020 at 11:47):
I think Donald found the hole :-)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC