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Stream: maths

Topic: matrix.minor wrong terminology?

Alexander Bentkamp (Aug 15 2022 at 14:09):

I think the term "minor" is used in the wrong way in mathlib. Minors are the determinants of submatrices, not the submatrix itself. Should I make a PR to rename matrix.minor to matrix.submatrix?

Moritz Doll (Aug 15 2022 at 14:13):

technically it is not even a submatrix, right? you could have rows/columns that you reindex twice (i.e., the maps are not injective)

Eric Wieser (Aug 15 2022 at 14:17):

I think probably we don't need to worry about that though; we frequently use names that only actually match convention under extra assumptions

Eric Wieser (Aug 15 2022 at 14:18):

Such as module which isn't really a module without ring

Eric Wieser (Aug 15 2022 at 14:18):

Or monoid_hom which isn't really a monoid homomorphism without monoid

Eric Wieser (Aug 15 2022 at 14:19):

It's unfortunate that submatrix is almost twice as long a name

Eric Wieser (Aug 15 2022 at 14:22):

Note that on square matrices, matrix.minor A f f is the same as matrix.of (A on f) (docs#function.on_fun). Perhaps then simply matrix.on is a reasonable (protected) name?

Johan Commelin (Aug 15 2022 at 14:24):

I like matrix.on.

Alexander Bentkamp (Aug 15 2022 at 15:29):


Yaël Dillies (Aug 15 2022 at 15:30):

That will conflict with #14035.

Alexander Bentkamp (Aug 15 2022 at 16:07):

That's ok. When the first one gets merged, I am happy to update the other.

Alexander Bentkamp (Aug 16 2022 at 12:01):

The PR for on is ready, but @Anne Baanen and I aren't really happy about on. For me, it's because on is not really illuminating for newcomers. Indeed, submatrix is a bit long, but maybe acceptable? How about abbreviating it as submat or submx? Any other ideas?

Eric Wieser (Aug 16 2022 at 12:08):

/poll What should matrix.minor be called?

  • matrix.minor
  • matrix.on
  • matrix.submat
  • matrix.submx

Eric Wieser (Aug 16 2022 at 12:15):

Another similar definition is docs#finsupp.comap_domain, which does the same type of composition on the left; thought the name IMO would be worse here.

Moritz Doll (Aug 16 2022 at 12:28):

yet another similar definition is docs#linear_map.compl₁₂

Anne Baanen (Aug 16 2022 at 12:29):

Some other options I considered are to call this matrix.reindex and rename reindex to reindex_equiv, or matrix.(co)map_index.

Eric Wieser (Aug 16 2022 at 12:39):

That's made a little messy by the fact that src#matrix.reindex is implemented as reindex e f = minor e.symm f.symm; the direction is flipped, so one is not just a bundled version of the other

Alexander Bentkamp (Aug 17 2022 at 14:27):

Ok, submatrix seems to be the most popular. Here is the PR for submatrix: #16101

Alexander Bentkamp (Aug 18 2022 at 13:38):


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC