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Stream: maths

Topic: pgame.short

Violeta Hernández (Jul 14 2022 at 22:15):

I don't think it's controversial that docss#pgame.short shouldn't be a class. As we've discussed before, typeclasses should only be used when most instances can be built compositionally. But since pre-games are very commonly built by induction (and hence by well_founded.fix), most instances have to be provided directly.

I do get why it was made a class though: we get some degree of computability on short games via docs#pgame.le_decidable and friends. That's why I propose the alternate approach of making a separate type for short games.

In order to avoid having to copy a lot of API, we could simply define short pre-games as a subtype of pre-games, satifsying the current definition of pgame.short. We can then provide these same decidability instances on the subtype.

Violeta Hernández (Jul 14 2022 at 22:22):

Now on this note, we had previously noticed that the current definition of short doesn't line up with the mathematical one. Proposition 4.9 of Schleicher-Stoll shows that a pre-game is short iff it has a finite birthday, but this isn't true with the current definition: the pre-game with infinitely many copies of 0 as left moves is not short by our definition, but has birthday 1. So if we're going to refactor this bit of the code, maybe we should go all the way.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC