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Stream: maths

Topic: proof tactics suggestion

Mason McBride (Apr 02 2022 at 07:24):

I'm trying to practice my theorem proving in lean, but I'm relatively new. Do any experts have lean-ic (read: pythonic) suggestions for ways to tackle this proof. I'd also like it to be readable.

theorem imo_1977_p6
  (f : +  +)
  (h₀ :  n, f (f n) < f (n + 1)) :
   n, f n = n :=

Thomas Browning (Apr 02 2022 at 07:27):

The first thing is to figure out the math-proof. What's the strategy you want to take?

Mason McBride (Apr 02 2022 at 07:30):

I'm unsure of the direct path, by my strategy is to use induction and also prove f n > n and f n <= n to imply f n = n

Thomas Browning (Apr 02 2022 at 07:35):

It's almost always easier to find the math-proof first, and then code it up in lean. But if you want to prove a subgoal by induction, the following format might be helpful:

   have first_goal :  n, f n  n,
  { intro n,
    apply pnat.strong_induction_on n,
    intros h hk,
    sorry },

Scott Morrison (Apr 02 2022 at 07:48):

(Certainly don't try any IMO level problems without writing out an informal proof on paper first! Indeed, the lean-ic way to proceed would ideally be to write the module-doc first, containing the human readable informal proof. :-)

Mason McBride (Apr 02 2022 at 07:50):

thanks! I like this format. is there any reason it's intros h hk and not intros k hk?

Mario Carneiro (Apr 02 2022 at 07:52):

those are just the names of the local variables, you can name them as you wish (and k probably makes more sense than h here)

Mason McBride (Apr 02 2022 at 19:05):

does anyone know if I can get f(n) < n + 1 from f(f(n)) < f(n+1)?

Mario Carneiro (Apr 02 2022 at 19:14):

only if f is weakly increasing

Patrick Johnson (Apr 03 2022 at 11:11):


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC