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Topic: semiorthogonal decompositions

Matthew Ballard (Dec 23 2021 at 21:07):

variable [pretriangulated T]

def cone {X Y: T} (f : X  Y) : T :=
Exists.some(distinguished_cocone_triangle X Y f)

structure triang_subcategory :=
(P : T  Prop)
(cone_mem :  {X Y : T} (f : X  Y), P X  P Y  P (cone T f))
(shift_mem:  (X : T), P X  P (X 1))

structure semiorthogonal_decomposition :=
(A : triang_subcategory T)
(B : triang_subcategory T)
(semiorthogonal :  {X Y: T} (f : X  Y), A.P Y  B.P X  f = 0)
(triangle :  (X : T),  (XA XB : T) (f : XB  X) (g : X  XA) (h : XA  (XB)1), (A.P XA)  (B.P XB)  triangle.mk _ f g h  dist_triang T)

A semi-orthogonal decomposition A,B\langle A, B \rangle of triangulated category TT is a pair of triangulated subcategories A,BA, B such that

Hom(b,a)=0\operatorname{Hom}(b,a) = 0

when aAa \in A and bBb \in B and

  • for any xTx \in T there is a triangle

bxab[1]b \to x \to a \to b[1]

with aAa \in A and bBb \in B. A canonical reference is Bondal and Orlov's paper.

What do people think about this design choice?

Reid Barton (Dec 23 2021 at 21:31):

I assume P is also meant to be invariant under isomorphism, and probably P 0 should hold, and maybe you want to assume something about direct sums too?
I tend to assume it's better to state things like cone_mem in the form "for every distinguished triangle XYZX \to Y \to Z, P X -> P Y -> P Z" rather than making some arbitrary (but useless) choice of "the" cone, and then having to invoke isomorphism invariance

Reid Barton (Dec 23 2021 at 21:35):

(e.g. compare "a pushout of a cofibration is a cofibration" https://github.com/rwbarton/lean-homotopy-theory/blob/lean-3.4.2/src/homotopy_theory/formal/cofibrations/cofibration_category.lean#L55-L56)

Matthew Ballard (Dec 23 2021 at 21:35):


XidXX0X[1]X \overset{\operatorname{id}_X}{\to} X \to 0 \to X[1]

is a triangle, you get P 0 from P (cone T f).

Reid Barton said:

I assume P is also meant to be invariant under isomorphism,

Should it? It seems to fall in the same space as full vs strictly full subcategories.

Reid Barton said:

I tend to assume it's better to state things like cone_mem in the form "for every distinguished triangle XYZX \to Y \to Z, P X -> P Y -> P Z" rather than making some arbitrary (but useless) choice of "the" cone, and then having to invoke isomorphism invariance

Yes, this is very good advice. Thanks.

Reid Barton (Dec 23 2021 at 21:36):

Matthew Ballard said:


XidXX0X[1]X \overset{\operatorname{id}_X}{\to} X \to 0 \to X[1]

is a triangle, you get P 0 from P (cone T f).

but P might not hold for any object to start with!

Matthew Ballard (Dec 23 2021 at 21:36):

Ah yes :embarrassed:

Reid Barton (Dec 23 2021 at 21:37):

If P is closed under cofibers then it is also closed under replacing objects by isomorphic ones (since 0XX0 \to X \to X' is distinguished if XXX \to X' is an iso)

Reid Barton (Dec 23 2021 at 21:38):

In other words if you rephrase cone_mem in the style I suggested then isomorphism invariance is a consequence (once you have P 0). If you ask for it to be closed under forming "the" cone then it's a weird concept if you did not already assume it to be isomorphism invariant.

Matthew Ballard (Dec 23 2021 at 21:38):

I agree

Matthew Ballard (Dec 23 2021 at 21:41):

About direct sums, you want to prove some results about (co)limits and left/right orthogonals. Is it valuable to package some assumptions directly?

Johan Commelin (Dec 24 2021 at 09:50):

@Matthew Ballard It will be very interesting to hear if you find the current setup of pretriangulated categories pleasant to work with. My gut feeling is that there might be too much bundling of triangles, and that this might be annoying to work with in practice.

Johan Commelin (Dec 24 2021 at 09:51):

But I haven't used it yet, so I don't have more than a gut feeling

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC