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Stream: maths

Topic: set union equality

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 25 2018 at 18:00):

example (X : Type) (R : Type) (D : R → set X) (γ : Type) (f : γ → R) : ⋃₀(D '' set.range f) = ⋃ (i : γ), D (f i) := sorry

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 25 2018 at 18:00):

I was rather hoping simp would do this one...

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 25 2018 at 18:00):

is there some lemma?

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 25 2018 at 18:01):

or do I stick with my 25 line tactic proof :-/

Mario Carneiro (Apr 25 2018 at 18:03):

use D '' range f = range (D o f) and then hopefully U range f = U i, f i is a theorem

Kenny Lau (Apr 25 2018 at 18:06):

import data.set

example (X : Type) (R : Type) (D : R  set X) (γ : Type) (f : γ  R) :
  ⋃₀(D '' set.range f) =  (i : γ), D (f i) :=
set.ext $ λ z, ⟨λ x1, ⟨⟨x2, x3, h1, h2, h3⟩⟩, x1, x3, h2  h1  rfl, h3,
λ x1, x2, h1, h3, x1, f x2, x2, rfl, h1.symm, h3⟩⟩

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 25 2018 at 18:08):

That's my 25 line tactic proof!

Kenny Lau (Apr 25 2018 at 18:08):


Kevin Buzzard (Apr 25 2018 at 18:08):

  apply set.ext,
  intro x,
  intro H,
  cases H with V HV,
  cases HV with HV HX,
  cases HV with r HR,
  cases HR.1 with i Hi,
  existsi V,
  existsi _,
  existsi i,
  rw Hi,rw HR.2,

  intro H,
  cases H with V HV,
  cases HV with HV Hx,
  cases HV with i Hi,
  existsi V,
  existsi _,
  existsi (f i),
  existsi i,
  rw Hi,

Kenny Lau (Apr 25 2018 at 18:08):

use rcases :P

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 25 2018 at 18:08):

It must be, because we both start with the same line and then do nothing

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 25 2018 at 18:09):

other than following our nose

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 25 2018 at 18:42):

example (X : Type) (R : Type) (D : R  set X) (γ : Type) (f : γ  R) :
  ⋃₀(D '' set.range f) =  (i : γ), D (f i) :=
  rw [set.image_univ,set.image_comp],
  show ⋃₀(D  f '' set.univ) =  (i : γ), (D  f) i,
  simp [set.Union_eq_sUnion_image],

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 25 2018 at 18:44):

don't even need the show

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 25 2018 at 18:45):

Mario's insight is that we reduce the number of functions from 2 to 1 and then simp can handle it

Kenny Lau (Apr 25 2018 at 18:50):

import data.set

example (X : Type) (R : Type) (D : R  set X) (γ : Type) (f : γ  R) :
  ⋃₀(D '' set.range f) =  (i : γ), D (f i) :=
by rw [set.Union_eq_sUnion_image,  set.range_comp]

Kenny Lau (Apr 25 2018 at 18:50):

do I win?

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 25 2018 at 18:59):


Kevin Buzzard (Apr 25 2018 at 18:59):

saw that on the way in today and thought of you

Scott Morrison (Apr 25 2018 at 23:06):

@Kevin Buzzard your 25 line tactic proof doesn't seem to work (fails at cases H with V HV,). I was curious how my tactics cope with this one. :-)

Mario Carneiro (Apr 25 2018 at 23:11):

works for me

Mario Carneiro (Apr 25 2018 at 23:12):

import data.set.lattice

example (X : Type) (R : Type) (D : R → set X) (γ : Type) (f : γ → R) :
  ⋃₀(D '' set.range f) = ⋃ (i : γ), D (f i) :=
  apply set.ext,
  ... +25 lines

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:34):

Simon's code in the cases thread didn't work for me without a minor fix

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:34):

I wonder whether we are using different versions of Lean

Mario Carneiro (Apr 26 2018 at 07:35):

I'm running 04-20 now, along with the latest mathlib. Are you?

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:35):

you are no doubt bleeding edge, I am enjoying the stability of 4-06

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:35):

Upgrading is such a chore

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:35):

I need to do it on three machines

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:35):

and make all the olean files

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:35):

and I just want to concentrate on getting schemes done

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:36):

Everything is taking longer than expected

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:36):

because I have a bunch of commutative diagrams / exact sequences

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:36):

and I continually want to replace an object with a canonically isomorphic object

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:36):

and claim that everything is still commutative / exact

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:37):

I hate computers

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:37):

In maths you just say it works and nobody even notices

Mario Carneiro (Apr 26 2018 at 07:38):

My instinct always says there's a proof architectural solution to such problems

Mario Carneiro (Apr 26 2018 at 07:39):

but sometimes you just have to do it the long way a few times before you can see the pattern

Mario Carneiro (Apr 26 2018 at 07:39):

but once you identify the pattern, it's a short hop to formalized patterns and then lemmas that save you the boilerplate work

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:48):

It is that way of thinking which led me to all this "unique-R-algebra-hom" stuff

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:49):

The proofs that the diagrams commute are just "this is a map with a property, so it's the only map with the property, so it's equal to the map we want"

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:49):

I think a mathematician would instinctively prove commutativity using a diagram chase

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:49):

"where does this element go? This way it goes here, that way it goes there, oh look they're the same"

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:50):

but seeing as I have a pathological fear of quotient types I had to find another way

Mario Carneiro (Apr 26 2018 at 07:50):

I think that was a good idea on your part

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:50):

I don't think my universal property methods are much quicker

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:50):

in the sense that if I asked Kenny to prove the diagrams commute he would just do the chase

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:50):

and the proof would be about as long, I suspect

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:51):

but my methods are easier to explain

Mario Carneiro (Apr 26 2018 at 07:51):

I think Kenny is good at getting to the end, but he needs to work on his long game

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 07:51):

they just involve setting type class inference resolution depth to 93 occasionally ;-)

Mario Carneiro (Apr 26 2018 at 07:52):

there is a lot more possibility for "golfing" at the large scale, planning out the right lemmas that give you the most bang for the buck

Mario Carneiro (Apr 26 2018 at 07:53):

and that's where stuff like is_unique_R_hom come in

Mario Carneiro (Apr 26 2018 at 07:54):

I think the difference between Kenny's and my answer to your union-image-range question demonstrate this well

Mario Carneiro (Apr 26 2018 at 07:55):

on the one hand you can use matches and rfl and anonymous instances to just write out the whole thing from first principles, it's not so hard

Mario Carneiro (Apr 26 2018 at 07:55):

and on the other you could chain together two lemmas that were written exactly for the purpose

Mario Carneiro (Apr 26 2018 at 07:57):

I think it's a bit unfortunate that proofs from lemmas lose a lot relative to proofs using basic dependent type theory simply because they have names (and lean's naming convention averages 20 characters or so)

Mario Carneiro (Apr 26 2018 at 07:58):

which is a bit misleading since something like λ ⟨a, b⟩, is actually quite a bit more complicated under the hood than it looks

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:04):

In practice, my current problem is that I now know enough about the system to be able to prove these things from first principles, I know that ideally this is not what I should be doing, but I do not have an encyclopedic knowledge of the lemmas which are there and to be honest I am unclear about the roadmap for getting this knowledge.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:04):

I am not even sure this qualifies as a "problem"

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:04):

but we saw it twice yesterday

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:05):

My ability to retain information is not what it was; I can read the source code and think "oh that is cool" but then not remember everything that is there, unlike when I was in my 20s

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:06):

I need to develop (as Kenny once pointed out) a good feeling for "what _should_ be there"

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:06):

and then simply check that it is

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:06):

Having said all that, I would rather be here than where I was 6 months ago

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:06):

where I had to ask because I simply had no idea how to prove what I needed

Mario Carneiro (Apr 26 2018 at 08:10):

I agree with kenny's quote. I certainly don't remember all the lemmas in mathlib, I just think about the things that should exist and make sure they are actually there. Your question about the union-image-range seems like a step in the right direction, you are getting the sense for what form the lemmas should take, but in that case union-image-range is three things and I like lemmas to talk about two things

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:11):

One thing that has helped me terrifically is trying to use Kenny's localization work, because it was written in a completely different style to mathlib. Rather than being written by someone who knew everything and wanted to write an interface, it was written by someone who knew nothing and was learning the material.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:12):

In practice I said to Kenny "can you please give me a function which given a ring R and a multiplicative subset S, returns the ring R[1/S]"

Mario Carneiro (Apr 26 2018 at 08:12):

As far as what you should learn by reading printouts, I would say focus on definitions, that's the core around which the lemmas are built

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:12):

and he said "sure" and a day or so later I had that ring

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:12):

and then I realised I could do nothing with it

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:13):

so I kept asking for more and he kept making it (basically by return of post)

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:13):

and by the end of it I had a feeling for what it meant to build a mathlib file

Mario Carneiro (Apr 26 2018 at 08:14):

writing for others is definitely harder than writing for yourself

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:14):

focus on definitions -- thanks for the tip!

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:14):

writing for others -- Kenny and I have worked really well as a team, I knew the maths and he did the dirty work

Mario Carneiro (Apr 26 2018 at 08:14):

you can look at the lemmas, but your reaction to them should be "oh, well of course"

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:17):

and the really cool thing about the localization stuff was once he'd done the really primitive dirty work of proving that some map had some universal property, all the other universal properties which people used in practice could be deduced from Kenny's, and I could write that code myself

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:17):

you have probably seen this phenomenon before

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:17):

technical code full of [[ ]] and quot.sound or whatever to get stuff off the ground

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:17):

but then the proofs get more conceptual after a while

Mario Carneiro (Apr 26 2018 at 08:17):

oh yes

Mario Carneiro (Apr 26 2018 at 08:18):

I expect that outside the free_group file we will never see list (A x bool)

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 08:18):

it's been a fascinating learning experience.

Scott Morrison (Apr 26 2018 at 11:14):

example (X : Type) (R : Type) (D : R  set X) (γ : Type) (f : γ  R) :
  ⋃₀(D '' set.range f) =  (i : γ), D (f i) := by obviously

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 16:53):

Well it does look obvious to me.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 16:53):

I think we are probably a long way from a tactic which will be able to prove everything which looks obvious to me

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 16:53):

but I want to start along down that road.

Patrick Massot (Apr 26 2018 at 16:54):

Kevin, you may have missed the point

Patrick Massot (Apr 26 2018 at 16:54):

Scott does have a tactic called obviously which does the job here

Patrick Massot (Apr 26 2018 at 16:55):


Patrick Massot (Apr 26 2018 at 16:55):


Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 16:59):


Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 17:00):

but unfortunately I suspect that it will not prove _everything_ which is obvious

Patrick Massot (Apr 26 2018 at 17:00):

He's working on it

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 26 2018 at 17:01):

In particular I bet it won't prove that if there exists a,b,c,d nats with a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2 = 2n then there exists w x y z nats with w^2+x^2+y^2+z^2=2n and w^2+x^2 even

Scott Morrison (Apr 27 2018 at 00:13):

It would be nice to have a better name than obviously. Suggestions welcome. follow_your_nose is a a possibility :-)

Scott Morrison (Apr 27 2018 at 00:15):

I think your a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2 = 2n is far from "obvious" in this sense. I mean, it's easy, but I don't think "let's think about the parity of the numbers, and the multiplicities of the parities, and solve the problem merely by permuting" counts as "following your nose".

Simon Hudon (Apr 27 2018 at 00:23):


Simon Hudon (Apr 27 2018 at 00:24):

Or beside_the_point

Simon Hudon (Apr 27 2018 at 00:25):

or omitted

Mario Carneiro (Apr 27 2018 at 00:37):

I think by beside_the_point is a hilarious substitute for sorry

Mario Carneiro (Apr 27 2018 at 00:38):

but none of those suggest that the proof is actually done automatically

Simon Hudon (Apr 27 2018 at 00:38):

How about magic or automagic? :D

Simon Hudon (Apr 27 2018 at 00:40):

I think I might like chocolate even better, since Uncyclopedia mentions it's a respectable proof technique:


Mario Carneiro (Apr 27 2018 at 01:10):

Here's a nice proof of that statement: Given any three numbers a b c, I claim that the sum of two of them is even. If a+b is odd, and a+c is odd, and b+c is odd, then (a+b)+(a+c)+(b+c)=2*(a+b+c) is odd, a contradiction.

Mario Carneiro (Apr 27 2018 at 01:12):

To do this formally you only need to know that every number is even or odd and apply it three times, and then do some simple algebra at the end

Mario Carneiro (Apr 27 2018 at 01:12):

also you have to know parity rules for adding even and odd

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC