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Topic: union of complete sets

Sebastien Gouezel (Feb 07 2022 at 21:55):

For our uniform space experts (yes, @Patrick Massot , I'm thinking of you :-). I can't find in the library the fact that the union of two complete sets is complete. I'm not even sure this is correct in full generality (i.e., without any separation assumption), but I don't have an easy counterexample either, so I'd be interested in comments in one direction or the other.

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 07 2022 at 22:00):

It's a great question!

Riccardo Brasca (Feb 07 2022 at 22:22):

For metric spaces it is easy, isn't it? If (xn)n(x_n)_n is a Cauchy sequence contained in STS \cup T, then there is a subsequence contained in SS (or in TT), that is convergent, and then the original sequence is convergent. Am I missing something obvious or is a more general notion of completeness?

Patrick Massot (Feb 07 2022 at 22:23):

It's a more general notion

Patrick Massot (Feb 07 2022 at 22:23):

I'm not sure whether the general statement is true.

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 07 2022 at 22:25):

It's docs#is_complete

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 07 2022 at 22:25):

(root namespace -- wow!)

Patrick Massot (Feb 07 2022 at 22:26):

It's a bit too late to think about exotic uniform spaces.

Riccardo Brasca (Feb 07 2022 at 22:26):

I am reading it, but I still have problems with uniform spaces...

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 07 2022 at 22:27):

If s and t are complete, and f is a Cauchy filter with s union t in f, then we can't conclude s is in f or t is in f as far as I know (Cauchy doesn't imply this, does it?), so somehow this is where Riccardo's proof breaks down.

Adam Topaz (Feb 07 2022 at 22:28):

If you could state completeness with ultrafilters, then you could make such a conclusion.

Sebastien Gouezel (Feb 07 2022 at 22:33):

Here is my current state.

lemma is_complete.union {s t : set α} (hs : is_complete s) (ht : is_complete t) :
  is_complete (s  t) :=
  assume f f_cauchy hf,
  let fs := f  𝓟 s,
  let ft := f  𝓟 t,
  have fst : fs  ft = f, by simpa [fs, ft,  inf_sup_left, sup_principal] using hf,
  rcases eq_or_ne fs  with h|h,
  { rw [h, bot_sup_eq] at fst,
    rw  fst at f_cauchy,
    obtain x, xt, hx :  (x : α) (H : x  t), ft  𝓝 x := ht ft f_cauchy inf_le_right,
    exact x, mem_union_right _ xt, by rwa fst at hx },
  rcases eq_or_ne ft  with h'|h',
  { rw [h', sup_bot_eq] at fst,
    rw  fst at f_cauchy,
    obtain x, xs, hx :  (x : α) (H : x  s), fs  𝓝 x := hs fs f_cauchy inf_le_right,
    exact x, mem_union_left _ xs, by rwa fst at hx },
  obtain x, xs, hx :  (x : α) (H : x  s), fs  𝓝 x :=
    hs fs (f_cauchy.mono' h inf_le_left) inf_le_right,
  obtain y, yt, hy :  (y : α) (H : y  t), ft  𝓝 y :=
    ht ft (f_cauchy.mono' h' inf_le_left) inf_le_right,
  suffices H : 𝓝 x = 𝓝 y,
  { rw  H at hy,
    refine x, mem_union_left _ xs, _⟩,
    rw  fst,
    exact sup_le hx hy },

(Since I don't know anything about this stuff, having Lean double-check everything helps a lot). I start from a Cauchy filter on s ∪ t, and then I restrict it to s and to t. If one of the restrictions is trivial, then the original filter lives on the other set, and I'm done. Otherwise, each restricted filter is Cauchy, so it has a limit (called x and y above). If I can prove that the neighborhoods of x and of y are the same, then I can conclude the proof. (Of course, x and y don't need to be the same, as limits are typically not unique). And hopefully this should be true, as these two points are approximated by a Cauchy filter, so they should be infinitely close...

Yury G. Kudryashov (Feb 07 2022 at 22:52):

Probably you can reformulate the definition using ultrafilters. Then the proof is trivial

Patrick Massot (Feb 07 2022 at 23:01):

lemma is_complete.union {s t : set α} (hs : is_complete s) (ht : is_complete t) :
  is_complete (s  t) :=
  assume f f_cauchy hf,
  let fs := f  𝓟 s,
  let ft := f  𝓟 t,
  have fst : fs  ft = f, by simpa [fs, ft,  inf_sup_left, sup_principal] using hf,
  rcases eq_or_ne fs  with h|h,
  { rw [h, bot_sup_eq] at fst,
    rw  fst at f_cauchy,
    obtain x, xt, hx :  (x : α) (H : x  t), ft  𝓝 x := ht ft f_cauchy inf_le_right,
    exact x, mem_union_right _ xt, by rwa fst at hx },
  obtain x, xs, hx :  (x : α) (H : x  s), fs  𝓝 x :=
    hs fs (f_cauchy.mono' h inf_le_left) inf_le_right,
  use [x, or.inl xs],
  apply le_nhds_of_cauchy_adhp f_cauchy,
  rw [ fst, cluster_pt, inf_sup_left, sup_ne_bot],
  rw inf_of_le_right hx,
  exact h

I can go to bed knowing my reputation is safe.

Yury G. Kudryashov (Feb 07 2022 at 23:08):

Il try to write a proof with ultrafilters tonight

Yury G. Kudryashov (Feb 07 2022 at 23:21):

Probably I'm wrong.

Yury G. Kudryashov (Feb 07 2022 at 23:32):

No, I'm not.

lemma cauchy.to_ultrafilter {l : filter α} (h : cauchy l) :
  cauchy (@ultrafilter.of _ l h.1 : filter α) :=
  haveI := h.1,
  have := ultrafilter.of_le l,
  exact ultrafilter.ne_bot _, (filter.prod_mono this this).trans h.2

lemma is_complete_iff_cluster_pt {s : set α} :
  is_complete s   l, cauchy l  l  𝓟 s   x  s, cluster_pt x l :=
forall₃_congr $ λ l hl hls, exists₂_congr $ λ x hx, le_nhds_iff_adhp_of_cauchy hl

lemma is_complete_iff_ultrafilter {s : set α} :
  is_complete s   l : ultrafilter α, cauchy (l : filter α)  l  𝓟 s   x  s, l  𝓝 x :=
  refine λ h l, h l, λ H, is_complete_iff_cluster_pt.2 $ λ l hl hls, _⟩,
  haveI := hl.1,
  rcases H (ultrafilter.of l) hl.to_ultrafilter ((ultrafilter.of_le l).trans hls)
    with x, hxs, hxl⟩,
  exact x, hxs, (cluster_pt.of_le_nhds hxl).mono (ultrafilter.of_le l)⟩

lemma is_complete_iff_ultrafilter' {s : set α} :
  is_complete s   l : ultrafilter α, cauchy (l : filter α)  s  l   x  s, l  𝓝 x :=
is_complete_iff_ultrafilter.trans $ by simp only [le_principal_iff, ultrafilter.mem_coe]

protected lemma is_complete.union {s t : set α} (hs : is_complete s) (ht : is_complete t) :
  is_complete (s  t) :=
  simp only [is_complete_iff_ultrafilter', ultrafilter.union_mem_iff, or_imp_distrib] at *,
  exact λ l hl, λ hsl, (hs l hl hsl).imp $ λ x hx, or.inl hx.fst, hx.snd⟩,
    λ htl, (ht l hl htl).imp $ λ x hx, or.inr hx.fst, hx.snd⟩⟩

Yury G. Kudryashov (Feb 08 2022 at 02:35):


Yury G. Kudryashov (Feb 08 2022 at 02:35):

I used my proof because IMHO we should have is_complete_iff_ultrafilter, and with this lemma my proof is much shorter.

Sebastien Gouezel (Feb 08 2022 at 07:20):

Thanks to both of you!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC