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Topic: universe levels in preserves statements

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 05 2022 at 09:01):

@Markus Himmel and me have found many ove the universe level restrictions in category_theory.limits.preserves to be too strong in that they require both categories to live in the same universe. I started to work on a generalization at preserves-universes but for many of the more specific type classes, e.g. preserves_binary_products, the fix needs to pin the universe level of the diagram category. In general it seems more consistent with other parts of mathlib to have things like the walking_pairin Type instead of being universe polymorphic. Edge cases like preserves_finite_limits are harder to decide on. Any comments on these changes, esp @Scott Morrison ? I seem to have fixed most files, but there's still some work to do...

Johan Commelin (Jun 06 2022 at 04:13):

@Jakob von Raumer I guess you know the back story, that the indexing diagram used to be a small category at the same universe level as that of the morphisms of category in which you take limits. This was decoupled a while ago. So I agree that it's now a good idea for walking_pair and friends to simply live in Type.
For things like preserves_finite_limits, I think we should at least support a universe polymorphic version. It could be called preserves_finite_limits_of_size for example.

Adam Topaz (Jun 06 2022 at 04:54):

I'm concerned that these more relaxed universe parameters will mean the
preserves instances will almost never fire automatically. We are already running into some issues in LTE where we have to provide universes explicitly to has_limit (or similar) instances. Is that better than dealing with ulift once in a while? I don't know...

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 06 2022 at 05:42):

Johan Commelin said:

For things like preserves_finite_limits, I think we should at least support a universe polymorphic version. It could be called preserves_finite_limits_of_size for example.

Yes, that's what it's like on the branch now. There's a sparate lemma preserves_smallest_finite_limits_of_preserves_limitsreflecting it down to Type which we can locally make an instance.

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 06 2022 at 05:44):

Adam Topaz said:

I'm concerned that these more relaxed universe parameters will mean the
preserves instances will almost never fire automatically. We are already running into some issues in LTE where we have to provide universes explicitly to has_limit (or similar) instances. Is that better than dealing with ulift once in a while? I don't know...

Since I'm almost through refactoring mathlib, I can say that it does require a few explicit universes but then it removes some others (partially because now the index categories have fixed universes).

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 06 2022 at 05:47):

Going from an index level > 0 to 0 in order to have e.g. binary products is not completely painless, but in most places we will have has_finite_limits which maybe should default to 0 (as opposed to a has_finite_limits_of_size)

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 13 2022 at 15:42):

@Andrew Yang One point I'm stuck at is Lan_preserves_finite_limits_of_flat in category_theory.functor.flat, can you help me? I'm on branch preserves-universes

Andrew Yang (Jun 13 2022 at 16:38):

I think there should not be a need for has_finite_limits_of_size. Since we have fin_category.equiv_as_type and has_limits_of_shape_of_equivalence, has_finite_limits should suffice.

I believe Lan_preserves_finite_limits_of_flat should work if the two are merged and we have the instances

instance has_limits_of_shape_of_has_finite_limits [has_finite_limits C] {J : Type*}
  [small_category J] [fin_category J] :
  has_limits_of_shape J C := sorry

instance preserves_limits_of_shape_of_preserves_finite_limits (F : C  D)
  [preserves_finite_limits F] {J : Type*}
  [small_category J] [fin_category J] :
  preserves_limits_of_shape J F := sorry

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 13 2022 at 19:18):

Thanks! I'll have a look at it tomorrow :)

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 14 2022 at 07:19):

Andrew Yang said:

I think there should not be a need for has_finite_limits_of_size. Since we have fin_category.equiv_as_type and has_limits_of_shape_of_equivalence, has_finite_limits should suffice.

It's a tough decision. I think I'll keep it for now, and we can consider removing it in a second refactor step.

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 23 2022 at 12:15):

Maybe I can get some help from the community with this: On the preserves-universes I'm currently trying to relax all sorts of universe constraints, which in turn suggests changing constant index categories like walking_parallel_pair and the like to not be universe polymorphic but instead live in Type. This causes a problem with over B categories, though: In those we only derive connected limits in the universe v of the morphisms instead of in universe 0. One should think that this is not a problem, but the issue is that connectedness is not preserved by ulift (since the space of discrete categories we use to test the functor's being constant grows), so we can't derive that over B has e.g. pullbacks because we miss the instance is_connected (ulift_hom (ulift walking_cospan)), and it's not really easy to derive this instance in a general way. Any ideas on how to solve this? @Scott Morrison ?

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 23 2022 at 12:17):

(this is the file)

Reid Barton (Jun 23 2022 at 12:47):

The definition of is_connected should really just be that if you quotient the objects by nonempty (A --> B), you get a singleton. I'm not sure why we have this complicated definition instead.

Reid Barton (Jun 23 2022 at 12:48):

Certainly connectedness really is preserved by any kind of universe lifting.

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 23 2022 at 12:56):

With the current complicated definition, is it really?

Reid Barton (Jun 23 2022 at 13:03):

Yes, because it is equivalent to the simple definition

Reid Barton (Jun 23 2022 at 13:03):

If it isn't, then it's wrong!

Adam Topaz (Jun 23 2022 at 13:06):

All these ulift constructiions should provide some equivalence of caategories, and connectedness is preserves under equivalences (the complicateed definition makes it not so bad to prove that!)

Adam Topaz (Jun 23 2022 at 13:07):

see docs#category_theory.is_connected_of_equivalent

Adam Topaz (Jun 23 2022 at 13:07):

And I think we have docs#category_theory.is_connected_of_zigzag

Reid Barton (Jun 23 2022 at 13:09):

Adam Topaz said:

see docs#category_theory.is_connected_of_equivalent

This one only covers categories with objects in the same universe

Adam Topaz (Jun 23 2022 at 13:10):

That seems wrong...

Reid Barton (Jun 23 2022 at 13:22):

It's the easy case for this definition because you are eliminating into the same discrete categories

Reid Barton (Jun 23 2022 at 13:22):

If you have different object universes then you run into what Jakob mentioned, and usually the easiest way to prove something like this is to prove equivalence to the "predicative" definition

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 23 2022 at 13:33):

Seems about right. I think the equivalence to the existence of zigzags is such a predicative definition which could be used. I'll try to go that route and see how much hassle it is to deal with lifts of zigzags :grimacing:

Reid Barton (Jun 23 2022 at 13:34):

You don't necessarily even need to deal with zigzags, you can just take a quot

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 23 2022 at 13:35):

With zigzags the advantage would be that the equivalence to the currrent is_connected is already there

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 23 2022 at 15:03):

Ah, I think induct_on_objects might be enough to prove it, still a bit messy though

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 23 2022 at 15:12):

example [is_connected J] [hn : nonempty J] : is_connected (ulift_hom.{v₂} (ulift.{u₂} J)) :=
  haveI : nonempty (ulift_hom.{v₂} (ulift.{u₂} J)), { simpa [ulift_hom] },
  let j₀ : J := classical.choice hn,
  fapply is_connected.of_induct,
  { exact j₀ },
  { intros p hj₀ h j, cases j with j,
    let p' : set J := ((λ (j : J), p {down := j}) : set J),
    have hj₀' : j₀  p', { simp only [p'], exact hj₀ },
    apply induct_on_objects (λ (j : J), p {down := j}) hj₀',
    intros j₁ j₂ f, apply h,
    exact (ulift_hom_ulift_category.equiv J).functor.map f }

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 23 2022 at 19:42):


Bhavik Mehta (Jun 23 2022 at 21:53):

Reid Barton said:

The definition of is_connected should really just be that if you quotient the objects by nonempty (A --> B), you get a singleton. I'm not sure why we have this complicated definition instead.

My hope was that I could pick any one definition in which the universe choices were obvious then show that the others are equivalent, it would be good enough (which is eg why I didn't pick of_constant_of_preserves_morphisms as the definition), and then the quotient definition vs the functor definition differ only in whether you care more about a slightly more complex definition, or more things needed to define before the main definition, and I picked arbitrarily. I have no objection to switching the definition!

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 24 2022 at 07:21):

In the end it doesn't matter that much, if we have all the right equivalences...

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 24 2022 at 13:50):

Status report (to help myself remember, too :sweat_smile: ): Made some progress, now category_theory.graded_object.lean cannot derive an instance mono (colimit.ι (discrete.functor (λ (i : β), Y i)) {as := i}) where before it had

[class_instances] caching instance for @mono ((λ (_x : β), C) i) _inst_1 (Y i)
  ((@colim (discrete (ulift β)) (category_theory.discrete_category (ulift β)) C _inst_1 _).obj
     (@discrete.functor C _inst_1 (ulift β) (λ (i : ulift β), Y i.down)))
  (@colimit.ι (discrete (ulift β)) (category_theory.discrete_category (ulift β)) C _inst_1
     (@discrete.functor C _inst_1 (ulift β) (λ (i : ulift β), Y i.down))
     (@discrete.mk (ulift β) (@ulift.up β i)))
@split_mono.mono ((λ (_x : β), C) i) _inst_1 (Y i)
  ((@colim (discrete (ulift β)) (category_theory.discrete_category (ulift β)) C _inst_1 (_inst_2 (ulift β))).obj
     (@discrete.functor C _inst_1 (ulift β) (λ (i : ulift β), Y i.down)))
  (@colimit.ι (discrete (ulift β)) (category_theory.discrete_category (ulift β)) C _inst_1
     (@discrete.functor C _inst_1 (ulift β) (λ (i : ulift β), Y i.down))
     (@limits.has_colimit_of_has_colimits_of_shape C _inst_1 (discrete (ulift β))
        (category_theory.discrete_category (ulift β))
        (_inst_2 (ulift β))
        (@discrete.functor C _inst_1 (ulift β) (λ (i : ulift β), Y i.down)))
     (@discrete.mk (ulift β) (@ulift.up β i)))
  (@limits.split_mono_sigma_ι ((λ (_x : β), C) i) _inst_1 (ulift β) _inst_3 (λ (i : ulift β), Y i.down)
     (@limits.has_colimit_of_has_colimits_of_shape C _inst_1 (discrete (ulift β))
        (category_theory.discrete_category (ulift β))
        (_inst_2 (ulift β))
        (@discrete.functor C _inst_1 (ulift β) (λ (i : ulift β), Y i.down)))
     (@ulift.up β i))

and I'm still stuck at one universe conflict at category_theory.sites.sheaf.lean.

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 29 2022 at 15:09):

@Andrew Yang Can you have a look at locally_ringed_space/has_colimits.lean on the branch? Without a universe polymorphic walking_parallel_pair, the argument about the locally ringed space having colimits doesn't really work the same any more, because we cannot seem to generalise presheafed_space/has_colimits.lean to support index categories on any other universe level than the one of the morphisms of C...

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 29 2022 at 15:13):

With the PR being at 1,080 additions and 758 deletions, there's still any help welcome! @Scott Morrison @Johan Commelin

Andrew Yang (Jun 29 2022 at 15:14):

I have not yet looked into the problem, but doesn't has_finite_limits_of_has_limits_of_size (or some more universe-general version of it) solve the problem?

Andrew Yang (Jun 29 2022 at 15:16):

Also I would strongly suggest you to do the refactor a small portion at a time. That seems like a large diff to keep up with. Maybe one shape at a time if it is possible.

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 29 2022 at 15:20):

Not really possible, because the generalisation of preserves_limits is the big chunk that breaks everything.

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 29 2022 at 15:23):

Andrew Yang said:

I have not yet looked into the problem, but doesn't has_finite_limits_of_has_limits_of_size (or some more universe-general version of it) solve the problem?

No, the lies more in some auxiliary constructions from which has_coequalizers is derived. Since we don't want walking_parallel_pair to be universe polymorphic anymore, it seems this is one of the places where we do have to insert ulifts

Andrew Yang (Jun 29 2022 at 15:24):

Is there a core statement that you want to generalize, and all the other changes are just to prevent it from breaking?

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 29 2022 at 15:28):

I want preserves_limits, preserves_products, etc, and co to be compatible with functors between categories of different universe levels.

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 29 2022 at 15:29):

I do feel like I'm at least 80% to 90% through the critical files, it's mostly been straightforward fixes. The only critcal areas were sheaves and biproducts

Andrew Yang (Jun 29 2022 at 15:30):

Could you not generalize the universe for each of the definitions one at a time?
Note that the original PR #10736 that changed preserves_limits to preserves_limits_of_shape only has a diff of +208, -157.

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 29 2022 at 15:32):

I never fixed anything I didn't need to. The issue is that once one changes one limit over a fixed, finite index category like coequalizers, all of the others need to be changed, too.

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 29 2022 at 15:35):

Fixing the universe level for, say, walking_pair would be one first PR, but it does require all the fixes that make it so tedious right now.

Andrew Yang (Jun 29 2022 at 15:37):

Is there a reason that you couldn't leave presheafed_space.lean alone?
Since the file should not depend on any particular shapes, it shouldn't break when the other files upstream provides strictly stronger statements?

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 29 2022 at 15:50):

presheafed_space.lean itself is fine. it's presheafed_space/has_colimits.lean which does depend on a particular shape in that references coequalizers.

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 29 2022 at 15:54):

The file upstream is not strictly stronger because to have a maximally universe polymorphic preserves_coequalizers statement, we need to fix walking_parallel_pairs universe level and not pin it on the one of the category it's used for. This in turn causes (mostly trivial) need for fixes down the tree.

Andrew Yang (Jun 29 2022 at 19:27):

I pushed a attempt that seems to make both presheafed_space/has_colimits.lean and locally_ringed_space/has_colimits.lean both compile.

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 29 2022 at 20:04):

Cool, thanks a lot!!!

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 29 2022 at 21:00):

I think that's it, only lint errors remaining! :)

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 30 2022 at 08:56):

PR'ed: #15067

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 30 2022 at 09:01):

So if anyone volunteers to review this, I'm happy to make it a proper interactive video call review :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Johan Commelin (Jun 30 2022 at 09:11):

So everything about finite (co)limits now happens with index categories in Type, right?

Johan Commelin (Jun 30 2022 at 09:11):

And in the occasional moment where we have a finite type in a higher universe, we just have to forcefully bump it down.

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 30 2022 at 09:13):

Exactly. This can always be done with the equivalence to finset.

Andrew Yang (Jul 01 2022 at 13:09):

Will we ever need a PresheafedSpace valued in C : Type u with [category.{v} C] where the topological space is not in Top.{v}? The downside of this that we would always need to write PresheafedSpace.{v}.

Jakob von Raumer (Jul 01 2022 at 21:27):

/cc @Scott Morrison

Jakob von Raumer (Jul 01 2022 at 21:29):

I mean it does look like a place where in the light of topos theory etc the size matters and the universes diverges...

Johan Commelin (Jul 02 2022 at 05:44):

Andrew Yang said:

Will we ever need a PresheafedSpace valued in C : Type u with [category.{v} C] where the topological space is not in Top.{v}? The downside of this that we would always need to write PresheafedSpace.{v}.

In mathematical practice: most likely not. But sometimes Lean forces a situation on you where it might be natural to have differing universes.

Johan Commelin (Jul 02 2022 at 05:45):

I wouldn't bother generalizing it atm.

Markus Himmel (Jul 02 2022 at 06:25):

Jakob already generalized it, so the question is whether to un-generalize it

Johan Commelin (Jul 02 2022 at 06:55):

I think I wouldn't bother with that either :lol:

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC