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Stream: PR reviews

Topic: !4#4593

Sam van G (Jun 02 2023 at 15:03):

Hello! I hope this is the correct place to post this - feel free to move somewhere else if needed.

Together with @Anne Baanen , @Leo Mayer , @Brendan Seamas Murphy , we started formalizing the beginning of my talk at Banff. I just made a PR of the adjunction between frames and topological spaces. We would very much appreciate comments. Some thoughts:

  • A glitch that is probably not yet dealt with in the best possible way is the lemma elim_exists_prop (here)
lemma elim_exists_prop (A : Prop  Prop) : ( p, (A p)  p)  (A True) := by aesop

which is used one time in the file, but seems (to me) like it should be a general principle somewhere in the library.

  • It was suggested at Banff that we could map to bool instead of Prop. I personally don't have a strong opinion about this either way.
  • It is very likely that I made some Mathlib4-beginner-mistakes in preparing this pull request, please feel free to point them out.
  • I did not find a file with precise Mathlib4-from-scratch-contribution-instructions yet (like this one for Mathlib3), I think?


Sam van G (Jun 02 2023 at 15:12):

Also tagging @Yaël Dillies who previously expressed interest in formalizing the math that this PR begins to address (this PR is only a small step in the larger project of formalizing Stone-Priestley duality)

Yaël Dillies (Jun 02 2023 at 18:41):

Cool! How far are you currently? I have Birkhoff duality on branch#stone_duality, although I haven't yet packaged it up as an equivalence of categories.

Sam van G (Jun 02 2023 at 22:35):

In the PR we only have the (contravariant) adjunction between frames and spaces. @Brendan Seamas Murphy has some more general work about restricting an adjunction to its fixpoints to get a category. We’re hoping to then use that to get the various dual equivalences, along the lines of what I outlined in my Banff slides. I think Birkhoff duality (for finite DLs and finite posets) will be the crucial non-abstract-nonsense component of that.

Sam van G (Jun 02 2023 at 22:36):

So it’s great that you’ve done that already!

Yaël Dillies (Jun 03 2023 at 08:33):

Ah great! I was afraid we'd stepped on each other's toes. My code is still in Lean 3, but hopefully it can be ported easily once someone has taught me oneshot.

Johan Commelin (Jun 03 2023 at 08:41):

@Yaël Dillies did you see the recently updated instructions in the README of https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathport ?

Yaël Dillies (Jun 03 2023 at 08:45):

Exams = no time :frowning:

Sam van G (Jun 03 2023 at 13:59):

@Yaël Dillies No rush. We can perhaps organize a call after your exams are over to see how to sync. Best of luck with the exams!

Sam van G (Oct 19 2023 at 15:17):

Hi! I am hoping to revive and finish this PR #4593, on the adjunction between Top and Locales, that we started in June during Banff (and that I subsequently procrastinated on finishing, sorry...!)
I finally had time to look at @Yaël Dillies work on this. Thank you so much, I learned a lot from your golfing.
Yaël wrote in the Github discussion that

I haven't fixed the names. They are currently

  1. Not capitalised properly
  2. Dumped in the root namespace
    Not sure which way to fix them, so please offer suggestions!

I am not so familiar with the current requirements for merging into Mathlib4 so I am hoping I can ask for some help here. Apologies for the probably naive questions:

  • Re (1), I'm not sure either what would be the correct capitalisation, how can I find out?
  • Re (2), does this just mean I should encapsulate everything in a namespace?
  • There is also a comment (l. 61) -- TODO: Merging those variable breaks , but I'm not sure what it means, or how to fix it.
  • Finally, I also noticed a message "leanprover-community-mathlib4-bot added the merge-conflict label 3 weeks ago"... what can I do about that?

Dagur Asgeirsson (Oct 19 2023 at 15:22):

Regarding your last point: the merge-conflict label means that there is a merge conflict with the current master. You need to merge master into your branch and resolve the conflicts manually to get rid of the label

Jireh Loreaux (Oct 19 2023 at 15:30):

Sam, see #naming for guidelines on naming conventions.

Jireh Loreaux (Oct 19 2023 at 15:33):

Another quick note: after glancing at the PR, I notice there's a bunch of stuff going on with coercions (e.g., in Order.Hom.Lattice), including cleaning up porting notes, that can easily be split off into a separate PR. That should be merged quickly and will make this one shorter and easier to review.

Jireh Loreaux (Oct 19 2023 at 15:36):

As for a namespace, I think something like CategoryTheory.Locale might make sense, but I'm not terribly familiar with the category theory end of the library, so maybe that doesn't quite match conventions there

Sam van G (Oct 20 2023 at 08:07):

Jireh Loreaux said:

Another quick note: after glancing at the PR, I notice there's a bunch of stuff going on with coercions (e.g., in Order.Hom.Lattice), including cleaning up porting notes, that can easily be split off into a separate PR. That should be merged quickly and will make this one shorter and easier to review.

I have tried to do this as a new PR #7796. I hope this is what you were after -- let me know if it looks OK or if anything needs to be changed there.

Sam van G (Oct 20 2023 at 08:23):

Jireh Loreaux said:

As for a namespace, I think something like CategoryTheory.Locale might make sense, but I'm not terribly familiar with the category theory end of the library, so maybe that doesn't quite match conventions there

I have attempted to fix the naming conventions and namespaces in #4593, the commit is here. If someone could have a look and tell me if this now indeed looks right, that would be helpful, as I wasn't 100% sure in all cases.

Sam van G (Oct 20 2023 at 09:37):

The split-off PR #7796 was just merged (thanks for being so fast, @Eric Wieser and @Oliver Nash).

Sam van G (Oct 20 2023 at 09:37):

I believe #4593 (which contains the new file FrameTopAdjunction) should be in good shape now too (I also fixed the "variable" problem mentioned above). Would someone be willing to give it a look to check it's all in order with naming conventions etc?

Oliver Nash (Oct 20 2023 at 09:39):

I have a busy morning but I'll take a look this afternoon if nobody else has reviewed it by then. Glancing now, it looks great, though I do see a lot of defs with no API [this might be fine].

Eric Wieser (Oct 20 2023 at 09:57):

I think a handful of the functions in that PR should be lowerCamel rather than UpperCamel case, but I'll leave that for someone else to review

Sam van G (Oct 20 2023 at 10:00):

Eric Wieser said:

I think a handful of the functions in that PR should be lowerCamel rather than UpperCamel case, but I'll leave that for someone else to review

me too.. Thanks for having a look

Sam van G (Oct 20 2023 at 10:04):

Oliver Nash said:

I have a busy morning but I'll take a look this afternoon if nobody else has reviewed it by then. Glancing now, it looks great, though I do see a lot of defs with no API [this might be fine].

Thanks Oliver. No rush at all.
Regarding your comment about defs, I was just able to remove three of these defs by inlining them instead (getting the def count down from 12 to 9).
When I try to remove more defs, I get in trouble with things that are no longer inferred.
For example, the unitCounit def on l. 118 seems silly since it looks like it is just a pair, but when I try to inline it in l. 123, Lean complains that there are two missing fields (the triangle equalities), and adding by infer_instance won't solve it.
Similar problems for the def Counit and def Unit.
I don't know how important it is to remove defs, I leave it for you to judge when you get around to reviewing it.

Sam van G (Oct 20 2023 at 10:17):

Thanks for your comment about elim_exists_prop, @Eric Wieser . It helped me realize that I could get rid of it by giving an existing lemma Prop.exists_iff to two simps in my main file.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC