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Topic: non-normalizable gcd_monoid

Junyan Xu (Dec 20 2022 at 07:24):


The idea is stated in the module docstring; I guess there also exist examples from commutative rings, but my construction doesn't produce one. If such examples do exist, we'd need to generalize docs#polynomial.normalized_gcd_monoid to account for them; any other examples?

Many lemmas/instances need to moved; I think I know where they should go, but if they are not interesting enough they can stay, and that's the main reason why I ask for review.

I'd like to tag @Ruben Van de Velde, since you removed normalization from gcd_domain in #9443.

Riccardo Brasca (Dec 20 2022 at 07:45):

I don't know if it's really impossible to find a normalization, but for rings of integers of number fields it seems quite unnatural if the group of units is big.

Ruben Van de Velde (Dec 20 2022 at 07:50):

It's been a while since I touched that :)

It does seem like some of the results from the start of your file could move into mathlib proper, though I'm not quite sure where

Junyan Xu (Dec 20 2022 at 07:57):

For noetherian rings like rings of integers, being a gcd_monoid is equivalent to being UFD, and docs#unique_factorization_monoid.normalization_monoid shows there aren't counterexamples when class number is 1, but I don't see immediately whether there can be class number >1 examples that don't admit normalization_monoid structures.

Riccardo Brasca (Dec 20 2022 at 08:01):

Being UFD is equivalent to being a PID in this case

Riccardo Brasca (Dec 20 2022 at 08:08):

I am a little confused and with the phone is difficult to read the source, but how we define the normalization on a UFD?

Riccardo Brasca (Dec 20 2022 at 08:08):

Ah, we just choose a random one

Riccardo Brasca (Dec 20 2022 at 08:11):

Still using that def for ring of integers can be quite a pain, since for the integers it creates a diamond

Junyan Xu (Dec 20 2022 at 08:18):

Yeah I proposed using nonempty gcd_monoid etc. in this thread. Maybe we should use nonempty gcd_monoid unless the statement requires gcd_monoid, like how we use finite instead of fintype. Maybe nonempty normalized_gcd_monoid is required sometimes, but I guess most thoerems about normalized_gcd_monoid can simply be generalized to gcd_monoid. I don't know about any interesting theorems that requires nonempty normalization_monoid because it seems to be some mathlib artifact that doesn't appear in math textbooks.

Junyan Xu (Dec 20 2022 at 08:23):

And I think I can now prove that any ring of integers can be normalized: the group completion of the monoid of associates (minus zero) embeds into the group of fractional ideals, which is freely generated by the prime ideals, and any subgroup of a free abelian group is itself free, hence projective. Then you should be able to apply docs#normalization_monoid_of_monoid_hom_right_inverse.

Junyan Xu (Dec 20 2022 at 08:30):

Actually I think docs#hahn_series.comm_ring over the M in my PR probably serves as a comm_ring counterexample ...

Riccardo Brasca (Dec 20 2022 at 08:37):

I agree it's very weird that we normalization gcd contains data. I would be very surprised if something depends on the actual choice and not only on the existence of a normalization

Eric Wieser (Dec 30 2022 at 22:51):

If so, we should have a normalization_monoid.ext in the style of docs#group.ext

Junyan Xu (Dec 31 2022 at 05:41):

How could we do that? The normalization data isn't determined by the multiplication (it's basically the choice of a splitting of the nonzero elements as a product of the associates with the unit group), while all the data fields of a group (inv, npow, zpow, etc.) are determined by the multiplication. If the result doesn't depend on the choice, I proposed that we should use nonempty (normalized_gcd_monoid α) instead, and I think nonempty (gcd_monoid α) already suffices for all interesting results. When the unit group is trivial, we do have docs#subsingleton_normalized_gcd_monoid_of_unique_units and docs#unique_normalization_monoid_of_unique_units.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC