Zulip Chat Archive

Stream: Lean Together 2019

Topic: Videos

Rob Lewis (Jan 07 2019 at 08:32):

Videos of the lectures will be available here: https://lean-forward.github.io/lean-together/2019/#videos
Of course, the university A/V people are having trouble setting up the streaming. It will be working eventually. Hopefully before this afternoon.

Koundinya Vajjha (Jan 07 2019 at 08:44):

Will there be videos of just the lectures or the tutorial sessions as well?

Rob Lewis (Jan 07 2019 at 10:10):

Lectures and tutorials.

Rob Lewis (Jan 07 2019 at 12:54):

The stream has been fixed.

Rob Lewis (Jan 07 2019 at 14:35):

If anyone is watching the stream/videos: is the sound from questions being captured?

Koundinya Vajjha (Jan 07 2019 at 15:50):

I was trying to watch the stream but it wouldn't load.

Koundinya Vajjha (Jan 07 2019 at 15:50):

But I didn't try after your message that it was fixed.
I'll try again tomorrow!

Koundinya Vajjha (Jan 07 2019 at 15:50):

Were the talks recorded?

Johan Commelin (Jan 07 2019 at 15:51):

Yes, all talks have been recorded.

Johan Commelin (Jan 07 2019 at 15:51):

You could try right now.

Rob Lewis (Jan 07 2019 at 15:51):

The morning wasn't streamed because the A/V people were struggling with the internet. It was recorded but I don't think they've uploaded it.

Rob Lewis (Jan 07 2019 at 15:51):

The current session is streaming.

Koundinya Vajjha (Jan 07 2019 at 15:56):

Sound's coming through loud and clear. Will report on audience questions when they happen :grinning:

Koundinya Vajjha (Jan 07 2019 at 16:13):

Can't really hear audience questions - Mario's was fairly clear, probably because he was sitting closest to the mike.

Koundinya Vajjha (Jan 07 2019 at 16:39):

Can we have the speaker repeat the audience questions, if possible?

Koundinya Vajjha (Jan 08 2019 at 13:05):

Is the stream active?

Rob Lewis (Jan 08 2019 at 13:06):

By request of the speaker, this talk isn't being recorded.

Rob Lewis (Jan 08 2019 at 13:20):

Assia Mahboubi's talk at 4:00pm will not be recorded either.

Rob Lewis (Jan 14 2019 at 17:17):

Right now the videos are streaming from the VU A/V department's site. @Kevin Buzzard had asked me about getting copies of the videos for teaching purposes. They would also be nice to archive. The A/V people just quoted me €35 to send the video files... anyone have a clever idea how to extract the video from the stream instead?

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 14 2019 at 17:18):

Hah! I don't need copies of the videos, I have been talking to some A/V people here and we're going to make something better; being able to access the videos like I can now currently do, is fine for me.

Rob Lewis (Jan 14 2019 at 17:20):

I mean, I'd like the videos, if only for insurance against them disappearing from the university servers. But €35 seems steep!

Sebastian Ullrich (Jan 14 2019 at 17:35):

You can open the following links in VLC (Ctrl+N):

You can also save them via Ctrl+R

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 14 2019 at 17:36):

Presumably you're going to bill him €35 for this information.

Sebastian Ullrich (Jan 14 2019 at 17:39):

30€, mates' rates

Amin Bandali (Jan 14 2019 at 20:21):

Thanks for the links, Sebastian. I'm able to stream the video using VLC, but for some reason it doesn't pick up the audio tracks, and the Audio Track submenu in the Audio menu is grayed out

Amin Bandali (Jan 14 2019 at 20:21):

Any thoughts?

Rob Lewis (Jan 14 2019 at 20:57):

How about €30 worth of beer next time you're in Amsterdam?

William Whistler (Jan 14 2019 at 21:03):

I had the same issue with VLC. If you append (format=mpd-isoff) to Sebastian's URLs, you get the audio as well. For example: https://av-stream.vu.nl/MediasiteDeliver/AVC/SSVideo/27894c3a-8a4d-4768-a042-1f62e5345a6c/30f3dac8-9226-4b73-8da5-2ecec7d24e43.ism/manifest(format=mpd-isoff)

Simon Hudon (Jan 14 2019 at 22:47):

@Rob Lewis Isn't €30 worth of beer one sad shooter of beer in Amsterdam?

Rob Lewis (Jan 14 2019 at 23:27):

Maybe two sad shooters or one okay bottle.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC