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Topic: (infinity, 1)-categories

Andrea Bourque (Dec 19 2023 at 03:30):

What progress (if any) has been made towards infinity categories in Lean?

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 19 2023 at 05:29):

IIRC we have simplicial sets but nobody has needed infinity categories yet

Joseph Tooby-Smith (Dec 19 2023 at 13:24):

I am also interested in (infinity,1)-categories in lean.

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 19 2023 at 15:20):

I don't think there's any obstruction to making the quasicategory definition

Johan Commelin (Dec 19 2023 at 15:25):

Here's a start that I created some time ago.

  • As you can see, the definition can be made in a few lines.
  • The first minor objective would be to show that the nerve of a 1-category is a quasicategory. Back then this was quite annoying. But recently @Joël Riou has added quite some API for chains of arrows in categories. So with a bit of refactoring and gluing, this should now be quite doable.
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.SimplicialSet
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.Nerve

# Kan complexes and quasicategories


universe v u

open CategoryTheory CategoryTheory.Limits Opposite

open Simplicial

namespace SSet

/-- A *Kan complex* is a simplicial set `S` if it satisfies the following horn-filling condition:
for every `n : ℕ` and `0 ≤ i ≤ n`,
every map of simplicial sets `σ₀ : Λ[n, i] → S` can be extended to a map `σ : Δ[n] → S`. -/
class Kan_complex (S : SSet) : Prop :=
  (hornFilling :  n :  i : Fin (n+1)⦄ (σ₀ : Λ[n, i]  S),
     σ : Δ[n]  S, σ₀ = hornInclusion n i  σ)

/-- A *quasicategory* is a simplicial set `S` if it satisfies the following horn-filling condition:
for every `n : ℕ` and `0 < i < n`,
every map of simplicial sets `σ₀ : Λ[n, i] → S` can be extended to a map `σ : Δ[n] → S`.

[Kerodon, 003A] -/
class quasicategory (S : SSet) : Prop :=
  (hornFilling :  n :  i : Fin (n+1)⦄ (σ₀ : Λ[n, i]  S) (_h0 : 0 < i) (_hn : i < Fin.last n),
     σ : Δ[n]  S, σ₀ = hornInclusion n i  σ)

/-- Every Kan complex is a quasicategory.

[Kerodon, 003C] -/
instance (S : SSet) [Kan_complex S] : quasicategory S where
  hornFilling _ _ σ₀ _ _ := Kan_complex.hornFilling σ₀

-- TODO: move
instance fin_two_zero_le_one : ZeroLEOneClass (Fin 2) where
  zero_le_one := by decide

section nerve

-- TODO: move
/-- A constructor for `n`-simplices of the nerve of a category,
by specifying `n+1` objects and a morphism between each of the `n` pairs of adjecent objects. -/
def nerve.mk (C : Type) [inst : Category C] (n : )
    (obj : Fin (n+1)  C) (mor :  (i : Fin n), obj i.castSucc  obj i.succ) :
    (nerve C).obj (op [n]) := sorry

variable {C : Type} [inst : Category C]

-- TODO: move
def nerve.source (f : (nerve C).obj (op [1])) : C := f.obj (0 : Fin 2)

-- TODO: move
def nerve.target (f : (nerve C).obj (op [1])) : C := f.obj (1 : Fin 2)

-- TODO: move
def nerve.arrow (f : (nerve C).obj (op [1])) : source f  target f :=
  f.map (homOfLE (X := Fin 2) zero_le_one)

-- TODO: move
open SimplexCategory in
lemma nerve.source_eq (f : (nerve C).obj (op [1])) :
    source f = ((nerve C).map (δ (1 : Fin 2)).op f).obj (0 : Fin 1) := rfl

-- TODO: move
open SimplexCategory in
lemma nerve.target_eq (f : (nerve C).obj (op [1])) :
    target f = ((nerve C).map (δ (0 : Fin 2)).op f).obj (0 : Fin 1) := rfl

end nerve

/-- The nerve of a category is a quasicategory.

[Kerodon, 0032] -/
instance (C : Type) [Category C] : quasicategory (nerve C) where
  hornFilling n i σ₀ h₀ hₙ  := by
    let v : Fin (n+1)  (horn n i).obj (op [0]) :=
      fun j  SimplexCategory.Hom.mk (OrderHom.const _ j), ?_
    · simp only [unop_op, SimplexCategory.len_mk, asOrderHom, SimplexCategory.Hom.toOrderHom_mk,
        OrderHom.const_coe_coe, Set.union_singleton, ne_eq,  Set.univ_subset_iff, Set.subset_def,
        Set.mem_univ, Set.mem_insert_iff, Set.mem_range, Function.const_apply, exists_const,
        forall_true_left, not_forall]
      by_cases h : j = 0
      · refine Fin.last n, ?_
        simp [h, hₙ.ne', (h₀.trans hₙ).ne]
      · refine 0, ?_
        simp [h, h₀.ne]
    let σ : Δ[n]  nerve C :=
      yonedaEquiv.symm <| nerve.mk C n (fun j  ?_) (fun j  ?_)
    use σ
    · refine (σ₀.app (op [0]) (v j)).obj 0, by simp
    let e : (horn n i).obj (op [1]) := SimplexCategory.Hom.mk ![j.castSucc, j.succ], ?_⟩, ?_
    let f := σ₀.app (op [1]) e
    · rw [Fin.monotone_iff_le_succ]
      simp only [Matrix.cons_val_succ, Matrix.cons_val_fin_one, Fin.le_iff_val_le_val, Fin.val_succ,
        Fin.forall_fin_one, Fin.castSucc_zero, Matrix.cons_val_zero, Fin.coe_castSucc,
    · simp only [unop_op, SimplexCategory.len_mk, asOrderHom, SimplexCategory.Hom.toOrderHom_mk,
        OrderHom.const_coe_coe, Set.union_singleton, ne_eq,  Set.univ_subset_iff, Set.subset_def,
        Set.mem_univ, Set.mem_insert_iff, Set.mem_range, Function.const_apply, exists_const,
        forall_true_left, not_forall, not_or, unop_op, not_exists, Fin.forall_fin_two]
      by_cases h : j.castSucc = 0
      · refine Fin.last n, ?_
        cases n with
        | zero => simp only [Nat.zero_eq, Fin.last, Fin.zero_eta, Fin.not_lt_zero] at hₙ
        | succ n =>
          simp only [hₙ.ne', not_false_eq_true, h, (h₀.trans hₙ).ne, Fin.succ_eq_last_succ, true_and]
          simp only [Fin.lt_iff_val_lt_val, Fin.val_last, Fin.val_zero] at h₀ hₙ
          simp only [Fin.castSucc_eq_zero_iff] at h
          simp only [h, Fin.last, Fin.ext_iff, Fin.val_zero]
          linarith only [h₀, hₙ]
      · refine 0, ?_
        simp [h, h₀.ne, Fin.succ_ne_zero j]
    · let φ := nerve.arrow f
      -- let δ := fun (i : Fin 2) ↦ (nerve C).map (SimplexCategory.δ i).op
      have := fun (k : Fin 2) (e : (horn n i).obj (op [1])) 
        congr_fun (σ₀.naturality (SimplexCategory.δ k).op) e
      dsimp only [types_comp, Function.comp] at this
      refine ?_  φ  ?_
      · rw [nerve.source_eq,  this]
        apply eqToHom
        suffices : (horn n i).map (SimplexCategory.δ 1).op e = v j.castSucc
        · rw [this]; rfl
        apply Subtype.ext
        apply SimplexCategory.Hom.ext'
        apply OrderHom.ext
        apply funext
        erw [Fin.forall_fin_one]
      · rw [nerve.target_eq,  this]
        apply eqToHom
        suffices : (horn n i).map (SimplexCategory.δ 0).op e = v j.succ
        · rw [this]; rfl
        apply Subtype.ext
        apply SimplexCategory.Hom.ext'
        apply OrderHom.ext
        apply funext
        erw [Fin.forall_fin_one]
    apply NatTrans.ext; apply funext
    apply Opposite.rec
    apply SimplexCategory.rec
    intro m
    ext f
    refine CategoryTheory.Functor.ext ?_ ?_
    · intro (k : Fin (m+1))
    · sorry

end SSet

Adam Topaz (Dec 19 2023 at 16:07):

Pinging @Jack McKoen who is working on related things right now

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC