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Stream: Is there code for X?
Topic: Alternating sum over powerset and decidable instances
Sophie Morel (Apr 08 2023 at 12:36):
Hi, this is a combination "Is there code for X?/aaaaaah what did I do wrong" message. It all started when I wondered whether the calculation of the sum of the (-1)^{card t} over the powerset of a finset was in mathlib. So something like that:
lemma alternating_sum_powerset (s : finset α) :
finset.sum (finset.powerset s) (λ (t : finset α), (-1 : int)^(t.card)) =
ite (s = ∅) 1 0
Experienced Lean people will probably already sense trouble, because I am using ite
on a Prop
that has no reason to be decidable. But I have a local attribute [instance] classical.prop_decidable
at the beginning of every file so I did not notice.
My first question is: is there something like that in mathlib ?
I did a quick search, didn't find it and decided to try and prove it. Here is my MWE:
import data.finset.powerset
import algebra.big_operators.basic
import algebra.big_operators.ring
import data.nat.choose.sum
local attribute [instance] classical.prop_decidable
variables {α : Type*}
lemma alternating_sum_powerset_aux (s : finset α) (j : ℕ) :
(finset.powerset_len j s).sum (λ (t : finset α), (-1 : int) ^ t.card) = (-1 : int)^j *
(s.card.choose j) :=
rw @finset.sum_congr _ _ (finset.powerset_len j s) (finset.powerset_len j s)
(λ t, (-1 : int)^(t.card)) (λ t, (-1 : int)^j) _ (refl _) _,
{rw finset.sum_const,
rw finset.card_powerset_len,
simp only [nsmul_eq_mul],
rw mul_comm,
intro x,
simp only,
intro hx,
rw finset.mem_powerset_len at hx,
rw hx.2,
lemma alternating_sum_powerset (s : finset α) :
finset.sum (finset.powerset s) (λ (t : finset α), (-1 : int)^(t.card)) =
ite (s = ∅) 1 0 :=
rw finset.sum_powerset,
rw @finset.sum_congr _ _ (finset.range (s.card+1)) (finset.range (s.card+1))
(λ (m : ℕ), (finset.powerset_len m s).sum (λ (t : finset α), (-1 : int) ^ t.card))
(λ (m : ℕ), (-1 : int)^m*(s.card.choose m)) _ (refl _) _,
{rw ←finset.card_eq_zero,
exact @int.alternating_sum_range_choose s.card, ---- oh no ! :-((((
exact λ m hm, alternating_sum_powerset_aux s m,
And here is the beautiful error message that I got:
invalid type ascription, term has type
(finset.range (s.card + 1)).sum (λ (m : ℕ), (-1) ^ m * ↑(s.card.choose m)) =
@ite ℤ (s.card = 0) (nat.decidable_eq s.card 0) 1 0
but is expected to have type
(finset.range (s.card + 1)).sum (λ (m : ℕ), (-1) ^ m * ↑(s.card.choose m)) =
@ite ℤ (s.card = 0) (classical.prop_decidable (s.card = 0)) 1 0
My interpretation of it is: ite
expects its Prop
to be decidable. In the statement of my lemma, (s = ∅)
was decidable because I told Lean at the beginning that every Prop
should be decidable; this reason carried over when I did the rw
to make the Prop
equal to (s.card=0)
. But in the lemma that I was trying to use, the argument of ite
is decidable because it is an equality between natural numbers, and there is an instance telling Lean that this is always decidable. So exact
failed because the two Prop
s in the ite
were decidable for different reasons. At this point I threw my computer out of the window.
Okay, so assuming this interpretation is correct, is there any elegant way to get out of this one ? What I did in real life was get rid of the ite
by cutting my lemma into two sublemmas, one for a nonempty finset
and one for the empty finset
; this feels somewhat unsatisfying so I wonder if there was a better way.
Yaël Dillies (Apr 08 2023 at 12:41):
What happens if you replace your local attribute
by open_locale classical
at the top of the file?
Yaël Dillies (Apr 08 2023 at 12:43):
They both mean (roughly) the same thing, except that the latter gives the classical instances lower priority to avoid the kind of pickle that you're finding yourself in.
Sophie Morel (Apr 08 2023 at 12:43):
Then the rw
on the previous line fails, with the message:
rewrite tactic failed, motive is not type correct
λ (_a : Prop),
(finset.range (s.card + 1)).sum (λ (m : ℕ), (-1) ^ m * ↑(s.card.choose m)) = ite (s = ∅) 1 0 =
((finset.range (s.card + 1)).sum (λ (m : ℕ), (-1) ^ m * ↑(s.card.choose m)) = ite _a 1 0)
Yaël Dillies (Apr 08 2023 at 12:44):
What if you make it a simp_rw
Sophie Morel (Apr 08 2023 at 12:44):
And this time I cannot make any sense of the error message. :-(
Sophie Morel (Apr 08 2023 at 12:44):
Now it works ! Woohoo !
Sophie Morel (Apr 08 2023 at 12:46):
I did not know about this simp_rw
tactic, I will add it to my list. I've had a lot of trouble with rw
lately and the error messages were unhelpful (motive is not type correct
followed by long jumbles I could not understand), so maybe it will help there too. Thanks so much !
Sophie Morel (Apr 08 2023 at 12:46):
Do you know if the lemma is in mathlib already ?
Yaël Dillies (Apr 08 2023 at 12:48):
Long story short, these decidability issues are annoying but usually easily worked around. I say "easily" because it's often enough to turn a rw
into a simp_rw
, force unification of a proof term using convert
or congr
. And I say "usually" because I myself hit a case yesterday where the aforementioned tricks don't work :frown:.
Yaël Dillies (Apr 08 2023 at 12:53):
Yeah, "motive is not type correct" => use simp_rw
. The reason behind this is that rewriting is the same as applying eq.rec
with a suitable "motive" (understand, the argument to eq.rec
). rw
has some way of calculating what the motive should be, but it sometimes gets it wrong. simp_rw
follows a more aggressive strategy and tends to succeed more often than rw
Sophie Morel (Apr 08 2023 at 12:55):
Thank you also for mentioning convert
, another tactic I did not know about but that will be immediately useful.
Yaël Dillies (Apr 08 2023 at 12:56):
Your lemma isn't in mathlib, but it's an easy corollary of an existing lemma. I have bad i
connection at the moment so I shall guess docs#finset.prod_add.
Mauricio Collares (Apr 08 2023 at 12:58):
docs#finset.sum_pow_mul_eq_add_pow for a more specialised version maybe?
Sophie Morel (Apr 08 2023 at 12:59):
Yes, both lemmas would imply my result pretty quickly. Thanks to both of you !
Sophie Morel (Apr 08 2023 at 19:56):
Well I'm really glad I asked that question, even though I had found a way around it. I just ran into a similar issue in a much more complicated situation (no MWE sorry, it would take a lot of time to extract one) where the problem was different instances of decidability but Lean didn't even tell me; I just had a rw
that refused to work for unclear reasons. Thanks to this discussion I was able to figure it out, and open_locale classical
(no simp_rw
needed this time) solved the problem. Whew !
Eric Wieser (Apr 08 2023 at 21:15):
Sophie Morel said:
Experienced Lean people will probably already sense trouble, because I am using
on aProp
that has no reason to be decidable.
Actually, it is always possible to decide if a finset is empty; we just don't have the instance because it causes diamonds
Eric Wieser (Apr 08 2023 at 21:15):
(the algorithm is just check whether S.card = 0
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC