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Topic: Axiomatic definition of the natural numbers

shortc1rcuit (Oct 12 2023 at 11:19):

I'm learning about the Peano Axioms and I wanted to see if I could create a version of them in Lean. I know you can also do it using inductive but how would I define the natural numbers like this?

Joël Riou (Oct 12 2023 at 13:02):

In Lean, the natural numbers are defined like this:

inductive Nat where
  | zero : Nat
  | succ (n : Nat) : Nat

Then axioms 1/2/3 are true almost by construction, and 4 can be shown by induction (induction tactic).

(Note that the Peano axioms are not a definition of : these are axioms)

Eric Rodriguez (Oct 12 2023 at 13:03):

Joel, they're asking if it's possible to define them from the axioms - they seem to understand that it is possible with an inductive type already.

Joël Riou (Oct 12 2023 at 13:05):

(I have added a note accordingly.)

Joël Riou (Oct 12 2023 at 13:23):

It is certainly possible to formulate that a Type N equipped with 0 : N and succ : N → N satisfy the Peano axioms. We know that Lean's Nat (ie. ) satisfy these. Then, the interesting question is, can you show that there is a bijection ℕ ≃ N that is compatible with the zero and the successor?

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 12 2023 at 15:00):

Defining them via axioms would not be idiomatic Lean (in mathlib there are no axioms at all), but there's nothing stopping you writing down constant N : Type, constant one : N , axiom ind : \forall S : Set N... etc.

Adam Topaz (Oct 12 2023 at 15:10):

You could also do something like this:

class IsPeanoNat (X : Type*) extends Zero X where
  succ : X  X
  succ_inj :  {x y : X}, succ x = succ y  x = y
  succ_ne_zero :  x : X, succ x  zero
  induction :  {motive : X  Prop} (x : X), motive zero  ( x, motive x  motive (succ x))  motive x

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 12 2023 at 15:22):


Kevin Buzzard (Oct 12 2023 at 15:22):

(the source seems to be using the British Natural Numbers)

shortc1rcuit (Oct 12 2023 at 15:33):

Adam Topaz said:

You could also do something like this:

class IsPeanoNat (X : Type*) extends Zero X where
  succ : X  X
  succ_inj :  {x y : X}, succ x = succ y  x = y
  succ_ne_zero :  x : X, succ x  zero
  induction :  {motive : X  Prop} (x : X), motive zero  ( x, motive x  motive (succ x))  motive x

Yeah I was thinking of using something like that but then it might get difficult later on when I'm trying to contruct the integers from the naturals

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 12 2023 at 15:44):

Your principle of recursion wouldn't be computable but I don't see why it would be hard to define the integers.

shortc1rcuit (Oct 12 2023 at 15:46):

That might just be a case of me not knowing enough about Lean

Joël Riou (Oct 12 2023 at 16:40):

It depends on how you want to define the type of integers . In Lean/mathlib it is defined in a quite interesting way: an element of is either "+n" for some n : ℕ or "-(1+n)" for some n : ℕ. You could certainly do the same using the IsPeanoNat X definition.

However, if you want to define as equivalence classes of formal differences "x - y" with x and y in X, you need to know a few things about the addition on X. For that: you would obviously need to have a definition of the addition on X. In Lean, it is easy to define the addition ℕ → ℕ → ℕ using a native Lean inductive definition, but it is not clear to me how we would define the addition X → X → X using only [IsPeanoNat X].

Ruben Van de Velde (Oct 12 2023 at 17:13):

It seems like the induction (or "recursion") field needs to support eliminating into Sort*

Timo Carlin-Burns (Oct 12 2023 at 20:19):

or IsPeanoNat could include a field for an addition function and some axioms describing it

Timo Carlin-Burns (Oct 12 2023 at 20:40):

including a recursion principle which could be used to construct data would look something like this

universe u v

class IsPeanoNat (X : Type u) extends Zero X where
  succ : X  X
  succ_inj :  {x y : X}, succ x = succ y  x = y
  succ_ne_zero :  x : X, succ x  zero
  recursion :  {motive : X  Sort v} (x : X), motive zero  ( x, motive x  motive (succ x))  motive x
  rec_zero :  {motive : X  Sort v} (z : motive zero) (step :  x, motive x  motive (succ x)), recursion zero z step = z
  rec_succ :  {motive : X  Sort v} (x : X) (z : motive zero) (step :  x, motive x  motive (succ x)), recursion (succ x) z step = step x (recursion x z step)

but I think this runs into universe issues because the universe you can eliminate into, v, is fixed for a given IsPeanoNat instance

Adam Topaz (Oct 12 2023 at 20:41):

With the prop version you can construct a bijection from the usual Nat to X and use that to define a general recursion principle

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 12 2023 at 20:48):

Yes, but it would be noncomputable (not that this would matter) because to get the map from X to N+ you need to invert a bijection.

Timo Carlin-Burns (Oct 12 2023 at 21:16):

I suppose if you just want Peano Arithmetic, you only need to be able to use recursion to define natural number-valued functions:

class IsPeanoNat (X : Type u) extends Zero X where
  succ : X  X
  succ_inj :  {x y : X}, succ x = succ y  x = y
  succ_ne_zero :  x : X, succ x  0
  induction :  {motive : X  Prop} (x : X), motive 0  ( x, motive x  motive (succ x))  motive x
  recursion (base : X) (step : X  X) : X  X
  rec_zero (base step) : recursion base step 0 = base
  rec_succ (base step x) : recursion base step (succ x) = step (recursion base step x)

Adam Topaz (Oct 12 2023 at 21:58):

If you want a computable recursor you can just eliminate into Type. That will let you define a computable equivalence with Nat, and you can get the general thing using that.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 12 2023 at 22:01):

And if you allow the full recursor that lean's nat has them you don't need succ_inj and succ_ne_zero, you can prove them using pred and is_zero

Trebor Huang (Oct 13 2023 at 08:30):

Wouldn't this be actually too strong because motive can involve arbitrarily high order expressions instead of being restricted to first order predicates?

Bulhwi Cha (Oct 13 2023 at 13:39):

This is a very unidiomatic way to define the natural numbers in Lean:

import Mathlib.Data.Set.Basic

axiom N : Type
axiom succ : N  N
axiom one : N

noncomputable instance : OfNat N 1 where
  ofNat := one

#check (1 : N)

axiom one_ne_succ (n : N) : 1  succ n
axiom succ_inj (a b : N) : succ a = succ b  a = b
axiom induction (S : Set N) (h1 : 1  S) (ih :  k  S, succ k  S) : S = N

Correction: S = N in the axiom induction should be S = ⊤, where is @Set.univ (Set N).

Corrected axioms

shortc1rcuit (Oct 13 2023 at 22:12):

So far I've done this

import Mathlib.Data.Set.Basic

class IsPeanoNat (N : Type) where
  succ : N  N
  one : N
  one_ne_succ :  x : N, succ x  one
  succ_inj :  x y : N, succ x = succ y  x = y
  induction (S : Set N) (h1 : one  S) (ih :  k  S, succ k  S) : S = N

theorem prop_induction [IsPeanoNat N] (P : N  Prop) (h_one: P one) (h_succ:  k, P k  P (succ k)):  n, P n :=

But h_succ seems to be incorrect in some way.
What am I doing wrong?

Adam Topaz (Oct 13 2023 at 22:13):

Your induction field shouldn’t type check

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 13 2023 at 22:16):

Lean for "implies" is \to not (whatever symbol you have used there). And you need to open IsPeanoNat to ensure that succ means the succ in your class.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 13 2023 at 22:16):

import Mathlib.Data.Set.Basic

class IsPeanoNat (N : Type) where
  succ : N  N
  one : N
  one_ne_succ :  x : N, succ x  one
  succ_inj :  x y : N, succ x = succ y  x = y
  induction (S : Set N) (h1 : one  S) (ih :  k  S, succ k  S) : S = N

open IsPeanoNat

theorem prop_induction [IsPeanoNat N] (P : N  Prop) (h_one: P one)
    (h_succ:  k : N, P k  P (succ k)):  n, P n :=

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 13 2023 at 22:18):

Oh and S = N is not correct (I think this is what Adam was getting at). Equality of types is not a thing. You mean S = ⊤, the "top subset of N". S is a subset, not a type itself.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 13 2023 at 22:26):

import Mathlib.Data.Set.Basic

class IsPeanoNat (N : Type) where
  succ : N  N
  one : N
  one_ne_succ :  x : N, succ x  one
  succ_inj :  x y : N, succ x = succ y  x = y
  induction (S : Set N) (h1 : one  S) (ih :  k  S, succ k  S) : S = 

open IsPeanoNat

theorem prop_induction [IsPeanoNat N] (P : N  Prop) (h_one: P one)
    (h_succ:  k : N, P k  P (succ k)):  n, P n := by

my solution

shortc1rcuit (Oct 13 2023 at 22:49):

Now to somehow define addition.
I'm assuming just using inductive won't work.
If there's a need for a proof that addition is defined for all inputs then I have one of those.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 13 2023 at 23:04):

Right, you have not got a recursion axiom so you will need to transport to a type with a recursion axiom like Lean's inductively defined nat. This is one of the reasons why what you're trying to do is so painful.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 13 2023 at 23:16):

import Mathlib.Data.Set.Basic

class IsPeanoNat (N : Type) where
  succ : N  N
  one : N
  one_ne_succ :  x : N, succ x  one
  succ_inj :  x y : N, succ x = succ y  x = y
  induction (S : Set N) (h1 : one  S) (ih :  k  S, succ k  S) : S = 

namespace IsPeanoNat

variable {N : Type} [IsPeanoNat N]

def ofNat : Nat  N
| 0 => one
| (Nat.succ n) => succ (ofNat n)

lemma ofNat_surjective : {x : N |  m : Nat, ofNat m = x} =  := by
  refine induction _ ?_ ?_
  · use 0
  · rintro k m, rfl
    use m.succ

lemma ofNat_surjective' (x : N) :  m : Nat, ofNat m = x := by
  change x  {x |  m, ofNat m = x}
  rw [ofNat_surjective]

noncomputable def toNat (x : N) : Nat := (ofNat_surjective' x).choose

noncomputable def add (x y : N) : N := ofNat (toNat x + toNat y + 1) -- + 1 because you started at 1

Now it will be a pain proving anything about add -- first you'll have to prove ofNat is bijective and toNat is the two-sided inverse. But then all your theorems about add will just be immediately derivable from Nat.add. This is just an awful way to do it. If you want to do it this way you should at least give yourself recursion as an axiom, but even then you won't be able to benefit from Lean's inbuilt support for recursors for inductive types (e.g. what I used for the definition of ofNat).

shortc1rcuit (Oct 14 2023 at 11:08):

Yeah I see your point.
I might just put in my document "from now on we'll use the normal lean definition of Nat to simplify things", and continue from there. I don't think I'll need anything else from the original rules.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC