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Stream: Is there code for X?
Topic: Combine coproducts
Christian Merten (Nov 10 2023 at 21:53):
Is there something like this:
import Mathlib
open CategoryTheory Limits Functor
variable {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C]
def comb (α : Type*) (f : α → Type*) (g : (a : α) → f a → C)
(t : ∀ a, ColimitCocone (Discrete.functor (g a)))
(s : ColimitCocone (Discrete.functor (fun a ↦ (t a).cocone.pt))) :
Cocone (Discrete.functor (Sigma.uncurry g : Sigma f → C)) := sorry
i.e. given a family of coproduct diagrams indexed over some type α
and a coproduct of the cone points, is there one big coproduct on Sigma f
I tried to formulate this for arbitrary functors first (indead of restricting to Discrete.functor
) but I struggled to emulate the dependence on the value of f
There is docs#CategoryTheory.Limits.combineCocones but there the index categories are the same for every diagram (i.e. f
above would have to be constant).
Joël Riou (Nov 10 2023 at 22:32):
I prove something similar in PR #8242:
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC