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Topic: Elements of completion as limits

Adam Topaz (Jul 29 2022 at 00:52):

Do we know that elements of the completion of a uniform space XX can be represented as limits of Cauchy filters on XX?

Junyan Xu (Jul 29 2022 at 03:02):

This is my formalization and proof of the result:

import topology.uniform_space.completion

variables {α : Type*} [uniform_space α]

lemma Cauchy_tendsto_nhds_self (F : Cauchy α) : F.1.tendsto Cauchy.pure_cauchy (nhds F) :=
  rw uniform.tendsto_nhds_left,
  intros s hs,
  obtain t, ht, hts := Cauchy.mem_uniformity'.1 hs,
  obtain r, hr, hrt := (cauchy_iff'.1 F.2).2 t ht,
  rw filter.mem_map_iff_exists_image,
  use [r, hr],
  rw set.image_subset_iff,
  intros x hx, apply hts,
  rw filter.mem_prod_iff,
  use [r, hx, r, hr],
  rintro x, y hx, hy⟩,
  exact hrt x hx y hy,

lemma exists_cauchy (x : uniform_space.completion α) :
   F : filter α, cauchy F  F.tendsto coe (nhds x) :=
  rcases x, use [x.1, x.2],
  rw uniform_space.completion.coe_eq,
  erw  inducing.tendsto_nhds_iff,
  { apply Cauchy_tendsto_nhds_self },
  { exact uniform_inducing.inducing uniform_space.comap_quotient_eq_uniformity },

I feel I don't really understand it, but I was able to complete the proofs!

Adam Topaz (Jul 29 2022 at 03:08):

Nice! That's roughly the proof I had, but I would be surprised if there wasn't a lemma in mathlib that makes this a one-liner.

Anatole Dedecker (Jul 29 2022 at 03:10):

I'm not sure at all I can do better, but I feel like there has to be a nicer proof involving docs#dense_inducing or things like that

Anatole Dedecker (Jul 29 2022 at 03:10):

Let me give it a try

Anatole Dedecker (Jul 29 2022 at 03:19):


Anatole Dedecker (Jul 29 2022 at 03:20):

import topology.uniform_space.completion

open filter uniform_space
open_locale topological_space

variables {α : Type*} [uniform_space α]

lemma exists_cauchy (x : completion α) :
   F : filter α, cauchy F  tendsto coe F (𝓝 x) :=
  refine comap coe (𝓝 x), cauchy_nhds.comap' _
    (completion.dense_inducing_coe.comap_nhds_ne_bot x), tendsto_comap⟩,
  rw (completion.uniform_inducing_coe α).comap_uniformity,
  exact le_rfl

Anatole Dedecker (Jul 29 2022 at 03:20):

Junyan Xu said:

This is my formalization and proof of the result:

import topology.uniform_space.completion

variables {α : Type*} [uniform_space α]

lemma Cauchy_tendsto_nhds_self (F : Cauchy α) : F.1.tendsto Cauchy.pure_cauchy (nhds F) :=
  rw uniform.tendsto_nhds_left,
  intros s hs,
  obtain t, ht, hts := Cauchy.mem_uniformity'.1 hs,
  obtain r, hr, hrt := (cauchy_iff'.1 F.2).2 t ht,
  rw filter.mem_map_iff_exists_image,
  use [r, hr],
  rw set.image_subset_iff,
  intros x hx, apply hts,
  rw filter.mem_prod_iff,
  use [r, hx, r, hr],
  rintro x, y hx, hy⟩,
  exact hrt x hx y hy,

lemma exists_cauchy (x : uniform_space.completion α) :
   F : filter α, cauchy F  F.tendsto coe (nhds x) :=
  rcases x, use [x.1, x.2],
  rw uniform_space.completion.coe_eq,
  erw  inducing.tendsto_nhds_iff,
  { apply Cauchy_tendsto_nhds_self },
  { exact uniform_inducing.inducing uniform_space.comap_quotient_eq_uniformity },

I feel I don't really understand it, but I was able to complete the proofs!

Sorry, I could have saved you a lot of trouble :sweat_smile:

Anatole Dedecker (Jul 29 2022 at 03:24):

This is really a lemma about docs#uniform_inducing s with dense range

Anatole Dedecker (Jul 29 2022 at 03:24):

I don't even use the fact that the completion is complete x)

Junyan Xu (Jul 29 2022 at 03:38):

Very nice proof! Can be compactified to

lemma exists_cauchy (x : completion α) :
   F : filter α, cauchy F  tendsto coe F (𝓝 x) :=
comap coe (𝓝 x), cauchy_nhds.comap'
  (completion.uniform_inducing_coe α).comap_uniformity.le
  (completion.dense_inducing_coe.comap_nhds_ne_bot x), tendsto_comap

Anatole Dedecker (Jul 29 2022 at 03:41):

Nice, I feel better now that you golfed me back :stuck_out_tongue_wink:

Junyan Xu (Jul 29 2022 at 03:41):

Your proof shows every point x in the completion is the limit at the preferred Cauchy filter comap coe (𝓝 x), which is interesting, as my proof shows that any Cauchy filter in the class of x has x as the limit.

Anatole Dedecker (Jul 29 2022 at 03:49):

I think the philosophy for such constructions which have a nice universal property is to forbid yourself to unfold the constructions, so somehow we don't want to make sense of "filters in the class of x"

Anatole Dedecker (Jul 29 2022 at 03:50):

But I agree that your approach feels natural

Junyan Xu (Jul 29 2022 at 03:53):

I wonder if this result also has a short proof ...

lemma forall_cauchy (x : uniform_space.completion α) :
   F : Cauchy α, x = quotient.mk' F  F.1.tendsto coe (nhds x) :=
  rintro F rfl,
  rw uniform_space.completion.coe_eq,
  erw  inducing.tendsto_nhds_iff,
  { apply Cauchy_tendsto_nhds_self },
  { exact uniform_inducing.inducing uniform_space.comap_quotient_eq_uniformity },

Junyan Xu (Jul 29 2022 at 03:57):

of course this only makes sense for completion not docs#abstract_completion ...

Anatole Dedecker (Jul 29 2022 at 04:09):

I don't see a more clever way than proving first

lemma Cauchy.tendsto_nhds_self {α : Type*} [uniform_space α] (F : Cauchy α) :
  tendsto (λ (x : α), Cauchy.pure_cauchy x) F.val (𝓝 F) :=

and then

lemma forall_cauchy (x : uniform_space.completion α) :
   F : Cauchy α, x = quotient.mk' F  F.1.tendsto coe (nhds x) :=
  rintro F rfl,
  exact (continuous_quotient_mk.tendsto _).comp F.tendsto_nhds_self

Anatole Dedecker (Jul 29 2022 at 04:10):

And I don't think the first sorry can be solved without using filter bases and so on

Junyan Xu (Jul 29 2022 at 04:42):

I also can't find the following lemma in mathlib; is there a simpler proof?

lemma separation_setoid_eq_inseparable_setoid {α} [uniform_space α] :
  uniform_space.separation_setoid α = inseparable_setoid α :=
  ext, change (a,b)  separation_rel α  inseparable a b,
  rw inseparable_iff_forall_open,
  split; intro h,
  { intros s hs, suffices : _,
    { split, revert a b h,
      exacts [this, this _ _ $ (uniform_space.separation_setoid α).symm' h] },
    { clear h a b, exact λ a b h ha, h _ (is_open_uniformity.1 hs a ha) rfl } },
  { rw uniformity_has_basis_open.mem_separation_rel,
    intros s hs,
    refine (h {x | (a, x)  s} _).1 (refl_mem_uniformity hs.1),
    exact (continuous.prod.mk a).is_open_preimage _ hs.2 },

Patrick Massot (Jul 29 2022 at 10:39):

It's nice that you can train student and then send them do internship across the Atlantic so that they can answer questions for you when you sleep. I still tried to get to the bottom of this and found a couple of surprising holes (as usual). I suggest adding:

import topology.uniform_space.completion

open filter set
open_locale topological_space

lemma function.surjective.comap_ne_bot_iff_ne_bot {α β : Type*} {f : α  β}
  (hf : function.surjective f) (F : filter β) : (comap f F).ne_bot  F.ne_bot :=
λ h, λ H, (H  h : (comap f ).ne_bot).ne comap_bot⟩, λ h, h.comap_of_surj hf

open filter set

lemma mem_closure_range_iff_comap {α : Type*} {β : Type*} [topological_space β]
  {f : α  β} {b : β} : b  closure (range f)  (comap f (𝓝 b)).ne_bot :=
  rw [mem_closure_iff_comap_ne_bot],
  conv_rhs { rw [ coe_comp_range_factorization f,  filter.comap_comap,
                 surjective_onto_range.comap_ne_bot_iff_ne_bot] }

-- Not used below but nice to have.
lemma dense_range.comap_nhds_ne_bot {α : Type*} {β : Type*} [topological_space β]
  {f : α  β} (h : dense_range f) (b : β) : (comap f (𝓝 b)).ne_bot :=
mem_closure_range_iff_comap.mp (h b)

variables {α : Type*} [uniform_space α]

open uniform_space
open_locale uniformity

lemma exists_cauchy_tendsto {β : Type*} [uniform_space β]
  {f : α  β} (hf : comap (prod.map f f) (𝓤 β)  𝓤 α) {x} (hx : x  closure (range f)) :
 F : filter α, cauchy F  tendsto f F (𝓝 x) :=
comap f (𝓝 x), cauchy_nhds.comap' hf (mem_closure_range_iff_comap.mp hx), tendsto_comap

open uniform_space.completion

lemma uniform_space.completion.exists_cauchy_tendsto (x : completion α) :
   F : filter α, cauchy F  tendsto coe F (𝓝 x) :=
exists_cauchy_tendsto (uniform_inducing_coe α).comap_uniformity.le (dense_range_coe x)

Junyan Xu (Jul 29 2022 at 14:17):


Junyan Xu (Jul 30 2022 at 04:28):

So I was able to prove a characterization of the backward map from completion α to Cauchy α constructed by Anatole. The code is at https://gist.github.com/alreadydone/9fcfb78af6cd48bdedf3220a598b8321, where the map is called preferred_cauchy. It turns out it's a right inverse to the "separation quotient" map that produces completion α from Cauchy α. Moreover, it sends a point x in the completion to the unique maximal Cauchy filter F that tends to x under α → completion α; as it turns out, F tends to x iff it maps to x under the quotient map. This was rather mysterious to me, as points in Cauchy α that maps to the same point in completion α are by definition topologically indistinguishable, but it makes sense when you think about Cauchy α as filters on the original space α instead of a space by itself, so everything still makes sense when considering abstract_completion, which doesn't mention an intermediate space.

To understand this better I worked out an example: consider the uniformity ⊤ = {univ} on the two point set α = {0, 1}, which induces the trivial topology; every ne_bot filter on this space is Cauchy, and there are three of them: ⊤={univ}, 𝓟 {0}, and 𝓟 {1}. Of course the map α → completion α sends x to 𝓟 {x}, while ⊤ is not in the image. The separation quotient consists of exactly one point, and preferred_cauchy maps it to ⊤.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC