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Stream: Is there code for X?

Topic: Enumerating a finite subset

Oliver Nash (Aug 21 2021 at 17:07):

Do we have a convenient way enumerating the elements of a finite subset?

Oliver Nash (Aug 21 2021 at 17:08):

For example, do we have anything like finset.to_fun below:

import data.set.basic
import set_theory.fincard

namespace finset

variables {α : Type*} (t : finset α)

def to_fun : fin t.card  α := sorry

lemma range_to_fun_eq : set.range t.to_fun = t := sorry

-- Variant of `range_to_fun_eq` that stays in computable `finset` land:
lemma image_to_fun_univ_eq [decidable_eq α] : image t.to_fun univ = t := sorry

end finset

Oliver Nash (Aug 21 2021 at 17:10):

Or maybe we should ignore finset and just work with finite sets. Do we have anything like this:

import data.set.basic
import set_theory.fincard

namespace set.finite

variables {α : Type*} {s : set α} (h : s.finite)
include h

noncomputable def card :  := nat.card s -- How does this not exist already!?

def to_fun : fin h.card  α := sorry

lemma range_to_fun_eq : set.range h.to_fun = s := sorry

end set.finite

Eric Rodriguez (Aug 21 2021 at 17:38):

you can presumably get it by toying with fintype.equiv_fin, but that's not ideal

Kyle Miller (Aug 21 2021 at 17:50):

I started an implementation of to_fun using a to_list function, but I think @Eric Rodriguez's suggestion of fintype.equiv_fun might be less work (depending on how all the coercions look).

import data.set.basic
import set_theory.fincard

namespace finset

variables {α : Type*} (t : finset α)

noncomputable def to_list : list α := t.1.to_list

lemma mem_to_list {a : α} : a  t.to_list  a  t :=
by { rw [to_list, multiset.mem_coe, multiset.coe_to_list],
     exact iff.rfl }

lemma to_list_length : t.to_list.length = t.card :=
  rw [to_list, multiset.coe_card, multiset.coe_to_list],

noncomputable def to_fun : fin t.card  α :=
λ i, t.to_list.nth_le i begin
  rw to_list_length,
  exact i.property

end finset

Adam Topaz (Aug 21 2021 at 18:19):

We do have docs#finset.sort

Adam Topaz (Aug 21 2021 at 18:20):

You can sort with any random relation, for example

Oliver Nash (Aug 21 2021 at 18:24):

Eric Rodriguez said:

you can presumably get it by toying with fintype.equiv_fin, but that's not ideal

Interesting, I suppose that makes this possible:

noncomputable def to_fun : fin t.card  α :=
λ n, (fintype.equiv_fin t).symm.to_fun $ (congr_arg fin (fintype.card_coe t)).mpr n

Kyle Miller (Aug 21 2021 at 18:25):

I'm a little surprised that finset.to_list doesn't already exist. finset.sort is finset.to_list the long way ("I'm going to put my arbitrary list into an arbitrary order" rather than "I'm happy with the arbitrary list as-is.")

Oliver Nash (Aug 21 2021 at 18:26):

Kyle Miller said:

Edit: updated this code block

Oh wow, thanks for this! Superb. I'm being pulled away for dinner but I'm really grateful.

Adam Topaz (Aug 21 2021 at 18:26):

finset.to_list may as well just be finset.sort with the equality relation

Kyle Miller (Aug 21 2021 at 18:26):

How do you mean? Doesn't finset.sort need a total order?

Adam Topaz (Aug 21 2021 at 18:27):

Oh right I missed that assumption

Adam Topaz (Aug 21 2021 at 18:29):

Well that's silly. We should also have a finest.sort that takes any arbitrary relation

Adam Topaz (Aug 21 2021 at 18:29):

Maybe it would be noncomputable but :shrug:

Kyle Miller (Aug 21 2021 at 18:42):

finset.to_list: #8797

Kyle Miller (Aug 21 2021 at 19:02):

Using that PR, finset.to_fun could look like this

Eric Wieser (Aug 22 2021 at 21:32):


Oliver Nash (Aug 23 2021 at 08:56):

Eric Wieser said:


This would be what I want except that it requires [linear_order α] (presumably to make things computable).

Oliver Nash (Aug 23 2021 at 08:58):

Oliver Nash said:

Interesting, I suppose that makes this possible:

noncomputable def to_fun : fin t.card  α :=
λ n, (fintype.equiv_fin t).symm.to_fun $ (congr_arg fin (fintype.card_coe t)).mpr n

I might need this later today so I will lazily record what I think might be the most convenient definition here. Instead of fintype.equiv_fin used above, I now realise it is better to use fintype.equiv_fin_of_card_eq and thus obtain:

noncomputable def to_fun : fin t.card  α :=
(fintype.equiv_fin_of_card_eq (fintype.card_coe t)).symm.to_fun

Eric Rodriguez (Aug 23 2021 at 09:16):

Oliver Nash said:

Eric Wieser said:


This would be what I want except that it requires [linear_order α] (presumably to make things computable).

Do we not have the well ordering principle?

Oliver Nash (Aug 23 2021 at 09:18):

I believe we do so I guess this would also work, at the cost of some @ characters to provide the instance!

Eric Wieser (Aug 23 2021 at 10:44):

We have an open PR that puts a linear order on any fintype I believe

Oliver Nash (Aug 23 2021 at 10:47):

Interesting! Looks like it is #7123 I'm juggling a few things but I'll look at it more closely if / when I need this. Thanks for the note.

Oliver Nash (Aug 30 2021 at 13:05):

For the sake of anyone looking at this thread in the future, I might as well say that I cooked up the following approach to what I was asking about here:

import data.fintype.basic

namespace finset

variables {α : Type*} (t : finset α)

/-- Finite subsets carry an enumeration. -/
noncomputable def enumerate : fin t.card  α :=
coe  (fintype.equiv_fin_of_card_eq (fintype.card_coe t)).symm

/-- We can get the index of an element of a finite subset with respect to its enumeration. -/
noncomputable def denumerate : t  fin t.card :=
fintype.equiv_fin_of_card_eq (fintype.card_coe t)

@[simp] lemma enumerate_mem (i : fin t.card) : t.enumerate i  t :=
by simp only [enumerate, coe_mem]

@[simp] lemma denumerate_enumerate_eq (i : fin t.card) :
  t.denumerate t.enumerate i, t.enumerate_mem i = i :=
by simp only [enumerate, denumerate, mk_coe, equiv.apply_symm_apply]

@[simp] lemma enumerate_denumerate_eq (x : t) : t.enumerate (t.denumerate x) = x :=
by simp only [enumerate, denumerate, equiv.symm_apply_apply, function.comp_app]

@[simp] lemma range_enumerate : set.range t.enumerate = t :=
  ext x, split,
  { rintros y, rfl⟩, simp only [enumerate, coe_mem, mem_coe], },
  { intros h, use t.denumerate x, mem_coe.mp h⟩, simp, },

@[simp] lemma image_enumerate_univ_eq [decidable_eq α] : image t.enumerate univ = t :=
  ext x, split; intros h,
  { simp only [mem_image, mem_univ, exists_true_left] at h,
    obtain y, -, rfl := h, simp only [enumerate_mem], },
  { simp only [mem_image, mem_univ, exists_true_left],
    use t.denumerate x, mem_coe.mp h⟩, simp, },

variables {t} {s : finset α} (h : s  t)

/-- A pair of nested finite subsets `s ⊆ t` yields an embedding of their emumerating types. -/
noncomputable def fin_card_embed_of_subset : fin s.card  fin t.card :=
{ to_fun := t.denumerate  (set.inclusion h) 
            (fintype.equiv_fin_of_card_eq (fintype.card_coe s)).symm,
  inj'   := λ i j hij,
      simp only [denumerate, equiv.apply_eq_iff_eq, function.comp_app] at hij,
      simpa only [equiv.apply_eq_iff_eq] using set.inclusion_injective h hij,
    end, }

@[simp] lemma fin_card_embed_of_subset_enumerate_comp :
  t.enumerate  (fin_card_embed_of_subset h) = s.enumerate :=
by { ext, simpa [fin_card_embed_of_subset], }

end finset

Oliver Nash (Aug 30 2021 at 13:06):

However I eventually decided that t.enumerate was actually just a less useful version of (coe : t → α).

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 30 2021 at 13:08):

In fact, your enumerate is an embedding into α, so you can have a lemma about finset.map.

Separately, it will get much clunkier when your t is a non-simple finset, like the union/diff/inter of other finsets.

Oliver Nash (Aug 30 2021 at 13:10):

Well there are times when one wants an embedding into α. For example, if one wants to speak of linear independence of a finset α.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC