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Stream: Is there code for X?
Topic: Exists unique in list
Yakov Pechersky (May 09 2021 at 04:17):
Do we have a simple statement to state that a term that is in a list occurs only once in the list?
Adam Topaz (May 09 2021 at 04:25):
We must have something because of how finset is defined
Yakov Pechersky (May 09 2021 at 04:26):
nodup l
says that every single element exists only once. I mean that condition, but only on a single element.
Adam Topaz (May 09 2021 at 04:27):
Ah list.nodup uses pairwise...
Adam Topaz (May 09 2021 at 04:27):
You can always filter the list with the prop =x
and say something about the length of the result
Yakov Pechersky (May 09 2021 at 04:30):
Basically, there is a stronger statement than this:
lemma support_le_prod_of_me {l : list (perm α)} (h : f ∈ l) (hl : l.pairwise disjoint) :
f.support ≤ l.prod.support :=
induction l with hd l IH,
{ simpa using h },
{ rw [list.prod_cons, (disjoint_prod_right _ _).support_mul],
{ rcases h with rfl|h,
{ exact subset_union_left _ _ },
{ exact subset.trans (IH h (list.pairwise_of_pairwise_cons hl)) (subset_union_right _ _) } },
{ intros g hg,
exact list.rel_of_pairwise_cons hl hg } }
Yakov Pechersky (May 09 2021 at 04:30):
Where you don't have to have l.pairwise disjoint
, just disjoint f g
for all g \in l
, as long as f \ne g
and f
is in the list only once.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC