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Topic: Going under exactly one lambda
Joachim Breitner (Nov 26 2023 at 10:28):
In MetaM
, for going under forall quantifiers, we have docs#Lean.Meta.forallTelescope that goes under as many foralls as possible, but also the more principled docs#Lean.Meta.forallMetaBoundedTelescope that goes under at most $n$ foralls.
But for opening up lambdas, I only see docs#Lean.Meta.lambdaTelescope, but no bounded
variant, and I'd be mildly surprised that none ever had a need for that. How do you open up fixed number of lambda? (Or just exactly one, for that matter?)
Kyle Miller (Nov 26 2023 at 17:23):
If you know your expression is a lambda or a forall, here's a function that wraps up the pattern you normally see:
open Lean Meta in
def Lean.Expr.withLambda {α : Type _} (e : Expr) (k : Expr → Expr → MetaM α) : MetaM α :=
withLocalDecl e.bindingName! e.bindingInfo! e.bindingDomain! fun fvar =>
k fvar (e.bindingBody!.instantiate1 fvar)
Kyle Miller (Nov 26 2023 at 17:24):
(I think you meant to link to docs#Lean.Meta.forallBoundedTelescope instead of docs#Lean.Meta.forallMetaBoundedTelescope)
Kyle Miller (Nov 26 2023 at 17:26):
I think it would make sense to have a docs#Lean.Meta.lambdaBoundedTelescope
One design question is whether, like forallTelescope
vs forallBoundedTelescope
, the lambdaBoundedTelescope
version would also do whnf
if the expression isn't obviously a lambda. The forallBoundedTelescope
is a controlled version of forallTelescopeReducing
Mario Carneiro (Nov 26 2023 at 17:32):
Actually, that's not the only option, it could also manufacture lambdas that aren't there using eta expansion. This is what the compiler usually has to do when expecting an expression with a given arity
Joachim Breitner (Nov 26 2023 at 17:38):
Yes, that sounds even more useful, also because one can then expect that function to always return an array of exactly the expected length.
Mario Carneiro (Nov 26 2023 at 17:39):
well, not necessarily, e
may not have the right type (although maybe in this case the function may be justified to throw an error)
Joachim Breitner (Nov 26 2023 at 17:40):
Yup, that's what I mean
Joachim Breitner (Nov 26 2023 at 17:58):
In a sense the dual of the function that I added here:
Mario Carneiro (Nov 26 2023 at 18:01):
I have an implementation here although it's also tied up with other stuff relating to its use in the compiler
Joachim Breitner (Nov 28 2023 at 10:29):
I have a few places where I could use that function. Once you are happy with it, will you PR it?
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC