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Topic: Injectivity of arrow type constructor

Alex Keizer (May 03 2022 at 13:02):

Is the following provable (in Lean 4)?

example {α β β' : Sort _} [Inhabited α] :
    (α  β) = (α  β')  β = β' :=
    intro h;

Intuitively, it seems like it should be true, if every function into \beta can be cast to a function into \beta', and vice-versa, the types should have exactly the same inhabitants, right? Can I prove that in Lean 4?

Reid Barton (May 03 2022 at 13:08):

It is not provable.

Patrick Massot (May 03 2022 at 13:16):

It's actually much worse than "not provable". It's not a good question in the flavor of type theory that Lean (or Coq) is using. If you think that you need this result then there is an important mismatch about the intuition you have of those foundations and the way they are actually meant to be used.

Yaël Dillies (May 03 2022 at 13:18):

Also, this doesn't hold if you replace equalities by equivalences.

example : (  fin 2)  (  fin 3)  fin 2  fin 3 := sorry -- impossible

Alex Keizer (May 03 2022 at 13:37):

Patrick Massot said:

It's actually much worse than "not provable". It's not a good question in the flavor of type theory that Lean (or Coq) is using. If you think that you need this result then there is an important mismatch about the intuition you have of those foundations and the way they are actually meant to be used.

To be fair, my intuition did feel like it might be reaching the edge of what I can answer in Lean, hence me asking whether it's provable.
I'm not interested in this result per se, It just seemed very useful while trying to prove the following congruence lemma

theorem heq_congr_fun {α β β' : Type u} {f : α  β} {f' : α  β'} (a : α) :
    HEq f f'  HEq (f a) (f' a) :=
    intro h;

Luckily, there was some #XY going on, and I found another way to prove my end-goal that doesn't need the congruence after all.

Reid Barton (May 03 2022 at 13:42):

I think it was not really "luck".

Floris van Doorn (May 03 2022 at 13:58):

I agree with Reid that usually when you need a result like that, you've already gone in a wrong direction before.
Your statement of heq_congr_fun is also not provable in Lean, since it implies your original example (at least for inhabited β).
You need to also assume β = β' to make heq_congr_fun provable: https://github.com/leanprover/lean2/blob/8072fdf9a0b31abb9d43ab894d7a858639e20ed7/library/logic/cast.lean#L28

Alex Keizer (May 03 2022 at 14:06):

Yeah, in my case β = β' does in fact hold, which is how I made it work. Thanks for pointing out where to look!

Reid Barton (May 03 2022 at 15:22):

In general, if x : a and y : b, a HEq x y is not useful unless you can already prove that a = b.

Eric Rodriguez (May 03 2022 at 15:44):

huh? docs#type_eq_of_heq

Kyle Miller (May 03 2022 at 15:53):

Yeah, I'm not sure what Reid is referring to -- part of HEq is that the types of the two terms are equal. If there's a rule, I think it's that HEq is not useful unless you can somehow use the type equality to substitute out one type for another everywhere.

The heq version of congr_arg works, for example (but you need to have a more complicated dependent type for the function):

-- Lean 3
theorem heq_congr_arg {α α' β : Type*} {f : Π {α : Type*}, α  β} (a : α) (a' : α') :
  a == a'  f a = f a' :=
  intro he,
  cases he,

Reid Barton (May 03 2022 at 16:34):

I mean just knowing a = b is not useful except in a situation like a = C i, b = C j, and you have a proof of i = j. (Or if a and b are defeq but then you didn't need HEq.)

Reid Barton (May 03 2022 at 16:41):

Like you can derive false from (0 : nat) == (1 : nat), but you can't derive false from (0 : nat) == (1 : int), even though it implies that nat = int.

Eric Rodriguez (May 03 2022 at 17:04):

I mean, it seems pretty sensible to me. If the underlying set is ℕ, and you encode ℤ as {1, -1, 0, 2, -2, 3, -3, ...}, that wouldn't be contradictory at all

Reid Barton (May 03 2022 at 17:09):

Right and that's why, unless you already had a way to prove the types equal, a HEq hypothesis is not useful

Eric Rodriguez (May 03 2022 at 17:12):

Ah, maybe i'm being pedantic but do you mean sort of "how" they are equal? Whether the encoding is id or whatever

Reid Barton (May 03 2022 at 17:16):

I'm pretty sure I still mean what I said the first time: h : x == y is only ever useful if, without using h, you can already prove a = b

Reid Barton (May 03 2022 at 17:16):

However, this isn't meant to be a metatheorem, just an observation based on experience.

Reid Barton (May 03 2022 at 17:18):

Eric Rodriguez said:

Ah, maybe i'm being pedantic but do you mean sort of "how" they are equal? Whether the encoding is id or whatever

It is somehow related to this because there is only a very limited set of ways to prove that two types are equal.

David Wärn (May 03 2022 at 18:30):

Reid Barton said:

I'm pretty sure I still mean what I said the first time: h : x == y is only ever useful if, without using h, you can already prove a = b

Just to elaborate on this point: h : x == y really means we have e : a = b (where x : a and y : b) together with h' : eq.rec a e = b. In general, if we don't know what e is, then we have no way to determine eq.rec a e, so h' isn't really useful. On the other hand, for any 'concrete' proof e' : a = b, we can evaluate eq.rec a e' explicitly. And eq.rec a e' = eq.rec a e by proof irrelevance. So in this case h' actually tells us something useful, namely that eq.rec a e' = b.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC