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Stream: Is there code for X?

Topic: Intersection of a chain of nonempty finsets is nonempty.

Rémi Bottinelli (Jul 30 2022 at 06:14):

Hey, I'm in need of such a function. What would be the shortest way to get it? Thanks!

Kyle Miller (Jul 30 2022 at 06:55):

Here's one formulation of it:

import data.fintype.basic
import order.chain
import data.nat.lattice

lemma finset.nonempty_Inter_of_chain {α : Type*}
  (sf : set (finset α)) (sfn : sf.nonempty)
  (hn :  s  sf, finset.nonempty s) (hc : is_chain () sf) :
   x,  s  sf, x  s :=
  have csn : (finset.card '' sf).nonempty,
  { obtain s, hs := sfn,
    use [s.card, s, hs], },
  obtain s, hs, hsc := nat.Inf_mem csn,
  obtain x, hx := hn _ hs,
  use x,
  intros s' hs',
  have : s.card  s'.card,
  { rw hsc,
    apply nat.Inf_le,
    use [s', hs'], },
  have : s  s',
  { obtain (rfl|h) := eq_or_ne s s',
    { refl },
    { apply or_iff_not_imp_right.mp (hc hs hs' h),
      intro h',
      cases finset.eq_of_subset_of_card_le h' this,
      exact h rfl } },
  exact this hx,

Rémi Bottinelli (Jul 30 2022 at 06:57):

ah, thanks! You haven't used any \Inter because it doesn't exist yet forfinset, right?

Kyle Miller (Jul 30 2022 at 07:05):

I just thought (⋂ (s ∈ sf), (s : set α)).nonempty wouldn't help with the proof. No deep reasons.

Kyle Miller (Jul 30 2022 at 07:09):

It's not too different also showing it for directed sets:

lemma finset.nonempty_Inter_of_chain {α : Type*}
  (sf : set (finset α)) (sfn : sf.nonempty)
  (hn :  s  sf, finset.nonempty s) (hd : directed_on () sf) :
   x,  s  sf, x  s :=
  have csn : (finset.card '' sf).nonempty,
  { obtain s, hs := sfn,
    use [s.card, s, hs], },
  obtain s, hs, hsc := nat.Inf_mem csn,
  obtain x, hx := hn _ hs,
  use x,
  intros s' hs',
  have : s  s',
  { obtain s'', hs'', h1, h2 := hd _ hs _ hs',
    apply finset.subset.trans _ h2,
    have : s.card  s''.card,
    { rw hsc,
      apply nat.Inf_le,
      use [s'', hs''], },
    cases finset.eq_of_subset_of_card_le h1 this,
    refl, },
  exact this hx,

Yaël Dillies (Jul 30 2022 at 09:52):

Rémi Bottinelli said:

ah, thanks! You haven't used any ⋂ because it doesn't exist yet forfinset`, right?

It does: docs#finset.inf. finset.bUnion is a (stupid according to me) special case of finset.sup.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC