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Topic: Limits in FintypeCat

Christian Merten (Nov 02 2023 at 22:02):

Are there any results on (co)limits in FintypeCat? For example that it has all finite (co)limits and that forget FintypeCat preserves all finite (co)limits?

Christian Merten (Nov 02 2023 at 22:18):

Or that FintypeCat is a full subcategory of Type?

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 02 2023 at 22:26):


Kevin Buzzard (Nov 02 2023 at 22:30):

docs#FintypeCat.incl is full and faithful, these are both instances (you can just find them by clicking on the link in my last message and then scrolling down).

My guess is that page basically contains all facts about FintypeCat known to mathlib, so existence of and reflection of limits and colimits looks like it's not there

Christian Merten (Nov 02 2023 at 22:33):

Thanks, I was searching for docs#CategoryTheory.FullSubcategory in relation to FintypeCat because I found docs#CategoryTheory.Limits.hasLimit_of_closed_under_limits which I wanted to use to show that FintypeCat has all finite (co)limits. But I suppose I can use docs#CategoryTheory.createsLimitOfFullyFaithfulOfIso and the instances that you have linked?

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 02 2023 at 22:35):

Yeah these would be great additions to mathlib

Christian Merten (Nov 02 2023 at 22:36):

I need it for galois categories, so I'll have to write this at some point.

Adam Topaz (Nov 02 2023 at 22:37):

It seems we don’t have anything about (co)limits in FintypeCat

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 02 2023 at 22:41):

So maybe the plan is to prove that finite (Co)limits exist in Type and then show that they're finite (the limit injects into the product and the colimit admits a surjection from the coproduct) and then let general nonsense take over?

Adam Topaz (Nov 02 2023 at 22:42):

Yeah I think one should show that the forgetful functor creates all finite limits and colimits

Christian Merten (Nov 02 2023 at 22:43):

Yes, that was my idea and it is already shown that Type has all (finite) (co)limits.

Adam Topaz (Nov 02 2023 at 22:46):

Take a look at the api for (co)limits in concrete categories. There’s a bunch of stuff there that might help

Christian Merten (Nov 03 2023 at 00:13):

#8137, will fix the linting issues tomorrow.

Christian Merten (Nov 20 2023 at 19:55):

I was wondering what the best way to transport over results from docs#CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Types is. Specifically I need some API around binary products, i.e. analogs of docs#CategoryTheory.Limits.Types.binaryProductIso etc.

One can certainly transport all data back and forth with FintypeCat.incl or one can just copy the code in docs#CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Types more or less verbatim and replace all occurences of Type u with FintypeCat.{u}. Same question applies for all finite constructions in said file.

Joël Riou (Nov 21 2023 at 21:14):

I hope it is possible to do this using concrete categories. A few days ago, I did a PR about the products and pullbacks in concrete categories #8507. In particular https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/pull/8507/files#diff-5ed8283d8adc6009eb1d2aa1228b162f5d281a8d9d34c91a9f3004a625e7e3f4R45 is the bijection (forget C).obj (∏ F) ≃ ∀ j, F j with F : J → C and forget C : C ⥤ Type _ is the forgetful functor of a concrete category C (when forget commutes with suitable limits). Presumably, if you need more "shapes", this should be added to this new file Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.ConcreteCategory when #8507 is merged.

Christian Merten (Nov 21 2023 at 21:19):

Thanks for the pointer. I think FintypeCat is somewhat special, because the product is not only the product in types after applying forget FintypeCat (aka FintypeCat.incl) but is actually of (∏ F). Not having to compose everything with FintypeCat.incl makes it slightly less annoying to work with.

Adam Topaz (Nov 21 2023 at 21:24):

You could construct an explicit limit cone with a particular cone point.

Christian Merten (Nov 21 2023 at 21:26):

I think thats what's done in docs#CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Types and this can be adapted easily to the case of FintypeCat. Is that what you are suggesting?

Christian Merten (Nov 21 2023 at 21:27):

Specifically I did this:

import Mathlib

namespace FintypeCat

def FProd.fst {X Y : FintypeCat.{u}} : FintypeCat.of (X × Y)  X := Prod.fst

@[simps! pt]
def binaryProductCone (X Y : FintypeCat.{u}) : BinaryFan X Y :=
  BinaryFan.mk FProd.fst Prod.snd

theorem binaryProductCone_fst (X Y : FintypeCat.{u}) : (binaryProductCone X Y).fst = Prod.fst :=

theorem binaryProductCone_snd (X Y : FintypeCat.{u}) : (binaryProductCone X Y).snd = Prod.snd :=

/-- The product type `X × Y` is a binary product for `X` and `Y`. -/
def binaryProductLimit (X Y : FintypeCat.{u}) : IsLimit (binaryProductCone X Y) where
  lift (s : BinaryFan X Y) x := (s.fst x, s.snd x)
  fac _ j := Discrete.recOn j fun j => WalkingPair.casesOn j rfl rfl
  uniq _ _ w := funext fun x => Prod.ext (congr_fun (w WalkingPair.left⟩) x) (congr_fun (w WalkingPair.right⟩) x)

/-- The category of types has `X × Y`, the usual cartesian product,
as the binary product of `X` and `Y`.
def binaryProductLimitCone (X Y : FintypeCat.{u}) : Limits.LimitCone (pair X Y) :=
  _, binaryProductLimit X Y

/-- The categorical binary product in `Type u` is cartesian product. -/
noncomputable def binaryProductIso (X Y : FintypeCat.{u}) : Limits.prod X Y  FintypeCat.of (X × Y) :=
  limit.isoLimitCone (binaryProductLimitCone X Y)

@[elementwise (attr := simp)]
theorem binaryProductIso_hom_comp_fst (X Y : FintypeCat.{u}) :
    (binaryProductIso X Y).hom  _root_.Prod.fst = Limits.prod.fst :=
  limit.isoLimitCone_hom_π (binaryProductLimitCone X Y) WalkingPair.left

@[elementwise (attr := simp)]
theorem binaryProductIso_hom_comp_snd (X Y : FintypeCat.{u}) :
    (binaryProductIso X Y).hom  _root_.Prod.snd = Limits.prod.snd :=
  limit.isoLimitCone_hom_π (binaryProductLimitCone X Y) WalkingPair.right

end FintypeCat

Christian Merten (Nov 21 2023 at 21:28):

which is just copy paste from docs#CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Types but adapted to FintypeCat.

Joël Riou (Nov 21 2023 at 21:31):

I think the best solution is to rely on what we have for general concrete categories (and develop more if you need more shapes), and then just use FintypeCat.equivEquivIso {A B : FintypeCat} : A ≃ B ≃ (A ≅ B) in order to translate the equivalences in Type into isomorphisms in FintypeCat if this is really what you need. I do not think we want to duplicate too much of the code.

Christian Merten (Nov 21 2023 at 21:38):

I see your argument, although to have a usable API for FintypeCat one needs to add quite a few additional simp lemmas (e.g. binaryProductIso_hom_comp_fst above) that will be going back and forth with isomorphisms and applying the Type u equivalent at the right place. So I think in the end, not just replicating leads to the same amount of code.

Joël Riou (Nov 21 2023 at 22:07):

In case of finite products and using #8507, the following code does the job:

import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.FintypeCat
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.ConcreteCategory

universe u

open CategoryTheory Limits

namespace FintypeCat

variable {J : Type} [DecidableEq J] [Fintype J] (X : J  FintypeCat.{u})

noncomputable instance : PreservesLimit (Discrete.functor X) (forget FintypeCat.{u}) :=
  (inferInstance : PreservesLimit _ incl.{u})

noncomputable def productIso :
    ( X)  of ( j, X j) :=
  equivEquivIso (Concrete.productEquiv X)

lemma productIso_hom_apply_apply (x : (forget FintypeCat.{u}).obj ( X)) (j : J) :
    (productIso X).hom x j = Pi.π X j x :=
  Concrete.productEquiv_apply_apply X x j

lemma productIso_inv_apply_π (x :  j, X j) (j : J) :
    Pi.π X j ((productIso X).inv x) = x j :=
  Concrete.productEquiv_symm_apply_π X x j

end FintypeCat

Christian Merten (Nov 21 2023 at 22:16):

Indeed, this looks very convincing, thanks. When #8507 is merged, I'll try to add the FintypeCat version of the shapes I need. I guess this should then go in a new file Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.FintypeCat?

Joël Riou (Nov 21 2023 at 22:22):

Yes, this is the right location!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC