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Topic: Pattern matching syntax for Array.last/Array.pop

Joachim Breitner (Oct 10 2023 at 07:17):

I just changed some very elegant code using lists (with pattern matching) to implement a stack to slightly less elegant code using Arrays (with Array.last, Array.pop). I would be less sad if I could still use pattern matching syntax, something like

def foo : Array a   
  | #[] -> 
  | #[as... a]  

Could that be made to work somehow? I noticed that empty and fixed-length arrays already work in patterns.

Joachim Breitner (Oct 10 2023 at 07:42):

And maybe related: How does #[] in patterns even work? I see

syntax "#[" withoutPosition(sepBy(term, ", ")) "]" : term

  | `(#[ $elems,* ]) => `(List.toArray [ $elems,* ])

and I understand how that works in terms, but for this to work in patterns it seems that lean has to support the function callList.toArray [ x ] in a pattern position…

Ah, maybe its related to the match_pattern attribute at

@[inline, match_pattern, export lean_list_to_array]
def List.toArray (as : List α) : Array α :=

where the docs say

When identifiers are marked with the [match_pattern] attribute, the equation compiler unfolds them in the hopes of exposing a constructor. For example, this makes it possible to write n+1 and 0 instead of Nat.succ n and Nat.zero in patterns.

Hmm, but this attribute probably cannot be used to implement the “view patterns” I would like to see. Too bad.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 10 2023 at 07:54):

Joachim Breitner said:

And maybe related: How does #[] in patterns even work?

A dirty hack

Mario Carneiro (Oct 10 2023 at 07:55):

If #[...] was syntax for Array.mk [...] instead of List.toArray [...] the hack wouldn't even be necessary

Mario Carneiro (Oct 10 2023 at 07:56):

this also messes up exhaustiveness checking:

example : Array Nat  Unit
  | #[] => ()
  | a :: as => ()
failed to compile pattern matching, stuck at
  remaining variables: [x:(Array Nat)]
    [] |- [#[]] => h_1 ()
    [a:(Nat), as:(List Nat)] |- [(Array.mk (List.cons a as))] => h_2 a as

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC