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Topic: Proving Simple Lemma for Lists
Ramneet Singh (Mar 10 2023 at 10:41):
I have the following goal state:
T: Type
a b: list T
c d: T
h: [d] = a ++ [c] ++ b
⊢ a = list.nil \and b = list.nil \and c=d
What tactic or theorem can I use? This seems like it should be easy to show but I haven't been able to.
Ramneet Singh (Mar 10 2023 at 11:17):
I have written the following proof:
variable {T : Type}
lemma singleton_length_one (a : T) : [a].length=1 := by
apply (iff.elim_right (list.length_eq_one)),
use a,
lemma singleton_eq_append_implies_empty (a b: list T) (c d : T) : ([d] = a ++ [c] ++ b) → (a = []) := by
intro h,
have h1 : (a ++ [c] ++ b).length = a.length + 1 + b.length := by
rw list.length_append (a ++ [c]) b,
rw list.length_append a [c],
have h2 : [c].length=1 := singleton_length_one c,
rw h2,
have h2 : [d].length=1 := singleton_length_one d,
have h3 : [d].length = (a ++ [c] ++ b).length := by {exact congr_arg list.length h},
rw h2 at h3,
rw h1 at h3,
have h4 : a.length=0 := by
have h5 := iff.elim_left nat.add_eq_one_iff (iff.elim_left eq_comm h3),
cases h5,
have h6 := and.elim_left h5,
have h7 : a.length + 1 > 0 := by {exact ne_zero.pos (list.length a + 1),},
have h8 : ¬ (a.length + 1 = 0) := by {exact ne_of_gt h7,},
exact h (false.rec (list.length a = 0) (h8 h6)),
have h6 := and.elim_left h5,
exact nat.succ.inj h6,
exact list.length_eq_zero.mp h4,
I would be grateful if someone could review this and suggest improvements to the tactics/style.
Ruben Van de Velde (Mar 10 2023 at 11:38):
How about this
lemma singleton_eq_append_implies_empty (a b: list T) (c d : T) : ([d] = a ++ [c] ++ b) → (a = []) := by
intro h,
rw [←list.length_eq_zero, ←le_zero_iff],
apply_fun list.length at h,
simp only [list.length_append, list.length_singleton, list.append_assoc, list.singleton_append] at h,
apply le_of_add_le_add_right,
rw [←h],
Ruben Van de Velde (Mar 10 2023 at 11:38):
And fwiw, docs#list.length_singleton
Martin Dvořák (Mar 10 2023 at 14:54):
I should probably refactor and generalize my lemma:
Martin Dvořák (Mar 10 2023 at 14:57):
Also, since you will be working with triples of lists in your project, have a look at this section:
Ramneet Singh (Mar 10 2023 at 17:37):
Thanks @Ruben Van de Velde and @Martin Dvořák ! This helps a lot :))
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC