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Topic: Pseudometric def of uniform space

Adam Topaz (Sep 08 2022 at 14:48):

I'm wondering about the pseudometric definition of a uniform space:

I.e. the fact that any family of pseudometrics gives rise to a uniform space structure, and conversely, that any uniform space structure arises from some such family. (Of course, this converse is the more interesting direction!)

I'm quite sure we don't have anything like this in mathlib, but I suppose it doesn't hurt to ask.

Assuming we don't have this, let's also discuss how to formulate this in Lean.

Yaël Dillies (Sep 08 2022 at 15:13):

That sounds like seminorms to me. I suggest writing a hom type pseudo_metric and its corresponding hom class that would be inserted under seminorms

Adam Topaz (Sep 08 2022 at 15:18):

seminorms give pseudometrics, but they're not the same.

Adam Topaz (Sep 08 2022 at 15:18):

we do have docs#pseudo_metric_space

Yaël Dillies (Sep 08 2022 at 15:18):

No, I mean this is similar to how we treat families of seminorms.

Adam Topaz (Sep 08 2022 at 15:20):

what do you mean by the "corresponding hom class" of a pseudo metric?

Yaël Dillies (Sep 08 2022 at 15:20):

A topological vector space is locally convex if and only if its topology is induced by a family of seminorms.

is the normed world statement that's similar to yours (cf Wikipedia).

Adam Topaz (Sep 08 2022 at 15:27):

Anyway, I don't think introducing a whole new type of pseudo-metrics is necessary. We can just talk about families of terms of docs#pseudo_metric_space

Patrick Massot (Sep 08 2022 at 16:06):

Why are you interested in this definition of uniform structures?

Adam Topaz (Sep 08 2022 at 16:27):

Specifically, I have a situation with a (uniform) topological ring (satisfying some additional hypotheses which I won't spell out) and I would like to relate it to valuation theory. One reasonable first step is to consider such a family of pseudometrics which give the uniform structure. (The way such a thing is usually related to valuation theory in the literature is somewhat different, but I would like to see whether this approach would offer a cleaner formalization.)

Anatole Dedecker (Sep 08 2022 at 16:49):

We don’t need anything new to formulate this

Adam Topaz (Sep 08 2022 at 16:49):

yeah I agree.

Anatole Dedecker (Sep 08 2022 at 16:50):

The uniform space defined by a family of pseudo metrics is juste the infimum of the uniform spaces for each pseudo metric right ?

Adam Topaz (Sep 08 2022 at 16:50):

Yes, I think that's right.

Anatole Dedecker (Sep 08 2022 at 16:54):

Actually a similar thing could have been done for seminorms, we just have to take the infimum of the topologies generated by each one individually. But we need docs#with_seminorms because saying « this topology is generated by these seminorms » is extremely frequent, but I don’t think that is the case for pseudo metrics, is that right?

Anatole Dedecker (Sep 08 2022 at 16:57):

I think I remember seeing the proof of it in Bourbaki but I’m not home and my iPad has no battery left…

Adam Topaz (Sep 08 2022 at 17:00):

It is indeed in Bourbaki

Adam Topaz (Sep 08 2022 at 17:00):

From wiki: Bourbaki: General Topology Chapter IX §1 no. 4

Anatole Dedecker (Sep 08 2022 at 18:03):

Oh but we almost have it, give me a few minutes

Anatole Dedecker (Sep 08 2022 at 18:09):

Okay maybe a bit more than a few minutes but it should definitely not be too hard

Anatole Dedecker (Sep 08 2022 at 19:55):

Ok so this is extremely ugly and impractical to use, but basically here is the proof :

import topology.metric_space.metrizable_uniformity

open set topological_space
open_locale uniformity

example {X : Type*} (u : uniform_space X) :  D : (@uniformity X u).sets  (pseudo_metric_space X),
  u =  V, (D V).to_uniform_space :=
  let 𝓑 : (@uniformity X u).sets    (@uniformity X u).sets :=
    λ V, @nat.rec (λ _, (@uniformity X u).sets)
    symmetrize_rel V.1, symmetrize_mem_uniformity V.2
    (λ _ U, classical.some $ comp_symm_mem_uniformity_sets U.2,
      (classical.some_spec $ comp_symm_mem_uniformity_sets U.2).fst⟩),
  have 𝓑_comp :  V n, (𝓑 V (n+1) : set $ X × X)  𝓑 V (n+1)  𝓑 V n,
  { intros V n,
    induction n with n hn;
    [set m := 0, set m := n.succ];
    exact (classical.some_spec $ comp_symm_mem_uniformity_sets (𝓑 V m).2).snd.2, },
  have 𝓑_symmetric :  V n, symmetric_rel (𝓑 V n : set $ X × X),
  { intros V n,
    induction n with n hn,
    { exact symmetric_symmetrize_rel _ },
    { exact (classical.some_spec $ comp_symm_mem_uniformity_sets (𝓑 V n).2).snd.1 } },
  have 𝓑_zero_V :  V, (𝓑 V 0 : set $ X × X)  V :=
    λ V, symmetrize_rel_subset_self V,
  have 𝓑_decreasing' :  V n, 𝓑 V (n+1)  𝓑 V n,
  { intros V n x hx,
    refine 𝓑_comp V n (subset_comp_self _ hx),
    rw id_rel_subset,
    exact λ y, refl_mem_uniformity (𝓑 V $ n+1).2 },
  have 𝓑_decreasing :  V, antitone (𝓑 V) :=
    λ V, antitone_nat_of_succ_le (𝓑_decreasing' V),
  have 𝓑_is_basis :  V, filter.is_basis (λ _, true) (subtype.val  𝓑 V),
  { rintros V,
    refine ⟨⟨0, true.intro⟩, λ i j _ _, max i j, true.intro, subset_inter
      (𝓑_decreasing V _) (𝓑_decreasing V _)⟩⟩;
    simp only [le_max_iff, le_refl, true_or, or_true] },
  let 𝒰 : (@uniformity X u).sets  uniform_space X :=
    λ V, uniform_space.of_core (uniform_space.core.mk_of_basis (𝓑_is_basis V).filter_basis
      (by {rintros r n, -, rfl x, exact refl_mem_uniformity (𝓑 V n).2})
      (by {rintros r n, -, rfl⟩, exact 𝓑 V n, n, true.intro, rfl⟩, (𝓑_symmetric V n).ge⟩})
      (by {rintros r n, -, rfl⟩, exact 𝓑 V (n+1), n+1, true.intro, rfl⟩, 𝓑_comp V n })),
  have 𝒰_basis :  V, (@uniformity X (𝒰 V)).has_basis (λ _, true) (subtype.val  𝓑 V) :=
    λ V, (𝓑_is_basis V).has_basis,
  have V_mem_𝒰 :  V : (@uniformity X u).sets, V.1  (@uniformity X (𝒰 V)),
  { intro V,
    rw (𝒰_basis V).mem_iff,
    exact 0, true.intro, 𝓑_zero_V V },
  have u_eq_𝒰 : u =  V, 𝒰 V,
  { refine le_antisymm (le_infi $ λ V, _) (λ V hV, _),
    { change @uniformity X u  @uniformity X (𝒰 V),
      rw (𝒰_basis V).ge_iff,
      exact λ n _, (𝓑 V n).2 },
    { rw infi_uniformity,
      exact filter.mem_infi_of_mem _ (V_mem_𝒰 (⟨V, hV : (@uniformity X u).sets)) } },
  have 𝒰_exists_dist :  V,  d : pseudo_metric_space X, 𝒰 V = d.to_uniform_space,
  { intro V,
    letI : uniform_space X := 𝒰 V,
    have : (𝓤 X).has_countable_basis (λ _, true) (subtype.val  𝓑 V) :=
    { countable := to_countable _,
      ..𝒰_basis V },
    haveI : (𝓤 X).is_countably_generated := this.is_countably_generated,
    exact uniform_space.pseudo_metric_space X, rfl },
  choose D hD using 𝒰_exists_dist,
  use D,
  convert u_eq_𝒰,
  ext V : 1,
  exact (hD V).symm

Anatole Dedecker (Sep 08 2022 at 19:57):

I will clean it and make a PR in the next few fays, which gives some time to discuss how we should state it to make it usable

Anatole Dedecker (Sep 08 2022 at 19:58):

(The reason it is so big is because it should be splitted in a lot of intermediate constructions, with each have being a lemma basically)

Adam Topaz (Sep 08 2022 at 20:02):

I was under the impression that there should be a "canonical" family of pseudometrics that does the job. Something like the collection of all pseudometrics for which the associated map X×XRX \times X \to\mathbb{R} is uniformly continuous.

Adam Topaz (Sep 08 2022 at 20:06):

But what you have is also canonical, and doesn't involve a "large" family!

Anatole Dedecker (Sep 08 2022 at 21:00):

Oh, you are probably right, and I should have thought about it because I was thinking about a similar thing just a week ago while reviewing #15035 (but I didn't take the time to write my thoughts yet, sorry @Moritz Doll :sweat_smile: ). Anyway, I will think about it between my lectures tomorrow (and of course not during the lectures, who would do that) and see if I can make it work

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC