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Stream: Is there code for X?

Topic: Shifting sums

Vincent Beffara (May 19 2022 at 08:18):

Do we have changes of indices in sums like this?

def Nci (n₀ : ) : set  := {n :  | n₀  n}

lemma shift_sum {n₀ : } {a :   } {s : } (ha : has_sum (a  (coe : Nci n₀  )) s) :
  has_sum (λ n, a (n₀ + n)) s := sorry

Actually that might be an XY problem, what I need is

example {a :   } {s : } (ha : has_sum a s) (h'a : a 0 = 0) :
  has_sum (λ n, a (n + 1)) s

and I reached the above by following has_sum_subtype_iff_of_support_subsetbut that might be overly general for what I need.

Yaël Dillies (May 19 2022 at 08:20):

Nci is Ici

Vincent Beffara (May 19 2022 at 08:21):

Ah I thought Ici was for reals, should have thought a little more

Vincent Beffara (May 19 2022 at 09:13):

That will do for now, but feels like reinventing the wheel several times in a row:

def shift (n₀ : ) :   set.Ici n₀ := {
  to_fun := λ n, n₀ + n, by simp only [set.Ici, set.mem_set_of_eq, le_add_iff_nonneg_right, zero_le]⟩,
  inv_fun := λ n, n - n₀,
  left_inv := λ n, by simp only [subtype.coe_mk, add_tsub_cancel_left],
  right_inv := λ n, hn⟩, by simp only [subtype.coe_mk, subtype.mk_eq_mk]; linarith }

def shift' (n₀ : ) : finset   finset (set.Ici n₀) := {
  to_fun := finset.map (shift n₀),
  inv_fun := finset.map (shift n₀).symm,
  left_inv := λ s, by ext b; simp only [finset.mem_map_equiv, equiv.coe_eq_to_embedding,
    equiv.symm_symm, equiv.symm_apply_apply],
  right_inv := λ s, by ext b; simp only [finset.mem_map_equiv, equiv.coe_eq_to_embedding,
    equiv.symm_symm, equiv.apply_symm_apply] }

lemma tendsto_shift'_at_top {n₀ : } : tendsto (shift' n₀) at_top at_top :=
  refine filter.tendsto_at_top_finset_of_monotone (λ s1 s2, finset.map_subset_map.mpr) _,
  rintro x, hx⟩,
  refine ⟨{x - n₀}, _⟩,
  simp only [shift', shift, equiv.coe_eq_to_embedding, equiv.coe_fn_mk, finset.map_singleton,
    equiv.to_embedding_apply, finset.mem_singleton, subtype.mk_eq_mk],

lemma shift_sum {n₀ : } {a :   } {s : } (ha : has_sum (a  (coe : set.Ici n₀  )) s) :
  has_sum (λ n, a (n₀ + n)) s :=
  simp only [has_sum] at ha ,
  suffices : tendsto (((λ (s : finset ),  b in s, a (n₀ + b))  (shift' n₀).symm)  (shift' n₀))
    at_top (𝓝 s),
  simpa only [comp.assoc _ (shift' n₀).symm (shift' n₀), equiv.symm_comp_self] using this,
  refine tendsto.comp _ tendsto_shift'_at_top,
  change tendsto (λ s,  b in ((shift' n₀).symm s), a (n₀ + b)) at_top (𝓝 s),
  convert ha,
  funext s,
  simp only [shift', shift, equiv.coe_eq_to_embedding, equiv.coe_fn_symm_mk, finset.sum_map,
    equiv.to_embedding_apply, comp_app],
  cases x,

Sebastien Gouezel (May 19 2022 at 09:35):

You can look around docs#tsum_eq_zero_add

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC