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Topic: Standard inclusion R^n → R^{n+1}

Riccardo Brasca (Sep 09 2021 at 15:44):

What is the best way of defining the standard inclusion of RnR^n inside Rn+1R^{n+1} (meaning adding 00 as the last component) as a linear map? Thank you!

Eric Wieser (Sep 09 2021 at 15:47):

is the unbundled version docs#fin.snoc (fin.snoc v 0)?

Filippo A. E. Nuccio (Sep 09 2021 at 15:48):

Stupid related question (on your answer): why "unbundled"?

Eric Wieser (Sep 09 2021 at 15:48):

"unbundled" meaning "without any proof that it is linear"

Yaël Dillies (Sep 09 2021 at 15:48):

because fin.snoc isn't (defined as) a linear map.

Filippo A. E. Nuccio (Sep 09 2021 at 15:49):

Crystal clear, thanks.

Riccardo Brasca (Sep 09 2021 at 15:54):

To be precise what I'm looking for is

import linear_algebra.basic

example (n : ) (R : Type u) [semiring R] : (fin n  R) →ₗ[R] (fin (n + 1)  R) := sorry

Riccardo Brasca (Sep 09 2021 at 15:55):

And to be honest I am having troubles in understand what fin.snoc does...

Ruben Van de Velde (Sep 09 2021 at 15:56):

Adding an element at the end of an n-tuple, to get an n+1-tuple. The name snoc comes from cons (i.e., adding an element to the left of a tuple) read in reverse order.

Eric Wieser (Sep 09 2021 at 15:58):

I would hope you can build it from (fin n → R) →ₗ[R] (fin n → R) × (fin 1 → R) (which is just docs#linear_map.inl), and then maybe docs#linear_map.coprod

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 09 2021 at 16:07):

I'd be tempted to just build it by hand!

Riccardo Brasca (Sep 09 2021 at 16:10):

Yes, with basis it should be easy, using fin.cast_succ. I am surprised that nobody needed it, but maybe it is too specific for mathlib :)

Eric Wieser (Sep 09 2021 at 16:16):

The version that inserts zero at the start instead of the end might be more likely to exist

Eric Wieser (Sep 09 2021 at 16:18):

Kevin Buzzard said:

I'd be tempted to just build it by hand!

Yes, I agree - we should probably have fin.snoc_zero_zero and fin.snoc_zero_add lemmas that say fin.snoc 0 0 = 0 and fin.snoc (v + w) 0 = fin.snoc v 0 + fin.snoc w 0

Eric Wieser (Sep 09 2021 at 16:19):

Then the final step of bundling the map becomes easy

Shing Tak Lam (Sep 09 2021 at 16:20):

Eric Wieser said:

Then the final step of bundling the map becomes easy

it's not very hard anyways

example (n : ) (R : Type u) [semiring R] : (fin n  R) →ₗ[R] (fin (n + 1)  R) :=
{ to_fun := λ v, fin.snoc v 0,
  map_add' := λ x y, by ext t; refine fin.last_cases _ _ t; simp,
  map_smul' := λ x y, by ext t; refine fin.last_cases _ _ t; simp }

Riccardo Brasca (Sep 09 2021 at 16:24):

I think it is

import linear_algebra.std_basis

noncomputable example (n : ) (R : Type u) [semiring R] : (fin n  R) →ₗ[R] (fin (n + 1)  R) :=
basis.constr (pi.basis_fun R (fin n))  (λ i, pi.basis_fun R (fin (n + 1)) i)

Eric Rodriguez (Sep 09 2021 at 16:24):

I will warn that when I was using snoc I hated the stupid thing

Eric Rodriguez (Sep 09 2021 at 16:24):

cons is much better behaved

Eric Rodriguez (Sep 09 2021 at 16:25):

obviously it's mathematically weird to insert at the start but it's a much more pleasant lean experience

Eric Wieser (Sep 09 2021 at 16:26):

Using noncomputable seems a bit extreme for something so trivial!

Riccardo Brasca (Sep 09 2021 at 16:29):

It's always interesting to see how math people and CS people think differently. Of course adding 0 at the end (or at the beginning) is totally trivial, but if I want a linear map my brain immediately say "of course you can do it, it is a free module, so just say where the standard basis should go". And somehow I feel it's better to check that this really just a 0 somewhere rather than checking that adding a 0 is linear :)

Sebastien Gouezel (Sep 09 2021 at 16:35):

By the way, are you sure it's really what you need? I'm asking because in #8898 I am doing a Gauss pivot-like argument, with an induction on the dimension to reduce a matrix. At first, I tried precisely with an embedding of fin n in fin (n+1) like you're doing, but in the end it was much nicer when using a sum type fin n ⊕ unit (because it avoids all casts, all nat inequalities, and things on the two components are distinguished definitionally by the kernel), and doing a reindexing at the very end of the argument.

Reid Barton (Sep 09 2021 at 16:54):

fin.snoc and fin.cons are both really awkward to use because they handle the case of a dependent function. I should finish that finvec PR some day...

Riccardo Brasca (Sep 09 2021 at 17:53):

Sebastien Gouezel said:

By the way, are you sure it's really what you need? I'm asking because in #8898 I am doing a Gauss pivot-like argument, with an induction on the dimension to reduce a matrix. At first, I tried precisely with an embedding of fin n in fin (n+1) like you're doing, but in the end it was much nicer when using a sum type fin n ⊕ unit (because it avoids all casts, all nat inequalities, and things on the two components are distinguished definitionally by the kernel), and doing a reindexing at the very end of the argument.

I am not sure. I want to prove that a commutative ring satisfies docs#strong_rank_condition. In practice it is enough to show that Rn+1R^{n+1} does not embed in RnR^n, and the first step of the proof I want to formalize is to consider the composition of Rn+1RnR^{n+1} \to R^n with the inclusion.

Riccardo Brasca (Sep 09 2021 at 17:56):

Maybe I can just prove that the strong rank condition is equivalent to the nonexistence of an injective morphism ((fin n ⊕ unit )→ R) → (fin n → R)

Yakov Pechersky (Sep 09 2021 at 18:08):

Probably as easily provable for any sum type where the other side isn't trivial

Riccardo Brasca (Sep 09 2021 at 20:54):

Shing Tak Lam said:

Eric Wieser said:

Then the final step of bundling the map becomes easy

it's not very hard anyways

example (n : ) (R : Type u) [semiring R] : (fin n  R) →ₗ[R] (fin (n + 1)  R) :=
{ to_fun := λ v, fin.snoc v 0,
  map_add' := λ x y, by ext t; refine fin.last_cases _ _ t; simp,
  map_smul' := λ x y, by ext t; refine fin.last_cases _ _ t; simp }

Do you see an easy way to generalize this to the inclusion RnRmR^n \to R^m where n<mn < m?

Adam Topaz (Sep 09 2021 at 21:10):

@Riccardo Brasca you can use docs#fin_sum_fin_equiv to obtain RaRa+bR^a \to R^{a+b}.

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 09 2021 at 21:14):

How about defining an R-alg hom R^S -> R^T for every injection S -> T?

Riccardo Brasca (Sep 09 2021 at 21:18):

Indeed my question is rather how to do this correctly in mathlib. I see a lot of ways of doing it by hand with different degree of generality. What I need is that the map is injective, linear and the last component of any element of the image is 00 (the last component or more generally any component whose index is not in the (image of) the first set).

Riccardo Brasca (Sep 10 2021 at 15:36):

I ended up doing it with in some generality in #9128. Not sure it's the best way...

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC