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Topic: Subalgebras over different base fields
Patrick Lutz (Sep 10 2020 at 21:55):
Say that I have some subalgebras of an algebra which are over different base fields and I know some equalities between them which I want to use for a series of rewrites. Is there a really easy way to do this? Lean often seems to get confused because the types are different (even though the equalities are all really equalities on the underlying subsets of the algebra). As a mwe:
import ring_theory.algebra
variables (F E L : Type*) [field F] [field E] [field L] [algebra F E] [algebra L E]
variables (A B : subalgebra F E) (C : subalgebra L E)
example (h₁ : C = ⊤) (h₂ : A = B) (h₃ : (A : set E) = C) : ⊤ = B :=
apply iff_of_true algebra.mem_top,
change x ∈ (B : set E),
rw [← h₂, h₃, h₁],
exact algebra.mem_top,
I feel like I should be able to prove the example above in a single line, but I don't see how to do so.
Kevin Buzzard (Sep 10 2020 at 22:11):
import field_theory.tower
variables (F E L : Type*) [field F] [field E] [field L] [algebra F E] [algebra L E]
variables (A B : subalgebra F E) (C : subalgebra L E)
example (h₁ : C = ⊤) (h₂ : A = B) (h₃ : (A : set E) = C) : ⊤ = B :=
by simp [subalgebra.ext_iff, set.ext_iff, algebra.mem_top, *] at *
Kyle Miller (Sep 10 2020 at 22:25):
A very slightly different one:
import field_theory.tower
variables (F E L : Type*) [field F] [field E] [field L] [algebra F E] [algebra L E]
variables (A B : subalgebra F E) (C : subalgebra L E)
example (h₁ : C = ⊤) (h₂ : A = B) (h₃ : (A : set E) = C) : B = ⊤ :=
by { ext, rw [←h₂, ←subalgebra.mem_coe, h₃, h₁], simp [algebra.mem_top] }
Patrick Lutz (Sep 10 2020 at 22:49):
Okay, nice. I had tried simp
before, but not with the right lemmas I guess.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC