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Topic: Sum of a multiplicative subgroup of a field is zero

Bolton Bailey (May 20 2023 at 22:01):

Do we have anywhere the statement that the sum of a nontrivial multiplicative subgroup of a field is zero?

Adam Topaz (May 20 2023 at 22:10):

Do we know that finite subgroups of multiplicative groups of fields are cyclic? I don’t recall seeing such statements in mathlib

Eric Wieser (May 20 2023 at 22:11):

So (H : subgroup Fˣ) : H ≠ ⊥ → ∑ᶠ x ∈ H, (x : F) = 0?

Bolton Bailey (May 20 2023 at 22:12):

Excuse me for not being familiar with the ∑ᶠ notation, I'm only really interested in fields that are already finite, but that looks right

Eric Wieser (May 20 2023 at 22:13):

Ah, I assumed otherwise since you didn't mention finiteness

Bolton Bailey (May 20 2023 at 22:14):

Well at first I thought it was only true of finite fields, but I realized the proof in my head doesn't need finiteness of the field itself as long as the subgroup is finite

Adam Topaz (May 20 2023 at 22:16):

It’s true in general

Adam Topaz (May 20 2023 at 22:17):

(For finite subgroups, or with the sum^f that Eric mentioned in general)

Eric Wieser (May 20 2023 at 22:18):

And also for tsum?

Adam Topaz (May 20 2023 at 22:19):


Adam Topaz (May 20 2023 at 22:19):


Adam Topaz (May 20 2023 at 22:19):

Well I don’t think so.

Adam Topaz (May 20 2023 at 22:20):

Finiteness is key in the proof I know

Yaël Dillies (May 20 2023 at 22:23):

But if it's infinite then the sum is zero by junk value, right?

Adam Topaz (May 20 2023 at 22:23):

Yes, but not for tsum

Bolton Bailey (May 20 2023 at 22:24):

Is there an example where the tsum is of an infinite multiplicative subgroup but exists?

Yaël Dillies (May 20 2023 at 22:25):

Sorry, I'm guessing the statement because my phone isn't displaying any unicode.

Adam Topaz (May 20 2023 at 22:25):

Yeah that’s what I’m wondering too

Bolton Bailey (May 20 2023 at 22:36):

Hmm, seems to me that the proof should work for tsum too. If I take a to be my non-1 element of H, then the point is that tsum H = tsum a H = a tsum H, so either the tsum is zero or we reach a contradiction.

Adam Topaz (May 20 2023 at 22:38):


Bolton Bailey (May 20 2023 at 22:59):

I guess separation is needed - docs#tsum_image requires [t2_space α]

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Bolton Bailey has marked this topic as resolved.

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Bolton Bailey (May 21 2023 at 20:50):

Adam Topaz said:

Do we know that finite subgroups of multiplicative groups of fields are cyclic? I don’t recall seeing such statements in mathlib

Seems we have docs#is_cyclic_of_subgroup_is_domain. Does anyone know how do I get the mul_hom from a subgroup of the units of a field into the field?

Yakov Pechersky (May 21 2023 at 20:54):


Yakov Pechersky (May 21 2023 at 20:55):

Note, units is not defined as a subgroup of a monoid, so there's a separate definition instead of docs#subgroup.subtype

Yakov Pechersky (May 21 2023 at 20:56):

Or something similar, the .subtype is too restricted here, it's not for monoids with zero. If it was a subgroup, you'd use docs#submonoid.subtype instead I think (?)

Eric Wieser (May 21 2023 at 20:59):

Compose the subgroup one with the coe one

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC