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Topic: Tensor product distributes over submodules

Eric Wieser (Nov 12 2023 at 18:12):

Do we have this?

import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorProduct

open scoped TensorProduct
variable {R M P : Type*} [CommSemiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] [AddCommMonoid P] [Module R P]

/-- A tensor product of submodules injects into the image of the submodules under the tensor product -/
def TensorProduct.subModuleDistrib (W₁ W₂ : Submodule R M) :
    W₁ [R] W₂ →ₗ[R] Submodule.map₂ (TensorProduct.mk _ _ _) W₁ W₂ :=
  (LinearMap.codRestrict _ (TensorProduct.map W₁.subtype W₂.subtype) <| fun c => by
      induction c using TensorProduct.induction_on with
      | zero => simpa only [map_zero] using zero_mem _
      | add x y hx hy => simpa only [map_add] using add_mem hx hy
      | tmul w₁ w₂ => exact Submodule.apply_mem_map₂ _ w₁.prop w₂.prop)

-- but it also surjects, right?
def Submodule.tensorProductDistrib (W₁ W₂ : Submodule R M) :
    Submodule.map₂ (TensorProduct.mk _ _ _) W₁ W₂ →ₗ[R] W₁ [R] W₂ :=
  -- can we do this constructively?

noncomputable def TensorProduct.submoduleDistribEquiv {W₁ W₂ : Submodule R M} :
    W₁ [R] W₂ ≃ₗ[R] Submodule.map₂ (TensorProduct.mk _ _ _) W₁ W₂ :=
    (TensorProduct.subModuleDistrib _ _)
    (Submodule.tensorProductDistrib _ _)

(inspired by one of @Richard Copley's threads)

Eric Wieser (Nov 12 2023 at 18:18):

I feel like for that sorry I need

/-- If a function is defined on every element of a supremum, and agrees on the intersection, then it can be extended globally. -/
def suprLift {N} [AddCommMonoid N] [Module R N]
    (S : ι  Submodule R M) (f :  i, S i →ₗ[R] N)
    (hf :  i j x, (hi : x  S i)  (hj : x  S j)  f i x, hi = f j x, hj⟩) :
  ( i, S i) →ₗ[R] N := sorry

which I guess is docs#Set.iUnionLift but for submodules

Richard Copley (Nov 12 2023 at 22:02):

As you saw, I had been looking at the same thing, with LinearMap.mul' composed.

import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorProduct
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorProductBasis
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorAlgebra.Basic


variable {R M P : Type*} [CommRing R] [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] [AddCommGroup P] [Module R P]

open TensorProduct Submodule LinearMap in
def Basis.tensorMul {ι₁ ι₂ : Type*} {W₁ W₂ : Submodule R (TensorAlgebra R M)}
    (ℰ₁ : Basis ι₁ R W₁) (ℰ₂ : Basis ι₂ R W₂) : Basis (ι₁ × ι₂) R (W₁ * W₂) := by
  letI : AddCommGroup (W₁ [R] W₂) := inferInstance

  let incl' : W₁ [R] W₂ →ₗ[R] TensorAlgebra R M :=
    LinearMap.mul' R (TensorAlgebra R M) ∘ₗ mapIncl W₁ W₂

  let incl : W₁ [R] W₂ →ₗ[R] W₁ * W₂ := LinearMap.codRestrict _ incl' (by
    intro x
    induction x using TensorProduct.induction_on with
    | zero => rewrite [LinearMap.map_zero] ; exact Submodule.zero_mem (W₁ * W₂)
    | tmul x y => exact mul_mem_mul x.property y.property
    | add x y ihx ihy => rewrite [LinearMap.map_add] ; exact Submodule.add_mem (W₁ * W₂) ihx ihy)

  have inj : LinearMap.ker incl =  := by

  have surj : LinearMap.range incl =  := by

  have e : W₁ [R] W₂ ≃ₗ[R] W₁ * W₂ :=
    LinearEquiv.ofBijective incl ker_eq_bot.mp inj, range_eq_top.mp surj

  exact (Basis.tensorProduct ℰ₁ ℰ₂).map e

I thought I was stuck on showing that there are no zero-divisors with respect to ⊗ₜ[R] (this isn't true, right?). But in fact even without the mul', that is, for your TensorProduct.subModuleDistrib, I can't see how to get the injectivity (though it feels terribly obvious).

Did I miss something subtle in your post? Were you just planning to go for bijectivity immediately?

import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorProduct

open scoped TensorProduct
variable {R M P : Type*} [CommSemiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] [AddCommMonoid P] [Module R P]

/-- A tensor product of submodules injects into the image of the submodules under the tensor product -/
def TensorProduct.subModuleDistrib (W₁ W₂ : Submodule R M) :
    W₁ [R] W₂ →ₗ[R] Submodule.map₂ (TensorProduct.mk _ _ _) W₁ W₂ :=
  (LinearMap.codRestrict _ (TensorProduct.map W₁.subtype W₂.subtype) <| fun c => by
      induction c using TensorProduct.induction_on with
      | zero => simpa only [map_zero] using zero_mem _
      | add x y hx hy => simpa only [map_add] using add_mem hx hy
      | tmul w₁ w₂ => exact Submodule.apply_mem_map₂ _ w₁.prop w₂.prop)

-- Right?
open Submodule LinearMap in
theorem TensorProduct.subModuleDistrib_inj (W₁ W₂ : Submodule R M) :
    LinearMap.ker (subModuleDistrib W₁ W₂) =  := by
  unfold subModuleDistrib
  rewrite [ker_codRestrict, ker_eq_bot']
  intro x
  induction x using TensorProduct.induction_on with
  | zero => intro ; rfl
  | tmul u v =>
    rewrite [map_tmul, subtype_apply, subtype_apply]
    show (u.val ⊗ₜ[R] v.val : M [R] M) = 0  (u ⊗ₜ[R] v : W₁ [R] W₂) = 0
  | add u v ihu ihv =>

Junyan Xu (Nov 13 2023 at 00:32):

@Eric Wieser You didn't prove injectivity at all! Recall the definition of flatness:
which says if M is not flat, then for some I : Submodule R R, the map I ⊗ M → R ⊗ M is not injective. However, we can't take M = R since R is flat as an R-module. To construct a counterexample in the setting where W₁ and W₂ are submodules of the same R-module M, we may take W₁ = I ⊕ 0 and W₂ = 0 ⊕ M as submodules of R ⊕ M.

On the other hand, surjectivity should be easy enough using docs#Submodule.map₂_le.

Eric Wieser (Nov 13 2023 at 00:41):

What do you mean, I must have proved it because I said so in the docstring :upside_down:

Eric Wieser (Nov 13 2023 at 00:41):

It's not clear to me how Submodule.map₂_le helps with the converse; it's not clear to me which submodule I should compare to

Junyan Xu (Nov 13 2023 at 00:44):

You want to show Submodule.map₂ ... is contained in the range of W₁ ⊗[R] W₂ →ₗ[R] M ⊗[R] M, right?

Richard Copley (Nov 13 2023 at 00:49):

open Submodule LinearMap in
theorem TensorProduct.subModuleDistrib_surj (W₁ W₂ : Submodule R M) :
  LinearMap.range (subModuleDistrib W₁ W₂) =  := by
  unfold subModuleDistrib
  rewrite [range_codRestrict, comap_subtype_eq_top, map₂_le]
  intro m hm n hn
  rewrite [mem_range]
  use m, hm ⊗ₜ[R] n, hn
  rewrite [map_tmul]

Eric Wieser (Nov 13 2023 at 00:53):

lemma TensorProduct.subModuleDistrib_surjective (W₁ W₂ : Submodule R M) :
    Function.Surjective (TensorProduct.subModuleDistrib W₁ W₂) := by
  rw [LinearMap.range_eq_top, TensorProduct.subModuleDistrib, LinearMap.range_codRestrict, Submodule.comap_subtype_eq_top, Submodule.map₂_le]
  simp_rw [Subtype.forall']
  intros x₁ x₂
  exact x₁ ⊗ₜ x₂, rfl

Eric Wieser (Nov 13 2023 at 00:53):

Darn, you beat me to it

Richard Copley (Nov 16 2023 at 19:56):

Nerdsniped by @Junyan Xu. Here's some work towards the first TODO in Mathlib.RingTheory.Flat. The next part (extending from ideals of R to submodules of a general module) seems extremely difficult if you look at Stacks. Less so if you look at Dummit and Foote or AtiMac.

import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorProduct.RightExactness
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Flat

-- Remove the `FG` condition from `Module.Flat.iff_rTensor_injective`

noncomputable section
open TensorProduct

variable {R : Type*} [CommRing R]
variable (M : Type*) [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M]
variable (N : Type*) [AddCommGroup N] [Module R N]

-- When `I` and `J` are submodules of `N` and `h` is a proof of `I ≤ J`,
-- let `φ M N h` be the tensor product of the inclusion `I → J` and the identity `M → M`
def φ {I J : Submodule R N} (h : I  J) : I [R] M →ₗ[R] J [R] M :=
  let h :  x : I, I.subtype x  J := fun x => h.subset x.property
  LinearMap.rTensor M (I.subtype.codRestrict J h)
  -- alternative spelling "map (I.subtype.codRestrict J h) LinearMap.id"

-- Applying φ to a simple tensor `i ⊗ₜ m`
theorem φ_tmul {I J : Submodule R N} (h : I  J) (i : I) (m : M) :
    φ M N h (i ⊗ₜ[R] m) = (⟨i.val, h.subset i.property : J) ⊗ₜ m := by
  rewrite [φ, LinearMap.rTensor_tmul] ; rfl

-- φ respects (preserves? reflects? commutes with?) the preorder on submodules
theorem φ_comp {I J K : Submodule R N} (hIJ : I  J) (hJK : J  K) :
    φ M N hJK ∘ₗ φ M N hIJ = φ M N (hIJ.trans hJK) := by
  -- Next line should be `ext` but importing `TensorProduct.RightExactness` breaks it
  refine TensorProduct.ext (LinearMap.ext fun i => (LinearMap.ext fun m => ?_))
  simp? [φ_tmul] says simp only [LinearMap.compr₂_apply, mk_apply, LinearMap.coe_comp,
      Function.comp_apply, φ_tmul]

-- Trivial. The two linear maps concerned are related by composition with the equivalence `eM`.
open LinearMap (rTensor ext) in
theorem φ_top_injective_iff {I : Submodule R R} :
    Function.Injective (φ M R (le_top : I  )) 
      Function.Injective (rTensor M I.subtype) := by
  -- `e : ⊤ ≃ₗ R`
  let e : ( : Submodule R R) ≃ₗ[R] R := {
    ( : Submodule R R).subtype with
    invFun := fun r => r, trivial
    left_inv := fun _ => rfl
    right_inv := fun _ => rfl
  -- `eM : ⊤ ⊗ M ≃ₗ R ⊗ M`.
  let eM : ( : Submodule R R) [R] M ≃ₗ[R] R [R] M := LinearEquiv.ofLinear
    (rTensor M e) (rTensor M e.symm)
    -- Note: specify `ext` lemmas explicitly because others that work poorly here may be visible
    (TensorProduct.ext (ext fun i => (ext fun m => rfl)))
    (TensorProduct.ext (ext fun i => (ext fun m => rfl)))
  have h₁ : rTensor M I.subtype = eM ∘ₗ φ M R (le_top : I  ) := by
    refine TensorProduct.ext (LinearMap.ext fun i => (LinearMap.ext fun m => ?_))
    rewrite [LinearMap.compr₂_apply, LinearMap.compr₂_apply, mk_apply, LinearMap.rTensor_tmul,
      LinearMap.comp_apply, φ_tmul]
  have h₂ : eM.symm ∘ₗ rTensor M I.subtype = φ M R (le_top : I  ) := by
    refine LinearMap.ext fun x => ?_
    rewrite [LinearMap.comp_apply, LinearEquiv.coe_coe, eM.symm_apply_eq, h₁]
  . rewrite [h₁] ; exact fun h => eM.injective.comp h
  . rewrite [ h₂] ;  exact fun h => eM.symm.injective.comp h

-- If `I ≤ R` and `x : I ⊗ M`, there is an f.g. ideal `J ≤ I` such that `x` is
-- the image of some `y : J ⊗ M`
-- (cf. Dummit & Foote (ed. 3), pp. 400, 401, proof of Corollary 42)
variable {M} in
theorem exists_fg_le_eq_rTensor_subtype_codRestrict_apply {I : Submodule R R} (x : I  M) :
     (J : Submodule R R) (_ : J.FG) (hJ : J  I) (y : J  M), x = φ M R hJ y := by
  induction x using TensorProduct.induction_on with
  | zero => exact , , Finset.coe_empty  Submodule.span_empty⟩, zero_le I, 0, rfl
  | tmul i m =>
    have hle : (R  i.val)  I := (Submodule.span_singleton_le_iff_mem i.val I).mpr i.property
    let i' : (R  i.val) := i.val, Submodule.mem_span_singleton_self _
    exact ⟨(R  i.val), Submodule.fg_span_singleton _, hle, i' ⊗ₜ m, by rw [φ_tmul]⟩
  | add x y ihx ihy =>
    have J₁, hFG₁, hJ₁, y₁, h₁ := ihx
    have J₂, hFG₂, hJ₂, y₂, h₂ := ihy
    let z := φ M R (le_sup_left : J₁  J₁  J₂) y₁ + φ M R (le_sup_right : J₂  J₁  J₂) y₂
    refine J₁  J₂, Submodule.FG.sup hFG₁ hFG₂, sup_le hJ₁ hJ₂, z, ?_
    unfold_let z
    rw [map_add,  LinearMap.comp_apply,  LinearMap.comp_apply, φ_comp, φ_comp, h₁, h₂]

-- If `φ M R ‹I ≤ ⊤› : I ⊗[R] M →ₗ[R] R ⊗[R] M` is injective for every finitely generated
-- ideal `I` of `R` then it is injective for every ideal `I` of `R`.
-- (Dummit & Foote (ed. 3), p. 406, part of exercise 10.25(b))
theorem rTensor_subtype_injective_of_forall_fg' :
    ( I : Submodule R R, I.FG  Function.Injective (φ M R (le_top : I  ))) 
       I : Submodule R R, Function.Injective (φ M R (le_top : I  )) := by
  intro h I
  letI : AddCommGroup (I [R] M) := inferInstance -- injective_iff_map_eq_zero cannot find this
  rewrite [injective_iff_map_eq_zero]
  intro x hx₀
  have J, hfg, hle, y, hy := exists_fg_le_eq_rTensor_subtype_codRestrict_apply x
  apply (fun hy₀ => by rw [hy, hy₀, map_zero] : y = 0  x = 0)
  rewrite [hy,  LinearMap.comp_apply, φ_comp] at hx₀
  letI : AddCommGroup (J [R] M) := inferInstance -- injective_iff_map_eq_zero cannot find this
  exact (injective_iff_map_eq_zero _).mp (h J hfg) y hx₀

-- Simplify the statement of the previous result.
theorem rTensor_subtype_injective_of_forall_fg :
    ( I : Submodule R R, I.FG  Function.Injective (LinearMap.rTensor M I.subtype)) 
       I : Submodule R R, Function.Injective (LinearMap.rTensor M I.subtype) := by
  simp_rw [ φ_top_injective_iff]
  exact rTensor_subtype_injective_of_forall_fg' M

-- Remove the `FG` condition from `Module.Flat.iff_rTensor_injective`
theorem iff_rTensor_injective' :
    Module.Flat R M  ( (I : Ideal R), Function.Injective (LinearMap.rTensor M I.subtype)) := by
  rewrite [Module.Flat.iff_rTensor_injective]
  . exact rTensor_subtype_injective_of_forall_fg M
  . refine fun h I _ => h I

Junyan Xu (Nov 16 2023 at 20:02):

Nice! I think you're now in a position to review (or co-author?) #7225 :wink:

Junyan Xu (Nov 16 2023 at 20:20):

You might also like to watch Jujian's talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xp8gViooBXU

The Zulip thread is here

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC