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Stream: Is there code for X?

Topic: The unique `ℂ →ₐ[ℝ] A` given a square root of -1

Eric Wieser (Jun 28 2021 at 12:17):

docs#complex.lift doesn't exist

Filippo A. E. Nuccio (Jun 28 2021 at 12:18):

But does this really exist? You can chose both I and -I, no? I mean, if you take A=CA=\mathbb{C}, is the canonical map the identity or its opposite?

Eric Wieser (Jun 28 2021 at 12:19):

I've replaced the word "canonical" with "unique"

Eric Wieser (Jun 28 2021 at 12:19):

For a given I' there is a unique map

Filippo A. E. Nuccio (Jun 28 2021 at 12:19):

Ah sure, once the I' is chosen I agree.

Eric Wieser (Jun 28 2021 at 12:22):

I was able to define this as:

noncomputable def complex.lift (I' : A) (hf : I' * I' = -1) :  →ₐ[] A :=
  { to_fun := ((algebra.of_id  A).to_linear_map.comp complex.re_lm +
                (linear_map.to_span_singleton _ _ I').comp complex.im_lm),
    map_zero' := linear_map.map_zero _,
    map_add' := linear_map.map_add _,
    map_mul' := λ x₁, y₁ x₂, y₂⟩, by {
      change algebra_map  A (x₁ * x₂ - y₁ * y₂) + (x₁ * y₂ + y₁ * x₂)  I' =
             (algebra_map  A x₁ + y₁  I') * (algebra_map  A x₂ + y₂  I'),
      rw [mul_add, add_mul, add_mul],
      rw [smul_mul_smul, hf, smul_neg, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one, sub_eq_add_neg],
      simp only [algebra.commutes x₂, ring_hom.map_mul],
      simp only [algebra.smul_def],
      simp only [add_smul, smul_smul, ring_hom.map_sub, mul_comm y₁ x₂],
      abel, },
    map_one' := show algebra_map  A 1 + (0 : )  I' = 1,
      by rw [ring_hom.map_one, zero_smul, add_zero], }
  (linear_map.map_smul _)

but I suspect there's a shorter way

Filippo A. E. Nuccio (Jun 28 2021 at 12:25):

Have you looked around https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib_docs/field_theory/minpoly?

Filippo A. E. Nuccio (Jun 28 2021 at 12:25):

I can't find lifts of morphisms, though.

Anne Baanen (Jun 28 2021 at 12:26):

You could define a docs#power_basis on the complex numbers, then you can use docs#power_basis.lift :P

Johan Commelin (Jun 28 2021 at 12:26):

Something with splitting_field.lift maybe also works?

Anne Baanen (Jun 28 2021 at 12:27):

(Not sure how seriously to take my suggestion.)

Oliver Nash (Jun 28 2021 at 12:27):

You should be able to do this with extension of scalars, though you might need to fill in some gaps to get it to work. Wait sorry, that's not what you want.

Filippo A. E. Nuccio (Jun 28 2021 at 12:27):

Well, I really think it is a good suggestion, after all the setting is very much field-extension-ish.

Eric Wieser (Jun 28 2021 at 12:32):

My suspicion is that we probably do already have this somewhere, but inside some other construction that needed it

Eric Wieser (Jun 28 2021 at 12:32):

It's very similar to the docs#zsqrtd.lift that we already have

Eric Wieser (Jun 28 2021 at 13:16):

PR'd as #8107, would appreciate any golfing suggestions

Anne Baanen (Jun 28 2021 at 13:50):

I think the morally correct way to do #8107 is to use a more general construction, i.e. docs#power_basis.lift (viewing as adjoin ℝ I) or docs#splitting_field.lift (viewing as splitting_field (X * X + 1 : polynomial R)). I am quite sure though that we don't have the equiv form anywhere.

Anne Baanen (Jun 28 2021 at 14:00):

Do we have a proof that minpoly ℝ (I : ℂ) = X * X + 1?

Anne Baanen (Jun 28 2021 at 14:27):

Once we have the value of minpoly ℝ I, then power_basis.lift_equiv from #8110 is exactly what we're looking for.

Eric Wieser (Jun 28 2021 at 15:05):

Those definitions sound like they won't unfold nearly as cleanly

Anne Baanen (Jun 28 2021 at 16:33):

True, unfolding power_basis.lift will give you some ugly term involving basis.constr. But it should pass very well through simp, or at least once you add a simp lemma stating complex.lift I' hI I = I'. (After all, the alg_hom is uniquely specified by what it does on I = pb.gen.)

Eric Wieser (Jun 28 2021 at 16:54):

Would you argue that docs#zsqrtd.lift should be implemented using that machinery too?

Anne Baanen (Jun 28 2021 at 17:05):

Looking at it mathematically, yes, I would prefer that. There is nothing in zsqrtd.lift that does not work for adjoin_root or algebra.adjoin. Implementation-wise, there might be an argument that we should try and keep zsqrtd-based definitions computable. For complex numbers that's counterargument is not so convincing though :)

Eric Wieser (Jun 28 2021 at 17:08):

Playing devil's advocate, perhaps we should have a power_basis API for taking this style of "universal property" over a single generator and constructing a power basis

Eric Wieser (Jun 28 2021 at 17:11):

At any rate, I'll try to golf the proofs in #8107 with the lemma in #8109 so that I can more convincingly try to argue "it's shorter to just prove it directly".

Anne Baanen (Jun 28 2021 at 17:18):

Eric Wieser said:

Playing devil's advocate, perhaps we should have a power_basis API for taking this style of "universal property" over a single generator and constructing a power basis

Hmm, that sounds like a good idea actually. I'll have to think if "lift given by one element ↔ power basis" is true in full generality, but that should definitely be morally correct.

Eric Wieser (Jun 29 2021 at 12:32):

Here's level 2 of this game:

import algebra.quaternion

open_locale quaternion
namespace quaternion_algebra

variables {R : Type*} {A : Type*} [comm_ring R] [ring A] [algebra R A](c₁ c₂ : R)

def lift_aux (i : A) (hi : i * i = algebra_map R _ c₁) (j : A) (hj : j * j = algebra_map R _ c₂)
  (hij : i * j = -(j * i)) :
  [R,c₁,c₂] →ₐ[R] A :=
{ to_fun := λ q, algebra_map R _ q.re + q.im_i  i + q.im_j  j + q.im_k  (i * j),
  map_one' := by simp,
  map_mul' := λ q₁ q₂, begin
    simp [add_mul, mul_add],
  map_zero' := by simp,
  map_add' := λ q₁ q₂, by { simp [add_smul], abel },
  commutes' := λ r, by simp }

That sorry looks very nasty, especially since all the surrounding simps use up lots of time

Eric Wieser (Jun 29 2021 at 15:49):

I solved this in https://github.com/pygae/lean-ga/blob/46e5be3c97c4f99085a8452ca2213f53d2f17bf9/src/for_mathlib/data/quaternion.lean#L144-L159, but I needed a substantial number of helper lemmas

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC