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Topic: Things for which there was no documentation i could find

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 13:38):

I was trying to write a program in the latest version of lean 3, and here are certain things I couldn’t find documentation for, causing a bunch of errors.
-creating and casting vectors as lists
-casting option a’s as a‘s
-inhabiting a predicate as the input to a function, such as list.nth_le, that calls for it
-taking apart ordered pairs
-using list.foldr
-syntax for lambdas giving something of type a -> b rather than \Pi (x:a) : b
-syntax for let expressions
-syntax for quantifiers
-a function to do the same thing to a list of lists each the same length as is done to a matrix when it is transposed
-a higher order function to apply a given function an arbitrary number of times
-syntax for declaring refinement types and creating elements thereof
-expressing and proving worst case asymptotic runtimes for a program written in the purely functional language, according to the tm2 model(this is part of my ultimate goal)

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 13:49):

-creating and casting vectors as lists

Create a vector with docs#vector.nil and docs#vector.cons, convert it to a list with vec.1

-casting option a’s as a‘s

Can't do it, that's unsound. But docs#option.get will get the value if it is not none, and docs#option.iget will get the value or a default value of the type

-inhabiting a predicate as the input to a function, such as list.nth_le, that calls for it

The easiest way is dec_trivial, although it doesn't always apply. In general, well it's a proof goal

-taking apart ordered pairs

You can use let (a, b) := pair in ... or pair.1 and pair.2 (which are short for docs#prod.fst and docs#prod.snd)

-using list.foldr

It folds a function from right to left, i.e. foldr f z [1, 2, 3] = f 1 (f 2 (f 3 z))

-syntax for lambdas giving something of type a -> b rather than \Pi (x:a) : b

a -> b is the same as \Pi (x:a) : b, and there is only one lambda

-syntax for let expressions

let x : type := value in expr

-syntax for quantifiers

\forall x : type, prop, \exists x : type, prop

-a function to do the same thing to a list of lists each the same length as is done to a matrix when it is transposed


-a higher order function to apply a given function an arbitrary number of times


-syntax for declaring refinement types and creating elements thereof

docs#subtype, docs#subtype.mk. The syntax is {x // p x} for the type, ⟨x, h⟩ for creating an element of the type, and p.1 and p.2 for extracting the components

-expressing and proving worst case asymptotic runtimes for a program written in the purely functional language, according to the tm2 model(this is part of my ultimate goal)

It's not possible to prove runtime bounds on programs written in pure lean, because runtime is not preserved by lean equality. But for functions which are deeply embedded i.e. in the TM2 model it is possible. Unfortunately the infrastructure isn't there yet

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 15:44):

dec_trivial isn’t working.
vec.l isn’t working.
Prod.and and prod.fast works in some places, but where it doesn’t, neither does pair.1 and pair.2 .
I have a universal quantifier that looks like as follows, where apparently d is an unknown identifier:
\forall a, b, c, d : \nat, <pred>
Is it in fact valid to use the \in symbol to check for the presence of a given value in a list?
Is there a function to find where it is afterward?
When using foldr, and the function I’m using is && or +(nat), how do i do that?
And, in some places lean seems to expect a (Type: Type 1) rather than an element of the type i thought it should. Why?

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 16:04):

*thats prod.snd and prod.fst

Yaël Dillies (Oct 12 2021 at 16:11):

It's hard to help you without seeing your code. Would you mind providing a #mwe?

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 12 2021 at 16:12):

I think that instead of asking 100 questions it might be easier to ask fewer questions and back them all up with a #mwe . Nobody can debug "dec_trivial isn't working" with no further information -- it works for me

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 16:23):

this is the nearly first 250 of nearly 500 lines i have written. not sure if it counts as an mwe, for it doesnt in fact work. the rest in the next comment:

import data.list
import data.vector.basic
import data.prod
open classical

variables a b c: Type

structure bitnode :=
mk :: (value : bool)
(indices : list (ℕ × ℕ)) --these pointers indicate what it is connected to
(isconstant : bool)
(considered : bool)

structure gatenode :=
mk :: (valence : ℕ)
(possib : list ( vector bool valence))--i dont know how to create vectors or cast them as lists
(state : bool × (vector (bool) valence)) --the fst of this indicates that the front of consideration has passed the node
(indices : vector ℕ valence)

def reversible (a : gatenode) : Prop :=
(∀ b c d : ℕ, (b < a.possib.length → c < a.possib.length → d < a.valence
→ (
--the entry is fully determined by all but one bit. represented in haskell like so:
--((a.possib))!!b d
--( (a.possib))!!c d


--the types of gates: not, and 3-unique, which is complete
----an AND gate can be constructed as follows:
-- bits 1-8. inputs to bit 3,7. output bit 5. 3unique(1,2,3), 3unique(4,5,6), NOT(7,8), 3unique(1,4,7), 3unique(2,5,8), NOT(3,6)
-- the OR gate can be constructed the same way, with the output put through a NOT, and the inputs at 6,8.
--therefore 3-unique is functionally complete.
def mknot (c: vector ℕ 2) : gatenode :=
{valence := 2, possib := [vector.cons ff (vector.cons tt vector.nil),vector.cons tt (vector.cons ff vector.nil)],
state := (ff,vector.cons ff (vector.cons tt vector.nil)), indices := c}

def mk3unique (c: vector ℕ 3) : gatenode :=
{valence := 3, possib := [vector.cons ff(vector.cons ff (vector.cons tt vector.nil)),
vector.cons ff(vector.cons tt(vector.cons ff vector.nil)),
vector.cons tt(vector.cons ff(vector.cons ff vector.nil))],
state := (ff,(vector.cons ff(vector.cons ff(vector.cons tt vector.nil)))), indices := c}

structure satnet := --i use an undirected graph representation of a sat instance,
--implemented as lists with indices as pointers
mk:: (bts : list bitnode)(gts : list gatenode)
(nextbits : list ℕ)(nextgates : list ℕ)(table : list ℕ × list (list bool))
(tablesequence: list (list ℕ × list (list bool)))

--all indices must be within range.
--the corresponding function is implemented in haskell like so:

--vetnet :: satnet -> bool
--vetnet a =
--fold && map (\x->(fold && map (\y->(bts a !!(indices((gts a) !! (fst y))!! (snd y))== y))(indices x))) (bts a)
--fold && map (\x->(fold && map (\y->(fold || map (\z->(((gts a)!! (fst z)) == x && (indices((gts b)!! (fst z))!!
--(snd z))== y)) (indices y)!! y )) indices x))(gts a)

def solv1 (s : satnet) :satnet := --start by, if possible, considering the bits that are constant
let cond:Prop := (--should be a true prop if there are no nodes satisfying the lambda expression
((bitnode.isconstant x) = tt)
) = 0
) ,
set:list ℕ := list.map prod.fst
((bitnode.isconstant x) = tt)
)) ∘ prod.snd
list.length s.bts
)) in
{bts := s.bts,
gts := s.gts,
nextbits :=
if cond
then [0]
else set,
nextgates := s.nextgates,
table := s.table,
tablesequence:= []

def solv2 (s: satnet) : satnet := --get the first gate and table on the list
let set:list ℕ := list.erase_dup --actually leaves in the last copy of the set of duplicates, but is nonetheless consistent
( list.map
list.map prod.fst ∘ bitnode.indices
list.filter (λx,( ¬ (bitnode.considered x) = tt))
list.nth_le s.bts x (dec_trivial)
{ bts := s.bts,
gts := s.gts,
nextbits := s.nextbits,
if list.length s.nextgates = 0 then if list.length set = 0 then [0] else [list.head set] else s.nextgates,
table := if list.length s.nextgates = 0 then if list.length set = 0 then
(vec.l gatenode.indices (list.nth_le s.gts (list.head set) dec_trivial ),
list.map vec.l (gatenode.possib (list.nth_le s.gts (list.head set) dec_trivial) ))
else (vec.l gatenode.indices (list.nth_le s.gts (list.head set) dec_trivial),
list.map vec.l (gatenode.possib (list.nth_le s.gts (list.head set) dec_trivial))) else s.table,

tablesequence := if list.length s.nextgates = 0
then if list.length set = 0
then [(vec.l (gatenode.indices (list.head s.gts)), list.map vec.l (gatenode.possib (list.head s.gts)))]
else [(vec.l (gatenode.indices (list.nth_le s.gts (list.head set) dec_trivial)),
list.map vec.l (gatenode.possib (list.nth_le s.gts (list.head set) dec_trivial)))]
else s.tablesequence

def solv3 (s:satnet) : satnet := --remove those bits that the front of consideration has passed from nextbits
bts := s.bts, gts := s.gts, nextbits :=
(λz,λw,(z && w))
pair.1 --im not sure what im doing wrong when it comes to taking ordered pairs apart,
-- as that seems to be the source of most of the errors in the file0
) = tt
list.map (λx:gatenode,(vec.l gatenode.indices x))
(λx,( ¬ (
prod.fst (gatenode.state x)
) = tt))
list.map --how to turn an option a to an a?
list.nth_le s.gts x dec_trivial
, nextgates := s.nextgates,
table := s.table,
tablesequence := s.tablesequence

def size (l: list (list a)) : ℕ :=
(list.foldr (λx,λy,(nat.add x y)) (list.map list.length l))

def tables (s:satnet)(g: ℕ ) : list ℕ × list (list bool) := --make a table listing all the ways that nextbits could be,
--given the last table in s.tablesequence and the gate at index g
let set: list ℕ :=
list.erase_dup (list.append s.nextbits (vec.l gatenode.indices (list.nth_le s.gts g dec_trivial))
--implement like so:
--intersect set with that of nth tablesequence length - 1
--the states that are compatible
subset : list list bool :=
list.filter (λx,( --why is d unknown?
∀ a, b, c, d : ℕ, a < (list.length s.bts) → b < gatenode.valence (list.nth_le s.gts g dec_trivial) → c < list.length prod.fst
(list.nth s.tablesequence (nat.sub (list.length s.tablesequence) 1))
→ list.nth_le (gatenode.indices list.nth s.gts) b dec_trivial = list.nth_le (prod.fst
(list.nth_le s.tablesequence (nat.sub (list.length s.tablesequence) 1) dec_trivial)) c dec_trivial
→ d < list.length (prod.snd
(list.nth_le s.tablesequence (nat.sub (list.length s.tablesequence) 1) dec_trivial))
→ ¬ list.nth_le (list.nth_le (prod.snd
(list.nth s.tablesequence (nat.sub (list.length s.tablesequence) 1))) c dec_trivial) d dec_trivial = vector.nth_le x b dec_trivial

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 16:24):

and here is the rest:

) (gatenode.possib (list.nth s.gts g)),
expset : list list bool := list.foldr λz,(list.concat z) (list.map λx,( list.map λy,(list.append x y))
(prod.snd (list.nth s.tablesequence (nat.sub (list.length s.tablesequence) 1))) (subset))
in list.erase_dup (
list.transpose --by transpose, i mean like matrix transposition
list.map prod.snd
( list.filter (λx,( (list.fst x ∈ (set))))
( list.append
list.nth s.tablesequence
list.length s.tablesequence
(gatenode.indices (list.nth s.gts g))
list.erase_dup expset

def solv4 (s:satnet) : satnet := --construct the smallest table for any choice in how the front of consideration is to advance
{bts := s.bts,
gts := s.gts,
nextbits := s.nextbits,
nextgates := list.concat
size (prod.snd
(λx,(tables s x)))
(λx,(¬ ((prod.fst (gatenode.state (list.nth_le s.gts x dec_trivial))= tt) ∨ x ∈ s.nextgates)))
(list.range (list.length s.gts))
table := list.argmin λx,(size (prod.snd x)) (list.map (λx,(tables s x)) (list.range (list.length s.gts))),
--the one thing i'm not sure on,
--the maximum number of entries in this table, if im correct,
-- grows no faster than the number of gates
--initially, the front of consideration is fully determined until it reaches the edge of a bubble
-- a bubble is here defined as a subset of the satnet s where determination on the outside has no bearing on the inside, though not necessarily vice versa
--the edge of a bubble is formed by one ore more cycles of gates connected to bits on the inside, and each one has a single line outwards
--for each cycle, there are at most two distinct states the whole cycle can be in
-- the most efficient traversal through that is to consider the consequences of one cycle at a time,
--as that keeps the number of entries below some constant
--it will take an automated proof search to prove that this is always possible

--though i do know that it is definitely subexponential,
-- at most 2^(sqrt(n))
--the width of the front of consideration grows linearly and then shrinks linearly
-- from one gate to its maximum than back down to just one again
--for the maximum to be the absolute worst case, the system must approximate a square with the disjoint subsets that the front passes through in layers
--the maximum width then is sqrt(2n)
--the maximum number of states that can take on is O(2^(sqrt(2n)))
--qed, therefore the exponential time hypothesis is false
tablesequence := s.tablesequence

def solv5 (s:satnet) : satnet := --place the new table in the squence
{bts := s.bts,
gts := s.gts,
nextbits := s.nextbits,
nextgates := s.nextgates,
table := s.table,
tablesequence := list.concat s.tablesequence s.table

--say that the bitnodes and gatenodes that the front of consideration has passed are considered
def reconsider (s:satnet)(b:ℕ ) : bitnode :=
value := bitnode.value (list.nth_le s.bts b dec_trivial),
indices := bitnode.indices (list.nth_le s.bts b dec_trivial),
isconstant := bitnode.isconstant (list.nth_le s.bts b dec_trivial),
considered :=
(λz,λw,(z && w))
prod.fst x ∈ s.nextgates
(list.nth_le s.bts b dec_trivial)
) )
(list.nth_le s.bts b dec_trivial)

def solv6 (s:satnet) : satnet :=
{bts := list.map (λx,(reconsider s x)) (list.range (list.length s.bts)),
gts := s.gts,
nextbits := s.nextbits,
nextgates := s.nextgates,
table := s.table,
tablesequence := s.tablesequence

def greconsider (s:satnet)(g:ℕ )(c:bool) : gatenode :=
{valence := gatenode.valence (list.nth_le s.gts g dec_trivial),
possib := gatenode.possib (list.nth_le s.gts g dec_trivial),
indices := gatenode.indices (list.nth_le s.gts g dec_trivial),
state :=
(gatenode.state (list.nth_le s.gts g dec_trivial))
(gatenode.state (list.nth_le s.gts g dec_trivial))

def solv7 (s:satnet) : satnet :=
let set:list ℕ := list.filter
(λz,λw,(z && w))
bitnode.considered x
) = tt)
(vec.l (gatenode.indices (list.nth_le s.gts y dec_trivial)))
) )
(list.length s.gts)
{bts := s.bts,
gts := list.map (λx,(greconsider s x (x ∈ set))) (list.range (list.length s.gts))
,nextbits := s.nextbits,
nextgates := list.filter (λx,(¬ (x ∈ set))) s.nextgates,
table := s.table,
tablesequence := s.tablesequence

def solvcycle : satnet -> satnet := --the cycle starts in solv3.
solv7 ∘ solv6 ∘ solv5 ∘ solv4 ∘ solv3

def solvcert (s:satnet ): satnet := --this is the information required to 'certify' satisfiability without a witness
(nat.iterate solvcycle (nat.sub (list.length s.gts) 1)) ((solv2 ∘ solv1) s)

def solvdecide (s:satnet): bool := list.length (prod.snd (satnet.table (solvcert s))) > 0 --this 'solves the decision problem'

def solvretract1 (s:satnet) : satnet := --pick an entry, possibly random, in the last table and commit to it
-- choose a nat in 0..length (snd (last table), maybe randomly
let choicen : ℕ :=
random (0, list.length prod.snd s.table)
{bts :=
--set the value of each bitnode to that in the entry corresponding to the number previously chosen
{value := if x ∈ prod.fst s.table
then list.nth_le (list.nth_le (prod.snd s.table) choicen dec_trivial) (list.indexof x (prod.fst s.table)) dec_trivial --surely there is a function that does this
else bitnode.value (list.nth_le s.bts x dec_trivial),
indices := bitnode.indices (list.nth_le s.bts x dec_trivial),
isconstant:= bitnode.isconstant (list.nth_le s.bts x dec_trivial),
considered := bitnode.considered (list.nth_le s.bts x dec_trivial)})
(list.range (list.length s.bts)),

gts := --same here
-- if all the bits connected to a gate are in the last table then set the state to the values in the table entry

nextbits := s.nextbits, nextgates := s.nextgates,
table := (prod.fst s.table, list.nth_le (pair.2 s.table) choicen dec_trivial),
tablesequence := s.tablesequence

def solvretract2 (s:satnet ) : satnet := -- remove the entries incompatible with the table from which we are puuling back
{bts := s.bts,
gts := s.gts,
nextbits := s.nextbits,
nextgates := s.nextgates,
table := s.table,
tablesequence :=
(list.remove_nth (s.tablesequence)
( nat.sub (list.length (s.tablesequence)) 1)),
∀ b, c, d : ℕ ,
b < list.length (prod.fst s.table)
→ c < list.length x
→ list.nth x c = d
→ list.nth_le (prod.fst s.table) b dec_trivial = d
→ list.nth_le (prod.snd s.table) b dec_trivial = list.nth_le x c dec_trivial
(list.nth_le s.tablesequence (nat.sub (list.length s.tablesequence) 1) dec_trivial)

def solvretract3 (s:satnet) : satnet := --pop the last table in the sequence off
{bts := s.bts,
gts := s.gts,
nextbits := s.nextbits,
nextgates := s.nextgates,
table := list.nth_le s.tablesequence ( nat.sub (list.length s.tablesequence) 1) dec_trivial,
tablesequence := list.remove_nth s.tablesequence (nat.sub (list.length s.tablesequence) 1)}

def solvwitness (s:satnet): satnet := --this solves the 'function problem'
(nat.iterate (λx,(solvretract3 (solvretract2 ( solvretract1 x))))(list.length s.gts) ) ((solvcert) s)

Reid Barton (Oct 12 2021 at 16:27):

Use #backticks so that the formatting will be preserved (you can edit your messages).

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 16:36):

trying it again:

import data.list
import data.vector.basic
import data.prod
open classical

variables a b c d: Type

structure bitnode :=
  mk :: (value : bool)
  (indices : list ( × )) --these pointers indicate what it is connected to
  (isconstant : bool)
  (considered : bool)

structure gatenode :=
  mk :: (valence : )
  (possib : list ( vector bool valence))
  (state : bool × (vector (bool) valence)) --the fst of this indicates that the front of consideration has passed the node
  (indices : vector  valence)

def reversible (a : gatenode) : Prop :=
  ( b c d : , (b < a.possib.length  c < a.possib.length  d < a.valence
          --the entry is fully determined by all but one bit. represented in haskell like so:
                --((a.possib))!!b  d
                --( (a.possib))!!c  d

--the types of gates: not, and 3-unique, which is complete
----an AND gate can be constructed as follows:
            -- bits 1-8. inputs to bit 3,7. output bit 5. 3unique(1,2,3), 3unique(4,5,6), NOT(7,8), 3unique(1,4,7), 3unique(2,5,8), NOT(3,6)
            -- the OR gate can be constructed the same way, with the output put through a NOT, and the inputs at 6,8.
            --therefore 3-unique is functionally complete.
def mknot (c: vector  2) : gatenode :=
  {valence := 2, possib := [vector.cons ff (vector.cons tt vector.nil),vector.cons tt (vector.cons ff vector.nil)],
  state := (ff,vector.cons ff (vector.cons tt vector.nil)), indices := c}

def mk3unique (c: vector  3) : gatenode :=
{valence := 3, possib := [vector.cons ff(vector.cons ff (vector.cons tt vector.nil)),
vector.cons ff(vector.cons tt(vector.cons ff vector.nil)),
vector.cons tt(vector.cons ff(vector.cons ff vector.nil))],
  state := (ff,(vector.cons ff(vector.cons ff(vector.cons tt vector.nil)))), indices := c}

structure satnet :=  --i use an undirected graph representation of a sat instance,
                     --implemented as lists with indices as pointers
mk:: (bts : list bitnode)(gts : list gatenode)
(nextbits : list )(nextgates : list )(table : list  × list (list bool))
(tablesequence: list (list  × list (list bool)))

--all indices must be within range.
--the corresponding function is implemented in haskell like so:

--vetnet :: satnet -> bool
--vetnet a =
    --fold && map (\x->(fold && map (\y->(bts a !!(indices((gts a) !! (fst y))!! (snd y))== y))(indices x))) (bts a)
    --fold && map (\x->(fold && map (\y->(fold || map (\z->(((gts a)!! (fst z)) == x && (indices((gts b)!! (fst z))!!
  --(snd z))== y)) (indices y)!! y )) indices x))(gts a)

def solv1 (s : satnet) :satnet := --start by, if possible, considering the bits that are constant
let cond:Prop := (
         ((bitnode.isconstant x) = tt)
    ) = 0
  ) ,
  set:list   := list.map prod.fst
       ((bitnode.isconstant x) = tt)
    ))  prod.snd
        list.length s.bts
  )) in
{bts := s.bts,
gts := s.gts,
  nextbits :=
  if cond
  then [0]
  else set,
  nextgates := s.nextgates,
  table := s.table,
  tablesequence:= []

def solv2 (s: satnet) : satnet := --get the first gate and table on the list
let set:list  := list.erase_dup  --actually leaves in the last copy of the set of duplicates, but is nonetheless consistent
  ( list.map
          list.map prod.fst  bitnode.indices
            list.filter (λx,( ¬ (bitnode.considered x) = tt))
                list.nth_le s.bts x (dec_trivial)
{ bts := s.bts,
gts := s.gts,
nextbits := s.nextbits,
  if list.length s.nextgates = 0 then if list.length set = 0 then [0] else [list.head set] else s.nextgates,
  table := if list.length s.nextgates = 0 then if list.length set = 0 then
   (vec.l gatenode.indices (list.nth_le  s.gts (list.head set) dec_trivial ),
  list.map vec.l (gatenode.possib (list.nth_le s.gts (list.head set) dec_trivial) ))
  else (vec.l gatenode.indices (list.nth_le s.gts (list.head set) dec_trivial),
  list.map vec.l (gatenode.possib (list.nth_le s.gts (list.head set) dec_trivial))) else s.table,

  tablesequence := if list.length s.nextgates = 0
  then if list.length set = 0
  then [(vec.l (gatenode.indices (list.head s.gts)), list.map vec.l (gatenode.possib (list.head s.gts)))]
  else [(vec.l (gatenode.indices (list.nth_le s.gts (list.head set) dec_trivial)),
  list.map vec.l (gatenode.possib (list.nth_le s.gts (list.head set) dec_trivial)))]
  else s.tablesequence

def solv3 (s:satnet) : satnet :=  --remove those bits that the front of consideration has passed from nextbits
  bts := s.bts, gts := s.gts, nextbits :=
      (λz,λw,(z && w))
          ) = tt
        list.map (λx:gatenode,(vec.l gatenode.indices x))
          (λx,( ¬ (
            prod.fst (gatenode.state x)
          ) = tt))
              list.nth_le s.gts x dec_trivial
  , nextgates := s.nextgates,
  table := s.table,
  tablesequence := s.tablesequence

def size (l: list (list a)) :  :=
 (list.foldr (λx,λy,(nat.add x y)) (list.map list.length l))

def tables (s:satnet)(g:  ) : list  × list (list bool) :=  --make a table listing all the ways that nextbits could be,
                                                              --given the last table in s.tablesequence and the gate at index g
let set: list   :=
list.erase_dup (list.append s.nextbits (vec.l gatenode.indices (list.nth_le s.gts g dec_trivial))
    --implement like so:
    --intersect set with that of nth tablesequence length - 1
    --the states that are compatible
    subset : list list bool :=
    list.filter (λx,(        --why is d unknown?
       a, b, c, d : , a < (list.length s.bts)  b < gatenode.valence (list.nth_le s.gts g dec_trivial)  c < list.length prod.fst
        (list.nth s.tablesequence (nat.sub (list.length s.tablesequence) 1))
          list.nth_le (gatenode.indices list.nth s.gts) b dec_trivial =  list.nth_le (prod.fst
         (list.nth_le s.tablesequence (nat.sub (list.length s.tablesequence) 1) dec_trivial)) c dec_trivial
          d < list.length (prod.snd
         (list.nth_le s.tablesequence (nat.sub (list.length s.tablesequence) 1) dec_trivial))
          ¬ list.nth_le (list.nth_le (prod.snd
         (list.nth s.tablesequence (nat.sub (list.length s.tablesequence) 1))) c dec_trivial) d dec_trivial = vector.nth_le x b dec_trivial

    ) (gatenode.possib (list.nth s.gts g)),
    expset : list list bool := list.foldr λz,(list.concat z) (list.map λx,( list.map λy,(list.append x y))
    (prod.snd (list.nth s.tablesequence (nat.sub (list.length s.tablesequence) 1))) (subset))
    in list.erase_dup (
        list.map prod.snd
          ( list.filter (λx,( (list.fst x  (set))))
            ( list.append
                list.nth s.tablesequence
                    list.length s.tablesequence
              (gatenode.indices (list.nth s.gts g))
              list.erase_dup expset

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 16:37):

respond to this comment please.

def solv4 (s:satnet) : satnet := --construct the smallest table for any choice in how the front of consideration is to advance
{bts := s.bts,
 gts := s.gts,
 nextbits := s.nextbits,
  nextgates := list.concat
     size (prod.snd
      (λx,(tables s x)))
      (λx,(¬ ((prod.fst (gatenode.state (list.nth_le s.gts x dec_trivial))= tt)   x  s.nextgates)))
      (list.range (list.length s.gts))
   table := list.argmin λx,(size (prod.snd x)) (list.map (λx,(tables s x)) (list.range (list.length s.gts))),
  --the one thing i'm not sure on,
  --the maximum number of entries in this table, if im correct,
  -- grows no faster than the number of gates
  --initially, the front of consideration is fully determined until it reaches the edge of a bubble
  -- a bubble is here defined as a subset of the satnet s where determination on the outside has no bearing on the inside, though not necessarily vice versa
  --the edge of a bubble is formed by one ore more cycles of gates connected to bits on the inside, and each one has a single line outwards
  --for each cycle, there are at most two distinct states the whole cycle can be in
  -- the most efficient traversal through that is to consider the consequences of one cycle at a time,
  --as that keeps the number of entries below some constant
  --it will take an automated proof search to prove that this is always possible

  --though i do know that it is definitely subexponential,
  -- at most 2^(sqrt(n))
  --the width of the front of consideration grows linearly and then shrinks linearly
  -- from one gate to its maximum than back down to just one again
  --for the maximum to be the absolute worst case, the system must approximate a square with the disjoint subsets that the front passes through in layers
  --the maximum width then is sqrt(2n)
  --the maximum number of states that can take on is O(2^(sqrt(2n)))
  --qed, therefore the exponential time hypothesis is false
  tablesequence := s.tablesequence

def solv5 (s:satnet) : satnet :=   --place the new table in the squence
{bts := s.bts,
gts := s.gts,
nextbits := s.nextbits,
nextgates := s.nextgates,
table := s.table,
tablesequence := list.concat s.tablesequence s.table

--say that the bitnodes and gatenodes that the front of consideration has passed are considered
def reconsider (s:satnet)(b: ) : bitnode :=
    value := bitnode.value (list.nth_le s.bts b dec_trivial),
    indices := bitnode.indices (list.nth_le s.bts b dec_trivial),
    isconstant := bitnode.isconstant (list.nth_le s.bts b dec_trivial),
    considered :=
    (λz,λw,(z && w))
     prod.fst x  s.nextgates
      (list.nth_le s.bts b dec_trivial)
    ) )
    (list.nth_le s.bts b dec_trivial)

def solv6 (s:satnet) : satnet :=
{bts := list.map (λx,(reconsider s x)) (list.range (list.length s.bts)),
gts := s.gts,
nextbits := s.nextbits,
nextgates := s.nextgates,
table := s.table,
tablesequence := s.tablesequence

def greconsider (s:satnet)(g: )(c:bool) : gatenode :=
{valence := gatenode.valence (list.nth_le s.gts g dec_trivial),
possib := gatenode.possib (list.nth_le s.gts g dec_trivial),
indices := gatenode.indices (list.nth_le s.gts g dec_trivial),
state :=
      (gatenode.state (list.nth_le s.gts g dec_trivial))
    (gatenode.state (list.nth_le s.gts g dec_trivial))

def solv7 (s:satnet) : satnet :=
let set:list   := list.filter
    (λz,λw,(z && w))
        bitnode.considered x
      ) = tt)
      (vec.l (gatenode.indices (list.nth_le s.gts y dec_trivial)))
  ) )
  (list.length s.gts)
{bts := s.bts,
gts := list.map (λx,(greconsider s x (x  set))) (list.range (list.length s.gts))
,nextbits := s.nextbits,
nextgates := list.filter (λx,(¬ (x  set))) s.nextgates,
table := s.table,
tablesequence := s.tablesequence

def solvcycle : satnet -> satnet := --the cycle starts in solv3.
 solv7  solv6  solv5  solv4  solv3

def solvcert (s:satnet ): satnet := --this is the information required to 'certify' satisfiability without a witness
(nat.iterate  solvcycle (nat.sub (list.length s.gts) 1)) ((solv2  solv1) s)

def solvdecide (s:satnet): bool := list.length (prod.snd (satnet.table (solvcert s))) > 0  --this 'solves the decision problem'

def solvretract1 (s:satnet) : satnet :=    --pick an entry, possibly random, in the last table and commit to it
-- choose a nat in 0..length (snd (last table), maybe randomly
let choicen :  :=
random  (0, list.length prod.snd s.table)
{bts :=
--set the value of each bitnode to that in the entry corresponding to the number previously chosen
{value := if x  prod.fst s.table
then list.nth_le (list.nth_le (prod.snd s.table) choicen dec_trivial) (list.indexof x (prod.fst s.table)) dec_trivial --surely there is a function that does this
else bitnode.value (list.nth_le s.bts x dec_trivial),
indices := bitnode.indices (list.nth_le s.bts x dec_trivial),
isconstant:= bitnode.isconstant (list.nth_le s.bts x dec_trivial),
considered := bitnode.considered (list.nth_le s.bts x dec_trivial)})
(list.range (list.length s.bts)),

 gts := --same here
-- if all the bits connected to a gate are in the last table then set the state to the values in the table entry

nextbits := s.nextbits, nextgates := s.nextgates,
table := (prod.fst s.table, list.nth_le (pair.2 s.table) choicen dec_trivial),
tablesequence := s.tablesequence

def solvretract2 (s:satnet ) : satnet :=  -- remove the entries incompatible with the table from which we are puuling back
{bts := s.bts,
gts := s.gts,
nextbits := s.nextbits,
nextgates := s.nextgates,
table := s.table,
tablesequence :=
    (list.remove_nth (s.tablesequence)
    ( nat.sub (list.length (s.tablesequence)) 1)),
           b, c, d :  ,
          b < list.length (prod.fst s.table)
           c < list.length x
            list.nth x c = d
           list.nth_le (prod.fst s.table) b dec_trivial = d
           list.nth_le (prod.snd s.table) b dec_trivial = list.nth_le x c dec_trivial
    (list.nth_le s.tablesequence (nat.sub (list.length s.tablesequence) 1) dec_trivial)

def solvretract3 (s:satnet) : satnet := --pop the last table in the sequence off
{bts := s.bts,
gts := s.gts,
nextbits := s.nextbits,
nextgates := s.nextgates,
table := list.nth_le s.tablesequence ( nat.sub (list.length s.tablesequence) 1) dec_trivial,
tablesequence := list.remove_nth s.tablesequence (nat.sub (list.length s.tablesequence) 1)}

def solvwitness (s:satnet): satnet := --this solves the 'function problem'
(nat.iterate (λx,(solvretract3 (solvretract2 ( solvretract1 x))))(list.length s.gts) ) ((solvcert) s)

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 17:12):

This is not a #mwe. The interpretation of "working" here is "it demonstrates the issue you are having trouble with", i.e. it fails in the expected way. But "minimal" is also important. Remove all definitions that are not relevant to the error, by stubbing things out (put sorry anywhere you can). And if you comment your code, make sure the comments are relevant to the error, especially if there are multiple lean errors in the document

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 17:28):

I said vec.1 not vec.l by the way

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 17:29):

and vec is supposed to be the variable of type vector that you have

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 17:29):

the underlying function is subtype.val

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 17:30):

I should also note that in lean we generally avoid point-free programming; things like dot-notation don't work in point-free style and the composition operator can interfere with proofs

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 17:39):

Here's a leanified version of your file through solv1:

import data.list
import data.vector.basic
import data.prod
open classical

variables (a b c d : Type)

structure bitnode :=
(value : bool)
(indices : list ( × ))
(isconstant : bool)
(considered : bool)

structure gatenode :=
(valence : )
(possib : list (vector bool valence))
(state : bool × vector bool valence)
(indices : vector  valence)

def reversible (a : gatenode) : Prop :=
 v w  a.possib,  i < a.valence,
  (v:vector _ _).1.remove_nth i = (w:vector _ _).1.remove_nth i  v = w

def mknot (c: vector  2) : gatenode :=
{ valence := 2,
  possib := [ff :: ff :: vector.nil, tt :: ff :: vector.nil],
  state := (ff, ff :: tt :: vector.nil),
  indices := c }

def mk3unique (c: vector  3) : gatenode :=
{ valence := 3,
  possib := [
    ff :: ff :: tt :: vector.nil,
    ff :: tt :: ff :: vector.nil,
    tt :: ff :: ff :: vector.nil
  state := (ff, ff ::  ff ::  tt :: vector.nil),
  indices := c }

structure satnet :=
(bts : list bitnode) (gts : list gatenode)
(nextbits nextgates : list ) (table : list  × list (list bool))
(tablesequence : list (list  × list (list bool)))

def solv1 (s : satnet) : satnet :=
{ bts := s.bts,
  gts := s.gts,
  nextbits :=
    if s.bts.any bitnode.isconstant then
      (s.bts.enum.filter (λx:_×bitnode, x.2.isconstant)).map prod.fst
    else [0],
  nextgates := s.nextgates,
  table := s.table,
  tablesequence := [] }

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 17:45):

I don't know how to make sense of the definition of set in solv2; the list.map and list.foldr calls don't have enough arguments

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 17:47):

you should definitely break this down into bite sized pieces and ask questions one at a time

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 17:55):

i changed the set to this

let set:list  := list.erase_dup
  ( list.foldr list.append (
          list.map prod.fst  bitnode.indices
            list.filter (λx,( ¬ (bitnode.considered x) = tt))
                list.nth_le s.bts x (dec_trivial)

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 17:56):

subtype.val is the underlying function of what?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 17:56):

If I replace the dec_trivial with sorry it still does not type check, bitnode.indices doesn't have the right type

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 17:57):

do you want it to be list.map (prod.fst ∘ bitnode.indices) ...?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 17:57):

that also doesn't work

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 17:58):

Can you say in words what you are trying to express?

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 17:59):

the pointers to the gatenodes that are connected to the bitnodes that nextbits points to.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 17:59):

and the foldr is still missing an argument; it takes 3 arguments, the function to fold, the initial value and the list. You have no initial value

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:00):

what does points to mean here?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:01):

what should happen if s.nextbits contains an index out of range of s.bts?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:02):

one easy thing to do is filter those indices out, so you get s.nextbits.filter_map (list.nth s.bts)

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:02):

the starting value is []

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:03):

the pointers are the indexes in the corresponding list where the connected node is at

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:04):

still not sure where you want to go with that list.map prod.fst ∘ bitnode.indices part

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:04):

if a function like vetnet is used as a refinement to satnet, the indices should not be out of range.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:05):

So s.nextbits.filter_map (list.nth s.bts) is the collection of bitnodes pointed to by nextbits. where do considered and indices come up?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:05):

Sure, but the types don't say that so you have to decide what to do anyway

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:06):

filter_map is an easy way to dodge the issue with nth_le

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:06):

Alternatively, you can give an instance of inhabited bitset and then you can use list.inth

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:08):

the second of the ordered pairs that bitnode.indices uses connects to a particular line of a gatenode

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:10):

aha, I think you want this:

let set : list  :=
  (((s.nextbits.filter_map (list.nth s.bts))
    .filter (λx, ¬ bitnode.considered x))
    .bind (λ x:bitnode, x.indices.map prod.fst))

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:10):

i prefer to use filter_map

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:12):

Here's a way to write it monadically:

let set : list  := list.erase_dup $ do
  n  s.nextbits,
  x  (list.nth s.bts n).to_list,
  guard (¬ bitnode.considered x),
  i  x.indices,
  pure i.1

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:13):

does it matter?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:13):

what do you mean?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:13):

It's a matter of taste

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:14):

what would inform the choice to instead use the monadic version?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:14):

it's a bit easier to write and maintain

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:14):

easier to understand?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:16):

Both of the last two versions I wrote are okay for understanding, but normally you wouldn't be writing all these lists explicitly and instead you would describe things more declaratively, by describing the property that should hold about the values and letting lean figure out how to compute it

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:17):

it still looks too much like haskell code atm

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:17):

anyway i used the former

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:19):

what looks too much like haskell?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:20):

Maybe it might help to start at the beginning, with the problem modeling. What are bitnode and gatenode, and how do the fields accomplish what they need to do?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:20):

I suspect there are a number of missing propositional fields

Patrick Massot (Oct 12 2021 at 18:24):

Where does this idea of having all those lines with only parentheses come from?

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:26):

the entire network is composed of nodes representing bits and logic gates. a bit can be connected to the lines of any number of gates, while each line of a gate can only be connected to one bit. possib is an exhaustive enumeration of the ways the bits a gate is connected to can take on values. the algorithm that i was going for moves a front of consideration across the network, and bitnode.considered and gatenode.state.fst indicate that the node has been passed by.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:27):

that sounds like bitnode.considered should not be a part of bitnode then

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:28):

What is the data required to define a network?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:28):

What is the input and output of the algorithm?

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:29):

all the perentheses are necessary to tell what branch of the function graph you are looking at. it also help lean call on the antire value rather than the function that produced it.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:29):

I think patrick is referring to the formatting of the parentheses, not their presence

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:29):

bitnode.considered is required for efficiency.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:30):

efficiency in what sense?

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:30):

the formatting helps me personally to read what is there.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:30):

I mean to say that your considered data should be separate from the network, since it's not part of the input

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:31):

it is linked to the bitnode by necessity.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:31):

it can be layered over the bitnode just as well, thanks to dependent types

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:33):

but maybe that's getting ahead of ourselves. What are the other fields in bitnode? What do you mean by a "bit"? Is this like an internal wire in a logic gate diagram, or an external wire?

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:34):

the former.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:35):

It seems like the network (the graph) should be separate from the space of states of the network (assignments of {0, 1} to the wires), but the current form doesn't seem to make a distinction

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:36):


Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:38):

Otherwise you can't talk about properties of networks, only properties of states. For example an unstable network (i.e. one with no valid assignment) can't be expressed

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:39):

Same as how formulas and assignments are distinguished in SAT

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:42):

an example, please.

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:44):

the way satnet is formulated, one does not necessarily have an output.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:49):

I'm thinking of something like this for defining a network:

structure network :=
(bits gates : Type)
(valence : gates  )
(valuation :  g : gates, vector bool (valence g)  bool)
(input :  g : gates, vector bits (valence g))
(output : gates  bits  Prop)

def mknot : network :=
{ bits := bool,
  gates := unit,
  valence := λ _, 1,
  valuation := λ _ v, bnot (v.get 0),
  input := λ _, ff :: vector.nil,
  output := λ _ b, b = tt }

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:53):

if there were equivalent functions (to all the ones being used) that can operate on those fields, then that would work.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:53):

And an assignment would look like this:

structure assignment (n : network) :=
(value : n.bits  bool)
(valid :  g b, n.output g b  n.valuation g ((n.input g).map value) = value b)

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:55):

but the reason i use lists is that such an implementation lends itself to optimization.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:56):

This is for the abstract theory, where the lists get in the way. Once you have proofs about the abstract theory, the algorithm can be a refinement of it using lists and working in a special case where everything is finite and decidable

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:57):


Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:57):

In fact, you will find that vector is not used much in mathlib, and there is some syntax sugar for fin n -> A style lists

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 18:58):

I think it is in data.matrix.notation, you can write ![a, b, c] to get a fin 3 -> A

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 18:59):

the reason i used vector was so that certain lists would have the same length.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 19:00):

It looks like this:

import data.matrix.notation

structure network :=
(bits gates : Type)
(valence : gates  )
(valuation :  g : gates, (fin (valence g)  bool)  bool)
(input :  g : gates, fin (valence g)  bits)
(output : gates  bits  Prop)

def mknot : network :=
{ bits := bool,
  gates := unit,
  valence := λ _, 1,
  valuation := λ _ v, bnot (v 0),
  input := λ _, ![ff],
  output := λ _ b, b = tt }

structure assignment (n : network) :=
(value : n.bits  bool)
(valid :  g b, n.output g b  n.valuation g (λ i, value (n.input g i)) = value b)

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 19:00):

fin n -> A is also fixed length lists, but you can compose them easier than lists, just using function composition

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 19:01):

what is fin n?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 19:02):

it is the set of natural numbers less than n

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 19:02):

it's the canonical type with n elements

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 19:03):


Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 19:03):

What is satnet supposed to be?

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 19:06):

'satnet' is the type of a network of bitnodes and gatenodes. the name is due to the fact that any SAT instance can be used to build one.

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 19:06):

*and vice versa

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2021 at 19:26):

Here's a network which contains every SAT network as a sub-DAG:

namespace SAT
parameters (V : Type)

inductive formula
| var : V  formula
| true : formula
| and : formula  formula  formula
| not : formula  formula

inductive gate
| true : gate
| and : formula  formula  gate
| not : formula  gate

protected def valence : gate  
| gate.true := 0
| (gate.and _ _) := 2
| (gate.not _) := 1

protected def valuation :  g : gate, (fin (valence g)  bool)  bool
| gate.true v := tt
| (gate.and _ _) (v:fin 2  bool) := v 0 && v 1
| (gate.not _) (v:fin 1  bool) := bnot (v 0)

protected def input :  g : gate, fin (valence g)  formula
| gate.true := ![]
| (gate.and a b) := ![a, b]
| (gate.not a) := ![a]

inductive output : gate  formula  Prop
| true : output gate.true formula.true
| and (a b) : output (gate.and a b) (formula.and a b)
| not (a) : output (gate.not a) (formula.not a)

protected def network : network :=
{ bits := formula,
  gates := gate,
  valence := valence,
  valuation := valuation,
  input := input,
  output := output }

protected def eval (f : V  bool) : formula  bool
| (formula.var v) := f v
| formula.true := tt
| (formula.and a b) := eval a && eval b
| (formula.not a) := bnot (eval a)

protected def assignment (f : V  bool) : assignment network :=
{ value := eval f,
  valid := λ g b out, by cases out; refl }

end SAT

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 19:34):

what purpose does this serve?

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 20:01):

it might help to know what the algorithm does.
what is does is construct a sequence of truth tables, related to subsets of the gates, such that
each subset and the next intersects
each subset contains one gate that all the previous ones did not
each table is maximal for the set it represents and compatible with the previous one, while the choice of which gate is used minimizes the size of the table
and all the subsets together cover the entire network.
this process generates the information to certify satisfiability
then an entry in the last table is chosen, then in each previous one an entry compatible with the successive table is also chosen.
this is how a particular solution is generated.

Jared green (Oct 12 2021 at 20:54):

the lack of directionality specifically allows for information to traverse the network in all directions, so each gate is like 'if the lines are not in an allowed state then the network's valuations are invalid'

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC