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Stream: Is there code for X?

Topic: Z i ⊆ ∑ j in I, Z j

Michael Stoll (Mar 19 2023 at 03:43):

Is the following in mathlib?

example {a b} [add_comm_monoid b] {I : finset a} (Z : a  set b) {i : a} (h : i  I) :
  Z i   j in I, Z j

If not, what is the best proof?

Michael Stoll (Mar 19 2023 at 04:12):

OK, I'm missing an important assumption: ∀ i ∈ I, (0 : b) ∈ Z i.

Michael Stoll (Mar 19 2023 at 04:12):

Maybe this makes it less likely to be in mathlib...

Michael Stoll (Mar 19 2023 at 04:42):

import algebra.big_operators.basic
open_locale big_operators

lemma zero_in_sum_of_zero_mem_summands {a b} [add_comm_monoid b] {I : finset a} (Z : a  set b)
  (h :  i  I, (0 : b)  Z i) : (0 : b)    j in I, Z j :=
finset.sum_induction _ _ (λ a b ha hb, set.mem_add.mpr 0, 0, ha, hb, zero_add 0⟩)
  (set.mem_zero.mpr rfl) h

lemma set_subset_sum_of_zero_mem_summands {a b} [add_comm_monoid b] {I : finset a} (Z : a  set b)
  {i : a} (hi : i  I) (h :  i  I, (0 : b)  Z i) :
  Z i   j in I, Z j :=
  intros z hz,
  rw [finset.sum_eq_add_sum_diff_singleton hi Z, set.mem_add],
  exact z, 0, hz, zero_in_sum_of_zero_mem_summands Z (λ i H, h i $ (finset.mem_sdiff.mp H).1),
          add_zero z⟩,

Eric Wieser (Mar 19 2023 at 10:37):

docs#set.mem_finset_sum is probably helpful

Yaël Dillies (Mar 19 2023 at 10:45):

There are lemmas like docs#set.multiset_sum_subset_multiset_sum that are quite close. But it seems we don't have your exact statement.

Michael Stoll (Mar 19 2023 at 19:19):

Eric Wieser said:

docs#set.mem_finset_sum is probably helpful

Indeed. Thanks!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC