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Topic: automorphizing
Alex Kontorovich (Jul 26 2023 at 19:56):
I'm trying to port over some Lean3 code and am struggling here. Any help please? Thanks!
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.Group.Basic
open BigOperators
/-- Given a group `α` acting on a type `β`, and a function `f : β → M`, we "automorphize" `f` to a
function `β ⧸ α → M` by summing over `α` orbits, `b ↦ ∑' (a : α), f(a • b)`. -/
def MulAction.automorphize {α β M : Type _} [TopologicalSpace M] [AddCommMonoid M] [T2Space M]
[Group α] [MulAction α β] (f : β → M) : Quotient (MulAction.orbitRel α β) → M := by
refine @Quotient.lift ?_ ?_ (mul_action.orbit_rel α β) (fun b ↦ ∑' (a : α), f(a • b))
-- error : "missing end of character literal"
Working Lean3 code:
def mul_action.automorphize [group α] [mul_action α β] (f : β → M) :
quotient (mul_action.orbit_rel α β) → M :=
@quotient.lift _ _ (mul_action.orbit_rel α β) (λ b, ∑' (a : α), f(a • b))
rintros b₁ b₂ ⟨a, (rfl : a • b₂ = b₁)⟩,
simpa [mul_smul] using (equiv.mul_right a).tsum_eq (λ a', f (a' • b₂)),
Ruben Van de Velde (Jul 26 2023 at 19:59):
Is it because of the apostrophe after the sigma? Do you need to open or import something else? Or does it need to be open scoped BigOperators
? (I thought not)
Alex Kontorovich (Jul 26 2023 at 20:04):
The apostrophe just means tsum
; if the sum doesn't converge, then its value is set to 0.
I tried adding scoped
and got the same error...
Anatole Dedecker (Jul 26 2023 at 20:05):
Is it the right sigma? EDIT: yes
Anatole Dedecker (Jul 26 2023 at 20:09):
Ah, it's just a missing import: you need Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.InfiniteSum.Basic
Alex Kontorovich (Jul 26 2023 at 20:13):
Heh, well, I didn't import that file because... that's the file I'm working on. But ok, new error message:
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.Group.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.InfiniteSum.Basic
open BigOperators
/-- Given a group `α` acting on a type `β`, and a function `f : β → M`, we "automorphize" `f` to a
function `β ⧸ α → M` by summing over `α` orbits, `b ↦ ∑' (a : α), f(a • b)`. -/
def MulAction.automorphize {α β M : Type _} [TopologicalSpace M] [AddCommMonoid M] [T2Space M]
[Group α] [MulAction α β] (f : β → M) : Quotient (MulAction.orbitRel α β) → M := by
refine @Quotient.lift ?_ ?_ (mul_action.orbit_rel α β) (fun b ↦ ∑' (a : α), f(a • b))
-- error : "expected ')', ',' or ':'"
Working Lean3 code:
def mul_action.automorphize [group α] [mul_action α β] (f : β → M) :
quotient (mul_action.orbit_rel α β) → M :=
@quotient.lift _ _ (mul_action.orbit_rel α β) (λ b, ∑' (a : α), f(a • b))
rintros b₁ b₂ ⟨a, (rfl : a • b₂ = b₁)⟩,
simpa [mul_smul] using (equiv.mul_right a).tsum_eq (λ a', f (a' • b₂)),
Anatole Dedecker (Jul 26 2023 at 20:14):
Here is a working code:
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.Group.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.InfiniteSum.Basic
open BigOperators
/-- Given a group `α` acting on a type `β`, and a function `f : β → M`, we "automorphize" `f` to a
function `β ⧸ α → M` by summing over `α` orbits, `b ↦ ∑' (a : α), f(a • b)`. -/
noncomputable def MulAction.automorphize {α β M : Type _} [TopologicalSpace M] [AddCommMonoid M]
[T2Space M] [Group α] [MulAction α β] (f : β → M) : Quotient (MulAction.orbitRel α β) → M := by
refine @Quotient.lift _ _ (MulAction.orbitRel α β) (fun b ↦ ∑' (a : α), f (a • b)) ?_
Anatole Dedecker (Jul 26 2023 at 20:14):
You need a whitespace between the function and the parenthesis. I'm not sure why though.
Anatole Dedecker (Jul 26 2023 at 20:15):
Note also that it doesn't work if the two first _
are ?_
, because if you tell Lean "I'll tell you later" then he fails to unify it with anything that comes up.
Patrick Massot (Jul 26 2023 at 20:45):
Anatole Dedecker said:
You need a whitespace between the function and the parenthesis. I'm not sure why though.
This is a general fact in Lean 4.
Alex Kontorovich (Jul 26 2023 at 21:09):
Continuing to have some issues here: why is it not picking up the Setoid
with Quotient.mk'
? It did it fine in Lean3... (And it does it fine if I use Quotient.mk
and feed it the Setoid
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.InfiniteSum.Basic
/-- Automorphization of a function into an `R`-`module` distributes, that is, commutes with the `R`
-scalar multiplication. -/
lemma MulAction.automorphize_smul_left {α β M : Type _} [TopologicalSpace M] [AddCommMonoid M]
[T2Space M] {R : Type _} [DivisionRing R] [Module R M] [ContinuousConstSMul R M] [Group α]
[MulAction α β] (f : β → M) (g : Quotient (MulAction.orbitRel α β) → R) :
MulAction.automorphize ((g ∘ (Quotient.mk')) • f)
= g • (MulAction.automorphize f : Quotient (MulAction.orbitRel α β) → M) := sorry
-- error : "failed to synthesize instance Setoid β"
lemma MulAction.automorphize_smul_left' {α β M : Type _} [TopologicalSpace M] [AddCommMonoid M]
[T2Space M] {R : Type _} [DivisionRing R] [Module R M] [ContinuousConstSMul R M] [Group α]
[MulAction α β] (f : β → M) (g : Quotient (MulAction.orbitRel α β) → R) :
MulAction.automorphize ((g ∘ (Quotient.mk (MulAction.orbitRel α β))) • f)
= g • (MulAction.automorphize f : Quotient (MulAction.orbitRel α β) → M) := sorry
Yakov Pechersky (Jul 26 2023 at 23:59):
The definition of Quotient.mk' changed in lean4, to take an a TC arg instead of an implicit.
Yakov Pechersky (Jul 27 2023 at 00:00):
docs3#quotient.mk' docs#Quotient.mk'
Eric Wieser (Jul 28 2023 at 22:11):
Well that's super confusing, the primed versions swapped places with the unprimed one
Eric Wieser (Jul 28 2023 at 22:12):
Except presumably mathlib still uses the old convention
Alex Kontorovich (Jul 28 2023 at 22:17):
It's all worked out now, thanks... (for my application, that is...)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC