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Stream: Is there code for X?

Topic: base change / pullback

Joseph Hua (Feb 26 2022 at 08:11):

I was wondering where in the category theory library should the construction of a base change functor go?

Joseph Hua (Feb 26 2022 at 08:12):

import category_theory.over
import category_theory.limits.shapes.pullbacks

universes u₀ v₀

noncomputable theory

namespace category_theory

open limits

variables {C : Type u₀} [category.{v₀} C] [has_pullbacks C] {X Y} (g : X  Y)

/-- The `pullback_functor` on objects-/
@[simp] def pullback_functor_obj (E : over Y) : over X :=
over.mk (pullback.fst : (pullback g E.hom)  X)

Consider the cone over the diagram     X ----> Y <---- E₁.left

                     pullback.snd          h.left
  pullback g E₀.hom -------------> E₀.left -----> E₁.left
        |                                           |
        | pullback.fst                              |
        V                                           |
        X ----------------------------------------> Y

The universal property of `pullback g E₁.hom` gives the below definition
/-- The `pullback_functor` on morphisms, as a morphism in the category-/
@[simp] def pullback_functor_map_mk_map {E₀ E₁ : over Y} (h : E₀  E₁) :
  (pullback_functor_obj g E₀).left  (pullback_functor_obj g E₁).left :=
limits.pullback.lift (pullback.fst : pullback g E₀.hom  X) (pullback.snd  h.left)
(by { simp only [pullback.condition, category.assoc], congr, exact (over.w h).symm })

/-- The `pullback_functor` on morphisms -/
@[simp] def pullback_functor_map (E₀ E₁ : over Y) (h : E₀  E₁) :
  pullback_functor_obj g E₀  pullback_functor_obj g E₁ :=
over.hom_mk (pullback_functor_map_mk_map g h)
(by { dsimp, simp [limits.pullback.lift_fst] })

/-- Pullback as a functor between over categories -/
def pullback_functor {X Y : C} (g : X  Y) :
  over Y  over X :=
{ obj := λ E, over.mk (pullback.fst : (pullback g E.hom)  X),
  map := pullback_functor_map g }

notation g `^*`:40 := pullback_functor g

end category_theory

Joseph Hua (Feb 26 2022 at 08:27):

I would also like to show that pullback_functor (terminal.from Y) : C/* ⥤ C/* is the same as Y × - : C ⥤ C, I don't see C/* ⥤ C proven anywhere though

Andrew Yang (Feb 26 2022 at 08:40):

I think it should be added in src/category_theory/limits/shapes/pullbacks.lean.
Note that the map could also be
over.hom_mk (pullback.map _ _ _ _ i.left (𝟙 _) (𝟙 _) (by simp) (by simp)) (by simp) but that doesn't matter a lot.

Also it might be worth it to add over.map f ⊣ base_change f into src/category_theory/adjunction/over.lean. Feel free to steal these if you want.

This functor C/* ⥤ C should just be over.forget. The other way C ⥤ C/* is category_theory.star, but we only know that they are adjoint and I don't think we know the equivalence for terminal objects.

Joseph Hua (Feb 26 2022 at 09:11):

Andrew Yang said:

I think it should be added in src/category_theory/limits/shapes/pullbacks.lean.
Note that the map could also be
over.hom_mk (pullback.map _ _ _ _ i.left (𝟙 _) (𝟙 _) (by simp) (by simp)) (by simp) but that doesn't matter a lot.

Also it might be worth it to add over.map f ⊣ base_change f into src/category_theory/adjunction/over.lean. Feel free to steal these if you want.

This functor C/* ⥤ C should just be over.forget. The other way C ⥤ C/* is category_theory.star, but we only know that they are adjoint and I don't think we know the equivalence for terminal objects.

Thanks! About the last point - they are equivalent and I have just written up a proof. I will try to get back to you on the other points later

Joseph Hua (Feb 26 2022 at 09:12):

import category_theory.over
import category_theory.polynomial.basic

universes u₀ v₀

noncomputable theory

namespace category_theory

namespace endofunctor
open limits

variables {C : Type u₀} [category.{v₀} C] [has_pullbacks C] [has_terminal C] (X Y: C)

namespace over_terminal

If category `C` has a terminal object then
`C` and `over ⊤_ C` (the overcategory of the terminal object)
are equivalent categories via the forgetful functor.

The inverse to the functor forgetting from the over category of the terminal object.
This leads to an equivalence in `is_equivalence_forget`.
@[simp] def forget_inverse : C  over _ C :=
{ obj := λ X, over.mk (terminal.from X),
    map := λ X Y f, over.hom_mk f (by tidy) }

/-- On objects, the identity on `over ⊤_ C` is equal to the composition with `forget_inverse` -/
@[simp] def unit_iso_obj (X : over _ C) :
  X  (over.forget (_ C)  forget_inverse).obj X :=
eq_to_iso (by {cases X, congr, tidy})

/-- The identity on `over ⊤_ C` is naturally isomorphic to the composition with `forget_inverse` -/
def unit_iso : 𝟭 (over (_ C))  over.forget (_ C)  forget_inverse :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ X, unit_iso_obj X) (by tidy)

/-- The precomposition with the `forget_inverse` is naturally isomorphic to the identity on C -/
def counit_iso : forget_inverse  over.forget (_ C)  𝟭 C :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ X, iso.refl _) (by tidy)

/-- The forgetful functor `over ⊤_ C → C` is an equivalence, with inverse `forget_inverse` -/
def is_equivalence_forget : is_equivalence (over.forget _ C) :=
is_equivalence.mk forget_inverse unit_iso counit_iso

We show that `pullback_functor (terminal.from Y) : C/* ⥤ C/*`
is the same as `Y × - : C ⥤ C`, in the sense that the following

  C/* ⥤ C/*
   |      |
   |      | forget
   V      V
   C  ⥤  C

end over_terminal
end endofunctor
end category_theory

Joseph Hua (Feb 26 2022 at 09:13):

oh i should change it to category.star wait no star doesn't seem like the right thing here aha they are the same thing

Joseph Hua (Feb 26 2022 at 09:14):

oh i see by "dont know" you meant "we don't have it in the library"

Andrew Yang (Feb 26 2022 at 09:18):

Yeah. By we I meant mathlib : )
I think forget_inverse should still be kept since that is the one people think of when considering the functor C ⥤ over ⊤_ C.
And it does not require that C has products. But a natural isomorphism should be useful.

Joseph Hua (Feb 26 2022 at 12:10):

pullback.map is a great idea!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC